Child neglect?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
When is the most recent kidnapping and murder of a child...:confused: Names coming to mind for me are Claudia Pikerall, the girl found in the burning car in Charlotte Hall, Stephanie Roper... and all of them are over 30 years ago.

The Pickeral case was in 1997.


my war
When is the most recent kidnapping and murder of a child...:confused: Names coming to mind for me are Claudia Pikerall, the girl found in the burning car in Charlotte Hall, Stephanie Roper... and all of them are over 30 years ago.

Screw the kidnappers, it's the molesters that are running wild.
I was being facetious. :lol:

The point is that was unheard of 40+ years ago.

Not true at all... when we first moved to this county my mom used to babysit for a a local detective and he specialized in crimes against children. There is nothing different happening today than happened back in the 70s.


Well-Known Member
Not true at all... when we first moved to this county my mom used to babysit for a a local detective and he specialized in crimes against children. There is nothing different happening today than happened back in the 70s.

baja thinks they invented child murder in 2008 when obama was elected :killingme
And some manage pizza joints and have teenage girls as their employees!

And some are never caught and have to register!
Yes... they can be anywhere... which is why we parents need to encourage self-awareness and street smarts rather than complete sheltering.


Yes it really is more dangerous. I may be telling my age here but I remember when there wasn't much more than cornfields around.

235 was a 2 lane highway as was 4 as was 5.
Leonardtown was the big city.
Hardees was the first fast food place above Lex. Park.
The Park was huge because it had a K-mart, a McDonalds and the Belvedere.
Wildewood didn't exist.
None of those shopping centers along 235 existed.
The population was a fraction of what it is now.
You had one or two deputies to patrol the ENTIRE county.
Leonardtown had two cops we called "Town Clowns" and after 10:pm, they were off duty.

yes, it is GREATLY different now than it was then.

I don't think you're making the point you're going for. Just because you've never really lived anywhere else and the population has boomed here in your local yocal town doesn't make it more dangerous :confused: Wildwood being built, extra lanes being added, and a new Target does not mean its more dangerous. Of course it seems like there are more crimes....there's more people.

Things were and always will be better when we were kids. When we were kids we had no idea what crimes were going on because hopefully we were sheltered just as we shelter our hellions.


Dream Stealer
I was being facetious. :lol:

The point is that was unheard of 40+ years ago.

but "unheard" doesn't mean "didn't happen"

the incidence was probably about the same. I do not believe that an average person is capable of that. I believe that the incidence of people ill enough to be capable of that, has likely remained fairly constant throughout time. But now we track individuals better, we have more sophisticated crime solving, we hear about more..a lot of things can explain why the world may seem more dangerous now. But if we look at the entire population of humans, my best bet is that the incidence of serial killers, pedos etc has likely remained the same.

so that leads me back too..this wouldnt have raised an eyebrow years ago..and now there are about 10 pages of people expressing how AWFUL they think it is..what is the difference? Is the answer more likely that there is just now way to much danger in the world? Or is the answer that we are more aware of things? are we smarter now? is the tradeoff for being hyperaware (codelling children, making them believe they are not capable of caring for themselves when a child just a few years ago would have been trusted) worth it? We complain and complain that 20 somethings are moving back in with their parents at alarming rates, that teenagers are incapable of basic survival skills, that a HUGE percentage of our young people have overinflated views of themselves, that older folks have worked for years and years since they were young and now young people want things handed to them .....and yet fail to see how the intense overreaction to a couple kids hanging out in the car for a shopping trip is related.