Climate Hypocrisy


PREMO Member
These people would rather freeze to death than burn wood to stay warm. Tweets don't say how they warm they're homes.

The Climate Wackos should put up or shut up ... Move to some place like Central Asia or Africa and for go ALL access to OIL based Economy / Products

you hand dig the Iron Ore to forge the plow to till the land


PREMO Member

Not-So-Scary Truth About Climate Change

United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry says it will take trillions of dollars to "solve" climate change. Then he says, "There is not enough money in any country in the world to actually solve this problem."

Kerry has little understanding of money or how it's created. He's a multimillionaire because he married a rich woman. Now he wants to take more of your money to pretend to affect climate change.

Bjorn Lomborg points out that there are better things society should spend money on.


"As temperatures go up, we're likely to see more people die from heat. That's absolutely true. You hear this all the time. But what is underreported is the fact that nine times as many people die from cold. ... As temperatures go up, you're going to see fewer people die from cold. Over the last 20 years, because of temperature rises, we have seen about 116,000 more people die from heat. But 283,000 fewer people die from cold."

That's rarely reported in the news.

When the media doesn't fret over deaths from heat, they grab at other possible threats.

CNN claims, "Climate Change is Fueling Extremism."

The BBC says, "A Shifting Climate is Catalysing Infectious Disease."

U.S. News and World Report says, "Climate Change will Harm Children's Mental Health."


PREMO Member

To Combat Climate Change, Humans Must Stop... Breathing? Really?

Just when you thought it was safe to start... breathing... again?

Breathing, yes, is essential. Essential as in "you can't live without breathing." But now, apparently, astoundingly, amazingly, humans breathing in and out is contributing to climate change. Yes, really.

Whether it's eating less meat or cycling instead of driving, humans can do many things to help prevent climate change.
Unfortunately, breathing less isn't one of them.
That might be a problem, as a new study claims the gases in air exhaled from human lungs is fueling global warming.
Methane and nitrous oxide in the air we exhale makes up to 0.1 per cent of the UK's greenhouse gas emissions, scientists say.
And that's not even accounting for the gas we release from burps and farts, or emissions that come from our skin without us noticing.

Oh, for crying out loud. Did someone spend money and time studying this? What if their conclusions are accurate? What if their hypothesis, confirmed, shows irrefutably that, yes, human breathing in and out really is heating the planet, what do they suggest we do about it? Stop breathing?


It's not enough that we're supposed to phase out fossil fuels, and in so doing essentially phase out our modern technological lifestyle. It's not enough that we're supposed to lend credence to the mouthings of a guy who hasn't been right about one prediction he's breathlessly made in the last thirty years. It's not enough that we are supposed to let unelected bureaucrats place unquestioned limits on how much we are allowed to move about. It's not even enough that we're supposed to put up with climate nutters defacing public buildings, with the apparent aim to do... what? Who knows?

All that's not enough? Now we're supposed to worry about our breathing and farting?

Here's the thing I'd like to see these people answer: Who are we to determine what the Earth’s “correct” temperature range is? That seems a lot like hubris to me. This little blue-green sphere is a tad over four and a half billion years old. Through most of that time, it’s been a lot warmer than it is now. As recently as the Eocene, maybe the Oligocene, there were no polar ice caps. In the more recent interglacials, global temps were higher than now. During the Roman occupation of Britain, the Roman occupiers (yes, the historical lands of white people were once colonized as well) kept vineyards that would not survive today’s British climate.


PREMO Member

Seizing Private Land Is Next Step in Fight Against Climate Change

“With current siting practices, an area the size of Texas is required to accommodate the wind and solar infrastructure we need to reach nationwide net-zero emissions by 2050,” said Katharine Hayhoe, chief scientist of The Nature Conservancy (TNC), a renewable energy advocate.

Reaching the goal of net-zero carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 2050 would require consuming more than 250,000 square miles, or 160 million acres, of land, according to TNC’s May report.

However, the authors are optimistic that land consumption could be reduced to an area the size of Arizona if the renewable industry follows TNC’s “impact reduction” procedures.

These grand schemes are being held up by the fact that 70 percent, or 1.3 billion acres, of the land in the contiguous 48 states is currently privately owned, and its owners often refuse to allow solar panels, wind turbines, power lines, and carbon pipelines to be installed.


A 2020 report by Vanderbilt Law School faculty J.B. Ruhl and James Salzman states that “the multi-faceted infrastructure goals of the Green New Deal will be impossible to achieve in the desired timeframes if the existing federal, state, and local siting and environmental protection statutory regimes are applied.”

“Business, labor, property rights, environmental protection, and social justice interests will use them to grind the Green New Deal to a snail’s pace,” the report reads.

“This Essay is a call to arms for the need to design New Green Laws for the Green New Deal.”

The authors advocate for “more streamlined, top-down, preemptive processes, as well as extensive use of eminent domain powers” to speed the development of wind and solar projects.

In line with this view, Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co., America’s largest bank, said in an April letter to shareholders that governments, corporations, and nongovernmental organizations must unite behind a “massive global investment in clean energy technologies.”
“We may even need to evoke eminent domain,” he wrote.

This belief is resonating with government officials, both at the federal level and also within left-leaning states.

In November, the Democrat-controlled Michigan Legislature passed a law that aims to take the control of land use from local communities and give it to state officials for renewable energy projects.

According to Michigan’s new law, permits for solar farms with a capacity of 50 megawatts or more; wind facilities with 100 megawatts or more; and energy storage facilities with a capacity of 50 megawatts or more and a discharge capacity of 200 megawatts or more will now be under the control of the Michigan Public Service Commission.

This will remove the impediment of local resistance to large-scale renewable energy projects.

According to a statement from Michigan state Sen. John Damoose, a Republican who opposed the law, those who pushed it “knew communities wouldn’t want to be packed full of wind farms and solar panels, so they had to introduce more bills that give the state the power to overrule local communities.”


PREMO Member

Mark Zuckerberg Building Top-Secret Hawaii Doomsday-Bunker With Blast-Resistant Door

A Wired investigation reveals Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is building a massive underground bunker with a "blast-resistant door" to survive the end times.

For years, Zuckerberg has added hundreds of acres to his controversial 1,500-acre ranch in Kauai, Hawaii. Much of that has been known, but now new planning documents reveal a "5,000-square-foot underground shelter" equipped with "own energy and food supplies" is being constructed, according to the tech blog, citing public planning documents obtained through public records requests.

Detailed planning documents obtained by WIRED through a series of public record requests show the makings of an opulent techno-Xanadu, complete with underground shelter and what appears to be a blast-resistant door. -Wired

On the surface, the estate, also called "Koolau Ranch," will have two central mansions joined by a tunnel connected to the underground bunker.

Building documents also showed the compound would be self-sufficient, with its own power generation, food supplies, and a 55-foot-diameter and 18-foot-tall water tank.

Wired noted, "Building permits put the price tag for the main construction at around $100 million, in addition to $170 million in land purchases, but this is likely an underestimate."

If Melting Polar Ice and Global Climate Warming Change is a problem, why is Zuckerberg building a compound on an Island


I would be constructing a compound in Wyoming not a Island or Coastal Area


PREMO Member

The Epic Bullshit of Catastrophic Climate Change

I am on RFKJr’s campaign mailing list, probably through Children’s Health Defence and they asked me for money, and I said sure, just as soon as he fixes the catastrophe he caused in the province where I live.

Got a message back!

It read, “Elizabeth, I am sure Robert would fix whatever harm he caused, can you explain?”

No problem, I said.


07. RFK Jr came in under River Keepers and supercharged the protest. His celebrity and glamour made the protest major international news. I was in London, I heard about it. More kids joined the protest. And then more and more. Until the government caved. Would it have happened without his presence? I do not think so. He gave very young people who had no access to power, nor any hope of it, ever, a very heady hit of significance and their lives took on huge huge meaning. For many it remains the high point of their lives. Because for the province, it was all downhill from there. All promise vanished and a grinding slow growth followed.

08. Over the ensuing ten years, cutting was diminished and heavy regulation covered the rest. By 2002, written regulations piled on top of each other stood seven feet high, taller than a man.

09. Forested communities died.

10. 100,000 families lost their livelihood.

11. Resource jobs have huge multipliers, not only forested towns died, so did regional metropolitan centers. Greens, replete with success, hit other resource industries – mining, ranching - which died. More families bankrupted.

12. They were told to go into tourism.


15. The government needed money.

16. Casinos provided it.

17. Asian cartels – you cannot imagine how violent they are - moved in and used the casinos to launder most of the drug money from North America. They bribed immigration, they bribed city government, they threatened anyone who tried to stand in their way.

18. They were so successful, human trafficking and child sex trafficking shot up. We have the second largest port on the west coast of North and South America. Through it streams container loads of drugs and trafficked children and women. At the port, you just stand aside, if you want to live. You think most of the fentanyl comes in through Mexico? Nope. It comes in through us.

19. The cartels do pay taxes. You think Black Rock is bad? These guys kill if they don’t get what they want. They are buying every business they can, to launder money through. The cartels also launder money through real estate in the city. That means housing is insanely expensive and property taxes are sky high. Canadians can’t afford to buy houses or live in the ones they own. A family making a median income has to pay 100% of income to buy a median priced house.

20. Crime is a) a driver of the economy and b) a principal source of government revenue.

21. Green has destroyed the province.

And that, I am afraid, is what celebrities do. It is why they are so hated, and one of the reason Hollywood is dying. They destroy the lives of ordinary men and women, and then move on to greater heights. Their lives are so privileged, they have absolutely no idea how people make money. And RFKJr, mind-numbingly privileged from birth, is the same. When asked about climate change, he says it’s happening but taxes won’t work. “Regenerative agriculture” he says, vaguely. It is true, regenerative agriculture could capture a lot of carbon, the amount debatable but it has promise. But cutting regulation? He has no, zero, absolutely no idea of how regulation punishes the non-elites. His is a black hole of ignorance and that is common; a majority have zero idea. Zero.


PREMO Member

Six-figure eco king who is in the EIGHTH GRADE: 13-year-old earns $240,000 a year from sustainability company

  • Kaeden Patel meets business partner daily in virtual reality
  • Launched Sustainability Squad business by himself

Kaeden Patel is like any teenager - he loves video games, sports and eating too much candy.

But unlike most boys his age, the 13-year-old makes a six-figure salary after starting up his own company.

The entrepreneur - and his 11-year-old business partner- launched a eco education company that teaches children about how they can help save the planet.

Kaeden now has to be home-schooled because he spreads his time between Canada, London and New York, attending conferences and meeting clients.

But he still makes time for daily meetings with his business partner Vasco Connor, 11, who is from Singapore.

The two have never actually met, and instead conduct their business meetings via avatars using virtual reality headsets.

Their company, the Sustainable Squad, aims is to advance sustainability education among children, with 12 cartoon characters aiming to educate children about green issues, offering children VR lessons in sustainability. They also make their money through sales of branded merchandise.



PREMO Member

Energy experts bash John Kerry's UN deal to shut down fossil fuels

"While diplomats are fearmongering about projected minuscule temperature changes, billions of men, women and children around the world would rejoice at the opportunity to enjoy reliable electricity that fossil fuels provide," American Energy Institute CEO Jason Isaac told Fox News Digital.

"Lunatics with the U.N. are inhumanely attempting to bribe countries into phasing out fossil fuels but [have] no realistic means for replacing the products and energy those hydrocarbons produce," he continued. "Meanwhile, the Biden administration turns a blind eye to Iranian oil sanction and the spigot is flowing right to China, which is now refining the products that move the world: diesel and jet fuel."

Isaac added that the COP28 agreement ultimately "won’t be worth the paper it’s printed on" given the history of nations failing to meet other U.N. climate objectives and agreements.

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry, who led the U.S. delegation at the summit, applauded the agreement for delivering a significant piece of "climate action."


PREMO Member

Grid Watchdog Warns That Dems’ Climate Agenda Could Put Large Swaths Of US At ‘Elevated Risk’ For Blackouts

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s (NERC) “2023 Long Term Reliability Assessment” report finds that New Englanders and nearly every American living west of the Mississippi River faces elevated or high risks of blackouts in the long-term. The report identifies the premature closure of coal- and gas-fired power plants as a key reason for the risks to reliability, especially as peak demand is growing while green energy generation sources have struggled to prove they can adequately replace fossil fuel-fired capacity.

Customers in the Midwest Independent System Operator (MISO) region, which spans much of the Midwest, face the worst risks of a shortage. The MISO grid faces elevated blackout risks during normal peak conditions, according to the NERC report.

Other regions, such as the West Coast, Southwest and New England, face shortage risks under extreme conditions.



PREMO Member

Mark Zuckerberg Building Top-Secret Hawaii Doomsday-Bunker With Blast-Resistant Door

A Wired investigation reveals Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is building a massive underground bunker with a "blast-resistant door" to survive the end times.

What the Hell Is Going on with Zuckerberg's Hawaii Supervillain Lair?

According to Kali, Zuck's compound "leaves a mark that's hard to reconcile with nature's blueprint. A bridge over what was once unspoiled river. Clear-cut forests paint a different picture of 'protection.'" His feed is a fascinating read, including tidbits about a smaller-scale "bunker" being built on nearby Maui by none other than Oprah Winfrey.

A report claims that Dr. No's new underground facility includes "a mechanical space secured by a robust blast-resistant concrete and steel door."

More from Housing:

Beyond its opulent facade, Koolau Ranch is designed to function as a self-sufficient space, ready to withstand global catastrophes. The compound is envisioned to house a minimum of 30 bedrooms and 30 bathrooms, supplemented by guest houses and a cluster of 11 treehouses interconnected by rope bridges. It is packed with security measures, encompassing keypad locks, soundproofing and concealed doors, while an extensive camera network ensures surveillance.

If you were looking for a place to ride out the apocalypse — nuclear, biological, zombie, angry villagers — this would be the place to do it. $270 million — and counting — is enough to make you wonder if he's correct to worry about all four.


PREMO Member

‘Americans Like It’: Fox Business Host Cuts Off Buttigieg When He Claims No One Will Drive Gas-Powered Cars

Buttigieg said the sales of EVs have reached a new record by tripling in sales, and added the goal is for about the same number of EVs to be sold as gas-powered ones by the end of the 2020s.

“I don’t know a lot of people who think that Americans in 2050 are still gonna be driving that old technology, that combustion technology that we inherited in the 20th century,” Buttigieg said.

“Americans like it,” Asman interjected.

“The big question is—” Buttigieg continued.

“Americans like it,” the Fox Business anchor repeated.

“Well, no, you’re not gonna meet a lot of people who ever go back on after they’ve gone electric, and I think that really tells us something,” Buttigieg said. “That the lower maintenance, the fact that it cost less to maintain, the fact that they break down less—”


PREMO Member

Al Gore: Without Climate Action, ‘We Could Lose Our Capacity for Self-Governance’

Gore said, “The scientist who has warned us of these mega-storms and the floods and mudslides and droughts and the ice melting and the sea level rising and the storms getting stronger and the tropical diseases and climate and migrants crossing international borders in large numbers. They were dead right when they warned us about this, and so we need to pay more attention to them now.”

He continued, “Here is one thing they say: if we don’t take action, there could be as many as 1 billion climate refugees crossing international borders in the next several decades. Well, a few million have contributed to this wave of populist authoritarianism and dictatorships and so forth. What would a billion do? We can’t do this. We could lose our capacity for self-governance.”

Gore added, “Already, we’ve seen people driven from the places they’ve always called home, and we’re seeing an expansion of areas in the world that are physiologically unlivable now because of the combination of heat and humidity. They’re relatively small areas now, but if we don’t act, they will expand to include most of India, large parts of Northern and South America, the Philippines, Indonesia, Pakistan, the list goes on. The survival of our civilization is at stake. And it sounds dire, but it is dire.”

Just Stop OIL will kill 6 billion people in the 1st year of banning the use of fossil fuel ... how is that going to affect borders and migration

Day 1 – no more mining of coal; the world’s oil wells shut down; the world’s gas fields likewise. The first to feel the change would be gas users.

Gas stocks held above ground are typically not that high. So the UK would quite quickly, say in 10 or 15 days, have to turn off its gas distribution system as it would be unable to maintain pressure.

This would mean in turn that the domestic supply would be shut down too – gas would stop flowing, and some 21 million households (74pc of the population) would no longer have heating, hot water, and cooking facilities. In their panic, people might turn to electricity for their cooking and heating, but wait…

The UK electricity grid relies on natural gas as its “buffer” energy source. Every day, demand varies according to consumer demand, and the other main energy supplier, renewables, are highly variable and can only power the grid when gas is picking up the lion’s share of the gap between their output and consumer demand.

So the moment that the main gas distribution system is de-pressurised, the grid-balancing system fails and power cuts ensue.

It is impossible to gauge how extensive these power cuts would be, but the grid would be so seriously compromised, possibly fatally, that they may be widespread and permanent.

Electricity demand would have rocketed through the switch to electric space heating, cooking and water-heating, and so it seems very likely that the sudden excess demand would be undeliverable, and therefore that the grid would spiral into uncontrollability.

No electricity means no communication systems – no mobiles, no TV, and no running water. With no power and no heating, vulnerable people start to die.

Initially just the elderly in their own homes, then in hospitals when the diesel back-up generators run out of fuel, but then new existential problems emerge for ordinary people in the form of food availability and distribution.

Day 25 – I’m probably being generous with the timing here, but diesel and petrol are likely to have run out by day 25. This means that food distribution would fail, and so the population, most of which are entirely dependent on bought food, begin to starve.

In dire national emergencies, international help is often forthcoming, but in this case, this scenario is taking place, in largely identical ways and timing, across the developed and developing world. Only isolated rural communities, agriculturally self-sufficient, would be relatively unaffected. So no international rescue mission.

Day 50
– in the urban world, many people would be near death from starvation. In the 50 days since the ending of fossil fuel supply, law and order would have broken down, and I suspect that mass conflict and slaughter would have been taking place with the increasingly desperate search for the means of survival.

But disease would be on the rampage too, with no power, no water supply and no sewage flow, so cholera, dysentery and all the other Victorian diseases of crowding would take over.

Day 100
– just three months or so since the world just stopped oil – my guess is that around half of the world’s population (say four billion people) would be dead. The first to die would be the urban poor; then the middle and upper classes, with money and status becoming increasingly irrelevant with the passage of time.

The survivors would be largely rural, able to live off local agricultural produce, or live off dwindling food stocks.

Accessing food and safe water for urban dwellers (about 55pc of the 2023 world population) would be nigh-on impossible, as all the normal distribution routes for food would have failed, and storage facilities (chillers/freezers) would also have failed without electricity.

Pumped water would be unavailable, so access to clean water would be close to impossible.

Day 365
– perhaps a further two billion people would have starved or frozen to death, leaving, say, two billion left alive; remaining food stocks would have been exhausted or spoiled, and the inevitable breakdown of law and order would have meant many would meet a violent end.

Competition for scarce resources, so elegantly solved by the invention of markets and prices, would be replaced by murder and mayhem. The means to reverse the just stop oil experiment would have gone, and the future of humans on the planet would be as insecure as at any time in human history.

The mass extinction would have robbed societies of their cultures, education and survival techniques. A new dark age would ensue.


PREMO Member

More nature emojis could be better for biodiversity

A team of conservation biologists from Italy recently found that current emoji options are sorely lacking when it comes to life outside of vertebrates in the animal kingdom. Sure, there are multiple dog and cat options to choose from. But when it comes to fungi, for example, the choices are limited ... to one.


Why scientists want you to have a tardigrade emoji

Scientists believe that a more diverse range of emojis can help document biodiversity and conservation efforts.

Their research, published Monday in the journal iScience, highlights what they called a bias in biodiversity research.

The study found that animals are better represented on Emojipedia, compared with plants, fungi and other organisms.

Though humans tend to have more empathy for living things that are closer to them, the results were concerning, Ficetola said. With people constantly on their phones, the scientists said, ensuring the emoji biodiversity of animals and organisms helps create awareness about unknown species — and efforts to save them.

“Communication is the first step. If people are aware that organisms exist, they start to appreciate them. And it’s much easier to communicate the importance of conserving them,” said Ficetola, a professor in environmental science and policy at the University of Milan.


PREMO Member

Buttigieg: Americans Won’t Be Driving ‘Old’ Gas-Powered Cars in 2050

Buttigieg said, “[T]he share of EVs has been dramatically increasing every single year, and that’s continuing. Now, our goal is, by the end of this decade, to be about half-and-half. We think that that can and will happen. But what isn’t guaranteed is, first of all, is that EV revolution going to continue to be made in America? During the Trump administration, China really built a major advantage on EVs. But as somebody who comes from the industrial Midwest, sees how the auto industry creates so much by way of livelihoods where I come from and really around the country, I’m much more excited about the jobs being created on U.S. soil, and that doesn’t just happen. We’ve got to make sure that the U.S. leads the way as this technology changes. I don’t know a lot of people who think that Americans in 2050 are still going to be driving that old technology, that combustion technology that we inherited from the 20th century.”

Host David Asman cut in to say, “Americans like it.”

Buttigieg responded, “Well, no, you’re not going to meet a lot of people who ever go back after they’ve got electric, and I think that really tells you something. That shows you that the lower maintenance, the fact that it costs less to maintain, the fact that they break down [with] less frequency, and the cost savings that you get by not having to buy gas or diesel are I think why you almost never meet somebody who has an EV who says, I want to back to the old technology.”

Get out of your ECHO CHAMBER


PREMO Member
As the failed predictions pile up, climate experts appear to be more cautious in making their predictions too specific. The current general consensus among climate change proponents is that weather events such as droughts and storms will become more prevalent or intense.

The recently released short-form report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns that unless carbon emissions are cut drastically and promptly, the planet will warm roughly an additional 1.1 to 2.4 degrees Celsius by 2100. That would lead to “high” or “very high” risk of wildfire damage, permafrost degradation, biodiversity loss, dryland water scarcity, and tree mortality on the land, and loss of warm-water corals in the sea. Most of the severe risks are asserted with moderate or low confidence, meaning that underlying evidence is lacking or inconclusive.

The full IPCC report hasn’t been released yet.

One of the most famous climate experts, Michael Mann, criticized the IPCC for being “overly conservative” in predicting catastrophic consequences of climate change, “including ice sheet collapse, sea level rise, and the rise in extreme weather events,” Inside Climate News reported.

However, it’s been exactly these kinds of bold predictions that have undermined experts’ credibility in the past.

Environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg has collected some such failed predictions in his book, “False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet.” Geologist and electrical engineer Tony Heller, who frequently criticizes what he considers fraud in current mainstream climate research, has made it a recurring theme of his climate science blog to point out failed and dubious predictions.

Examples are plentiful, stretching back almost a century.



Well-Known Member
If Melting Polar Ice and Global Climate Warming Change is a problem, why is Zuckerberg building a compound on an Island


I would be constructing a compound in Wyoming not a Island or Coastal Area
Who says he didn't? It's just much more obvious when someone does it on a relatively small island full of rich and entitled people.

But if he spent $290M on a bunker in Hawaii, he probably spent 1/10 as much on a couple of bunkers around the country.

Global sea rise? Go to Wyoming. Zombie Apocalypse? Go to Hawaii.


Well-Known Member

Buttigieg: Americans Won’t Be Driving ‘Old’ Gas-Powered Cars in 2050

Buttigieg said, “[T]he share of EVs has been dramatically increasing every single year, and that’s continuing. Now, our goal is, by the end of this decade, to be about half-and-half. We think that that can and will happen. But what isn’t guaranteed is, first of all, is that EV revolution going to continue to be made in America? During the Trump administration, China really built a major advantage on EVs. But as somebody who comes from the industrial Midwest, sees how the auto industry creates so much by way of livelihoods where I come from and really around the country, I’m much more excited about the jobs being created on U.S. soil, and that doesn’t just happen. We’ve got to make sure that the U.S. leads the way as this technology changes. I don’t know a lot of people who think that Americans in 2050 are still going to be driving that old technology, that combustion technology that we inherited from the 20th century.”

Host David Asman cut in to say, “Americans like it.”

Buttigieg responded, “Well, no, you’re not going to meet a lot of people who ever go back after they’ve got electric, and I think that really tells you something. That shows you that the lower maintenance, the fact that it costs less to maintain, the fact that they break down [with] less frequency, and the cost savings that you get by not having to buy gas or diesel are I think why you almost never meet somebody who has an EV who says, I want to back to the old technology.”

Get out of your ECHO CHAMBER
Is he having a wet dream.
Let me lay some fact on him./
The EV disaster is killing Ford and Chevy so badly they have had to stop production of EV vehicles.
Most are sitting at the dealerships unsold.
The people who bought a truck with a 3800 lb battery cannot haul a load more than a hundred miles on a full charge and having 4 wheel drive and going off road with a $90,000 dollar truck is unthinkable especially when the battery weighs 3800 lbs..

I know Butt Gig is a homo, but he is also a jerk-off.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
The EV disaster is killing Ford and Chevy so badly they have had to stop production of EV vehicles.
Most are sitting at the dealerships unsold.

... which in a genuine market would eventually become a bargain, selling at 50% of MSRP, but the Big Three being what they are, and at the behest of Government, will likely crush them when they can't unload them at a premium.