Is morality based on fear actually morality? Do right, or burn in hell?
Who said that? Didn't I mention that I'm not sure I even believe in God, much less heaven, hell and the rest?
I'm saying if there's no higher authority to establish it, it's just something we make up. Perhaps the code of morality is enscribed in mile-high letters of fire on a distant planet. Perhaps it's woven into the fabric of the universe, like gravity.
Or perhaps we just make the damned thing up.
I mean, really. When someone tells you a law or rule you think is absurd, isn't your gut reaction to say "who says"? Because if the answer is nobody says - not the cops, not the government, not the Bible, not the neighbors - just no one - you're going to react with "well the heck with THAT". If I think a rule or concept is bogus, unless you can compel me to comply, I'm going to ignore it.
Getting me - or anyone else - to do something I don't want to do has everything to do with consequences. You jump right to "punishment". Not at all. I won't jump off a cliff and pretend I can fly, because I don't want the consequences that await me at the bottom.
But I can absolutely tell you, barely a soul I know will obey a speed limit if it's absolutely clear there will NEVER, EVER, EVER be anyone passing out tickets. People loot during riots and storms because - they don't get caught. I'll say this till I'm blue in the face - if there are no unpleasant consequences for any action, there is no reason on this Earth to NOT do them.
SOMETIMES - the unpleasant consequence is a guilty conscience. You don't steal or kill because you'd feel guilty. You were, however, *taught* that. Your first reaction in life was to take what you wanted and to hit those who stopped you.
Morality without a higher authority, whatever it is, is arbitrary. You can just say no it's not, but this is just logic. For it NOT to be means it's established beyond the will or control of man - which makes my point. Man creates it. If he doesn't, it exists outside his control. That means I can declare anything I want as wrong, sin, unclean or whatever you want.
Because I am making it up. It's wrong to screw someone who isn't your wife - it's ok to screw someone who isn't your wife. People deal with THAT kind of morality all the time.