Chris Benoit


Spudtrooper said:
Well screw me for wanting to see that maybe there was some hope that he didn't freaking murder his family. You are a bitter person. Your world must be so bleak and sad.

Socki will give you a shoulder to cry on. :poorbaby:


Taking out trailer trash
vraiblonde said:
Yeah, you were all big and bad busting on me for things you don't know a damn thing about.

Turns out you don't know much about anything, eh?
You didn't know a damn thing either. You are doing nothing but proving to everyone that you are a couthless hag. His wife and kid are dead. Show some compassion. Yes, I thought it was possible he didn't do such a thing. Big freaking deal. You are warped.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
These people are not heroes. They are merely professional athletes.

...happen to work in perhaps the most demanding, least forgiving, cold and heartless sport there is.

Most of these guys are on the road all the time, not just a 'season'. You're hurt? Go wrestle. Sick? Wrestle. Can't get in the ring? You're not getting paid.

It's a brutal business.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Spudtrooper said:
You didn't know a damn thing either. You are doing nothing but proving to everyone that you are a couthless hag. His wife and kid are dead. Show some compassion. Yes, I thought it was possible he didn't do such a thing. Big freaking deal. You are warped. can upset about this but she didn't off her family. If he did this he's far
more than warped.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
Tough ####. He chose his profession. I didn't it mean to sound like an excuse. If this is true, next will be the book about Benoit full of all the azzhats who just can believe he did it and then they'll say 'but I could tell something wasn't right...'


Taking out trailer trash
vraiblonde said:
You're the one running your big mouth without having a clue, and *I'm* warped???

That's pretty good.
Well I suppose the people on these boards can decide for themselves. They know about you.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Spudtrooper said:
Well I suppose the people on these boards can decide for themselves. They know about you.

...and she's not alleged to have killed her family and herself. If Benoit did this, your anger ought to be directed at him, not someone calling a spade a spade.


Taking out trailer trash
Larry Gude said:
...and she's not alleged to have killed her family and herself. If Benoit did this, your anger ought to be directed at him, not someone calling a spade a spade.
My anger is at a hypocrite that calls Benoit eveil yet can post on here defending a chil molester. That is where the anger is.