Child neglect?


Obama destroyed America
Are you just trying to look stupid or does it come naturally? I am saying it is just as dangerous today as it was 40 years ago... not just as safe... you are such a dork...:lol:
Maybe I overlooked your point because I cannot believe that some don't believe it's more dangerous now. :nomoney: :middouche:

:confused: " I think it was the foster parent?"

How do you know the odds weren't what they are now? Because you were equally bombarded with facebook posts of missing kids, cnn news casts 24/7, and 23 channels of true crime tv back 40 years ago? Oh guys had that whole milk carton thing.
See post 124. :coffee:

He should have had kids. :yay::jet:
I don't need kids to have common sense and know right from wrong.. :coffee:


Maybe I overlooked your point because I cannot believe that some don't believe it's more dangerous now. :nomoney: :middouche:

See post 124. :coffee:

I don't need kids to have common sense and know right from wrong.. :coffee:

How about you see post 124 and tell me wth it has to do with anything?


New Member
We cannot let illogical fear keep us from letting children LIVE.
Im not saying leave your kid in the car, what I am saying is..neglect charges? for leaving a nine year old to watch a 2 year old for a little while? While in close proximity to the adults and fully capapble of understanding, dont open the door until I come out? 9 year olds in years past where responsible for a lot more than just one young sibling in much less favorable situations..are 9 year olds dumber these days?

Oh come on. You are not letting your children live by leaving them in a car while you go shopping? You are just being lazy.

If you agree they shouldn't leave the kids in the car, what should they be charged with, or how do you propose to get them not to leave the kids in the car?


New Member
CHILD NEGLECT CASE #13-17707: Charges are pending against two Lusby women who left a nine-year-old boy and a two-year-old girl inside a locked vehicle while they shopped at the Prince Frederick Safeway on March 25 at 3:30 p.m. A concerned citizen called police and reporting seeing the two children alone inside the vehicle. Dep. W. Beisel is handling the case.

SERIOUSLY? A nine year old and a two year old..the weather wasn't hot.. That is crazy. They should have taken the "concerned citizen" down the the station to question them on why they can't mind their own fuc*ing business.

and this is poor reporting on the media's part.... it was not two women... although 1 has a female first name, one of the charged is in fact a male. husband and wife or brother and sister...but it was not 2 women. just for clarity.


Well-Known Member
so what is the age to be left alone in a car that is acceptable to all of you freaking out?

How old does my child have to be before I can allow her/him to be home alone? Under Maryland law, a child must be at least eight years old to be left alone in a house or car. State law also says a child must be at least 13 years old to baby-sit another child. Generally, it is left up to the parent to decide whether a child who is at least eight is mature enough to be home alone. Any time you leave your child alone, be sure the child knows what to do in case of an emergency.

According to Frequently Asked Questions 8 is okay as long as they are not caring for another child. Then they have to be 13. So, this parent most definitely broke the law. Regardless of the law, I still would not leave my 8 year old alone.