Chris Benoit


All Up In Your Grill
Tina2001aniT said:
Are you kidding me?? Bobby Cutts, Jr. was a cop and I am sure he did all kinds of wonderful things in his career, maybe we should call him a troubled hero as well???

Exactly. Spud, I understand your sadness, but no hero murders their own wife and child. I thought very highly of Chris Benoit, he was a talented passionate wrestler and kept his nose out of the drama that is the WWE. But I have no respect for a man who would kill not only his wife, but his own flesh and blood, and can make no excuses as to why it would be ok for him to do such a thing.


Taking out trailer trash
nachomama said:
Exactly. Spud, I understand your sadness, but no hero murders their own wife and child. I thought very highly of Chris Benoit, he was a talented passionate wrestler and kept his nose out of the drama that is the WWE. But I have no respect for a man who would kill not only his wife, but his own flesh and blood, and can make no excuses as to why it would be ok for him to do such a thing.
I am not saying it is ok, I jsut cannot really villify him untill all the facts are in. He was an excellent wrestler, and it is sad that if he was having problems no one around him noticed. It scares me.


Well-Known Member
While I understand wrestling's entertainment value, I hope to hell that I raise my child to have heroes that do not smash ladders on people's heads. :shrug:


Taking out trailer trash
sockgirl77 said:
While I understand wrestling's entertainment value, I hope to hell that I raise my child to have heroes that do not smash ladders on people's heads. :shrug:
It is entertainment, I really think it is questionable that kids should watch it these days.Things have gone to s@#$ on there.


Well-Known Member
Spudtrooper said:
It is entertainment, I really think it is questionable that kids should watch it these days.Things have gone to s@#$ on there.
I do not think that my kids will be watching it. I discussed this with their father the last time he paid $40 for PPV. Too much violence and way too much boobs and ass cheeks for any kid to watch.


Taking out trailer trash
sockgirl77 said:
I do not think that my kids will be watching it. I discussed this with their father the last time he paid $40 for PPV. Too much violence and way too much boobs and ass cheeks for any kid to watch.
That is certain, kids under 14 shouldn't be watching that kind of thing. IMO. The women are objects on there and rarely wrestle. Man, I am a sucker for those WWE boobies though.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Spudtrooper said:
it is sad that if he was having problems no one around him noticed.
Spud, when everyone around you has the same problem, who's going to notice? It just seems normal to them.

The wrestlers have to take steroids to acquire and maintain their unnatural physiques. "Roid rage" is so common it's a cliche, and you hear stories all the time about these superstar wrestlers who smack their ##### up. Steve Austin, Lex Luger, Chyna, Jake the Snake...and most wrestlers have an assault arrest or two under their belt.

These people are not heroes. They are merely professional athletes.


I know nothing
Spudtrooper said:
I've been watching CNN all morning and they have not confirmed it as true. It will take time to investigate. I'm having a hard time with this myself. He doesn't fit the profile of a family annihilater. It is very hard for me to wrap my brian around it. They are saying there was no sign of gun shot wounds. Men almost always use guns. It is just not adding up to me.

Most men arent built like him either.

The damage he can do with just his bare hands, is more than enough.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
sockgirl77 said:
I do not think that my kids will be watching it. I discussed this with their father the last time he paid $40 for PPV. Too much violence and way too much boobs and ass cheeks for any kid to watch.
Yeah, my son was a huge wrestling fan in the 80's and early 90's, when it was more about the wrestling. He was in his late teens by the time they started the bimbo parade and sexual themes. I wouldn't have let him watch the current wrestling storylines.


Taking out trailer trash
Well like I said the WWE has a zero tolerence policy now on drug use. I do not think that was the issue here. Maybe we will never know. Kids see many athletes as heros. I am not saying I agree with that, but it happens. These wrestlers are trained professionals, same as any other athlete.


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Yeah, my son was a huge wrestling fan in the 80's and early 90's, when it was more about the wrestling. He was in his late teens by the time they started the bimbo parade and sexual themes. I wouldn't have let him watch the current wrestling storylines.
I watch Hulk Hogan and Randy "Machoman" Savage back in the day. They used to have a cartoon on. But, it was way different back then.


Lilypad said:
Think you mighta hit on something there!
Famous Wrestlers That Have Died Since 1985 Before the Age of 51-
Chris Von Erich - 21
Mike Von Erich - 23
Louie Spiccoli - 27
Art Barr - 28
Gino Hernandez - 29
Jay Youngblood - 30
Rick McGraw - 30
Joey Marella - 30
Ed Gatner - 31
Buzz Sawyer - 32
Crash Holly - 32
Kerry Von Erich - 33
D.J. Peterson - 33
Eddie Gilbert - 33
The Renegade - 33
Owen Hart - 33
Chris Candido - 33
Adrian Adonis - 34
Gary Albright - 34
Bobby Duncum Jr. - 34
Yokozuna - 34
Big Dick Dudley - 34
Brian Pillman - 35
Marianna Komlos - 35
Pitbull #2 - 36
The Wall/Malice - 36
Leroy Brown - 38
Mark Curtis - 38
Eddie Guerrero - 38
Davey Boy Smith - 39
Johnny Grunge - 39
Vivian Vachon - 40
Jeep Swenson - 40
Brady Boone - 40
Terry Gordy - 40
Bertha Faye - 40
Billy Joe Travis - 40
Larry Cameron - 41
Rick Rude - 41
Randy Anderson - 41
Bruiser Brody - 42
Miss Elizabeth - 42
Big Boss Man - 42
Earthquake - 42
Mike Awesome - 42
Ray Candy - 43
Dino Bravo - 44
Curt Hennig - 44
Bam Bam Bigelow - 45
Jerry Blackwell - 45
Junkyard Dog - 45
Hercules - 45
Andre the Giant - 46
Big John Studd - 46
Chris Adams - 46
Mike Davis - 46
Hawk - 46
Dick Murdoch - 49
Jumbo Tsuruta - 49
Rocco Rock - 49
Sherri Martel - 49
Moondog Spot - 51

Wow, I didn't realize so many wrestlers have died :bawl:
Did most on this list die from Steroids? I met Big John Studd when I was in third grade, he was walking in front of my family when we were in line to view the Christmas Tree in front of the White House.


Look my ass glows!
vraiblonde said:
Yeah, my son was a huge wrestling fan in the 80's and early 90's, when it was more about the wrestling. He was in his late teens by the time they started the bimbo parade and sexual themes. I wouldn't have let him watch the current wrestling storylines.
I got to agree w/you on this vrai-wrestling is of little value both for kids and adults-it is truly amazing the fan base though. Wrestling has been prostituted to the point it is disgraceful-the latest with Vince McMahon faking his death was outrageous at best.


This Space for Rent
I think this is not from steroid use but Benoit's inability to come to grips with his latent homosexuality.


Taking out trailer trash
vraiblonde said:
How about now? :popcorn:
That you can be so pompous about a man that killed his family, yes you were right, yes he did do it, yes he is now not the man people thought he was. I sure hope you never experience real tragedy in your personal life. I don't think could handle it. Are you happy now?


Taking out trailer trash
vraiblonde said:
I'm always happy when the truth comes out and the delusional are put in their rightful place.
Well screw me for wanting to see that maybe there was some hope that he didn't freaking murder his family. You are a bitter person. Your world must be so bleak and sad.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Spudtrooper said:
Well screw me for wanting to see that maybe there was some hope that he didn't freaking murder his family. You are a bitter person. Your world must be so bleak and sad.
Yeah, you were all big and bad busting on me for things you don't know a damn thing about.

Turns out you don't know much about anything, eh?