Cindy Sheehan


Bruzilla said:
What the heck ever happened to the sedition laws we used to have in this country? Our parents used to lock up goons like this during WWII.

Because anyone who flinches in the general direction of this b¡tch is going to be swarmed by the ravening salivating media like a swarm of killer ####ing bees.


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Super Genius
If you thought Cindy Sheehan was :crazy: before, check this out!
"You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism," Sheehan declares.

Sheehan, who is asking for a second meeting with President Bush, says defiantly: "My son was killed in 2004. I am not paying my taxes for 2004. You killed my son, George Bush, and I don't owe you a give my son back and I'll pay my taxes. Come after me (for back taxes) and we'll put this war on trial."

"And now I'm going to use another 'I' word - impeachment - because we cannot have these people pardoned. They need to be tried on war crimes and go to jail."


Methodically disorganized
ylexot said:
"And now I'm going to use another 'I' word - impeachment - because we cannot have these people pardoned. They need to be tried on war crimes and go to jail."
Now... my recollection of history may not be as sharp as it should be... but wasn't the war begun with the approval of Congress, as in accordance with the Constitution? And wasn't there, like, a plethora of violated U.N. resolutions? :confused:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
hvp05 said:
Now... my recollection of history may not be as sharp as it should be... but wasn't the war begun with the approval of Congress, as in accordance with the Constitution? And wasn't there, like, a plethora of violated U.N. resolutions? :confused:
Don't cloud the issue up with the facts, she hates Bush and she knows he killed her son. Bogart is right, her every breath does disservice to all that have fallen ensuring our safety.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
:whew: What a nut. Of course, she can probably do whatever she wants at this point because she's become such a lightening rod for left-wing wackadoodles that she is above the law.


Methodically disorganized
vraiblonde said:
Of course, she can probably do whatever she wants at this point because she's become such a lightening rod for left-wing wackadoodles that she is above the law.
I'm just waiting for the "Bush administration burning in effigy" display. :rolleyes:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Hey Dixie, if you have such a conviction in what you believe why don't you sign your karma? The only morons out here recently are you, Ms. Sheehan and the rest of the useless followers clutching onto her coat tails. Keep up your effort to raise the hope and expectations of the insurgents that are actually the ones doing the killing :peace:

I bet you thought you were safe in the shadows slithering around like the slug you are.


Methodically disorganized
"Why wouldn't you sit next to Rosa Parks if you were white. The only justification sitting next to her would be if you were black? How about sitting next to her because she was right."

I got my own red today. :lol: If I was white and sat next to her it would not be a protest because whites were already allowed in the front of the bus. The protest was based on the fact that she was black. And I did say "she was righteous and justified".

Dear Anonymous, how about grading me on the actual point of the post?
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's going to piss me off if I keep hearing people compare this psychotic nutball to Rosa Parks.


Ken King said:
Hey Dixie, if you have such a conviction in what you believe why don't you sign your karma? The only morons out here recently are you, Ms. Sheehan and the rest of the useless followers clutching onto her coat tails. Keep up your effort to raise the hope and expectations of the insurgents that are actually the ones doing the killing :peace:

I bet you thought you were safe in the shadows slithering around like the slug you are.

Gee, my bad pond scum.


Larry Gude

Strung Out

hvp05 said:
Now... my recollection of history may not be as sharp as it should be... but wasn't the war begun with the approval of Congress, as in accordance with the Constitution? And wasn't there, like, a plethora of violated U.N. resolutions? :confused:

And this DOES NOT exist either:

Wonder how she feels about all the troops, the drafted troops, FDR and Kennedy and LBJ and Nixon sent off to die?


Gee... now she's an expert of Middle Eastern politics... what an amazing woman. I guess no one told her that the whole Palestinian issue was cooked up by the Arab League when they decided to prohibit the emigration of anyone from the region to any Arab country, thus creating a pressure cooker designed to keep pressure on Israel???

I for one have no sympathy for anyone killed or wounded in combat, or for their families. Every servicemember knows going in that they're going to be in the business of fighting, and that their lives are at risk. If they choose to take up that challenge, as I did, then along with the pay and benefits you also accept the chance that you might be called upon to take lives and give up your own for the cause. They are an expendable weapon, that can be expended to further American objectives, and if that doesn't sit well with them then they shouldn't volunteer in the first place.

I agree with Vrai that it makes no difference whether your son dies in combat or whil delivering a pizza. Yes, it sucks for the family, but you more on. If this woman wants to know why her son died, send her an autopsey picture of her son with notes saying "bullets entered here" and "blood drained out here."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
If this woman wants to know why her son died, send her an autopsey picture of her son with notes saying "bullets entered here" and "blood drained out here."
Oh dear.

I do have sympathy for them because, even though they know the score going in, 99.99999% of all military personnel will finish their enlistment without incident, so it's still unusual to lose a service member. It's more dangerous to drive a vehicle than to be a soldier.

And THAT, I think, is what the Cindy Sheehans of the world don't take into consideration.


Well-Known Member
Bruzilla said:
Gee... now she's an expert of Middle Eastern politics... what an amazing woman.
Yeah, I read that part where she claims if we just got Israel out of the West Bank and us out of Iraq, the terrorism threat would end.

Of course, BEFORE Israel ever entered the West Bank, tens of thousands of Arabs tried to erase them from the planet - repeatedly.

Of course, before we were ever IN Iraq, we were attacked on 9/11 - and many many times PRIOR to that.

Before all of that - well, let's just say that countries like Turkey, Ireland, England, France, Germany, Russia, Japan - they've *NEVER* experienced terrorism, right? None of THEIR attacks had anything to do with al-Qaeda or Iraq or Palestine.

Terrorism isn't just about Palestine and Iraq. It's about someone with very limited power willing to threaten and kill to get what they want. (I'm waiting for the next big reason why we should capitulate to the North Koreans' version of terrorism.)

Now, as Americans, we do have a healthy amount of self-recrimination - that voice that says maybe we SHOULD have done things differently. That's good. It's a far cry from the self-LOATHING from the far left, who too frequently decries the United States as the worst in everything. While it MIGHT be patriotic to critque something, it's decidedly UNpatriotic to openly loathe it.

But there's a line where self-recrimination just ENDS, or at least it should. I mean, if some punk threatened to kill your dog unless your daughter went out on a date with him - most of us would have the cojones to kick his ass if he tried. So when when some thug tries the same stunt on a larger scale - why do so many want to surrender, blame themselves (well, their country - no one on the left blames THEMSELVES) and capitulate?

I can't tell you how much I HATE this whiney, we're SOOO wrong, please don't hurt us tell us what you want and please leave us alone attitude. If someone theatens you like that, you fight back. I just can't comprehend the attitude that says just give them what they want and maybe they'll go away. Because MY EXPERIENCE has always been, once you cave in, they'll be back with more demands. I mean, why WORK for something when you can threaten and get it for nothing?


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Oh dear.

I do have sympathy for them because, even though they know the score going in, 99.99999% of all military personnel will finish their enlistment without incident, so it's still unusual to lose a service member. It's more dangerous to drive a vehicle than to be a soldier.

And THAT, I think, is what the Cindy Sheehans of the world don't take into consideration.
Like Natalee before her (and still) - when will the news media just let it drop? Who really cares anymore?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
Yeah, I read that part where she claims if we just got Israel out of the West Bank and us out of Iraq, the terrorism threat would end.
If we wait long enough, she'll go through the whole litany of "progressive" causes and complaints.

I'm waiting for her to get to abortion. Oh, the irony.