Child neglect?


Well-Known Member
That really does not matter when it comes to protecting your child. Let me let my kids stay in the car all alone. There may be double the amount of criminals in the area, but that's okay because there are double the amount of non-criminals as well.

its all about probability

not only are there double the number of noncriminals, there are double the amount of good samaritians, and double the nannies, not to mention a huge increase in police.

BTW, you still havent explained what threat these children were saved from.


Well-Known Member
they are not now, but Im sure they were and will again as soon as they can. you were not raised right so im sure you are teaching your kids the wrong things as well.

Let's personally attack Socki because she wants to keep kids safe. :yay:
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Adopt me please !
Parents can't even spank their kids anymore w/o worrying if someone will report them for child abuse.