Climate Hypocrisy


PREMO Member

‘waking up with nightmares’ over climate change

“And let me tell you what it means to me coming in as a different generation,” she continued. “I remember my middle child waking up with nightmares over concern around climate change. I’ve had my family at a movie theater, when the movie stopped, my children immediately felt there must be a shooter in the theater with us.”

“These are the type of experiences that we are going to bring as we continue to push to meet this moment of challenge for the American people with progress,” she added.

A clip of Clark’s comment received mockery on Twitter with GOP consultant Michael Duncan tweeting, “would snitch to CPS if someone told me this,” referring to child protective services.

Former Trump White House senior adviser Stephen Miller responded to the tweet by saying, “The only way this could happen to a child is if the parents made it so.”

wtf are parents doing to terrorize their children


PREMO Member

House Democrats abruptly cancel Big Oil hearing where Elon Musk was scheduled to appear

"In November, initial Subcommittee hearing invites were sent out prematurely that did not align with the Committee’s hearing calendar," a Democratic committee spokesperson told Fox News Digital in a statement. "In order to accommodate a December 14th full Committee hearing, the Committee made the decision to push the Subcommittee hearing shortly after the invites were sent."

The subcommittee hearing was part of an investigation into oil companies' alleged decades-long climate change disinformation campaign that Khanna and Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., the full committee's chairwoman, first announced more than a year ago. Khanna has likened the probe to the 1994 House investigation into tobacco companies that revealed a concerted campaign to cover up evidence of the harm posed by cigarette smoking.

Khanna said he would call tech company executives to testify as part of the investigation and would issue subpoenas if they refused to cooperate.

"We have made it very clear that we reserve the right to subpoena if those executives aren’t showing up," Khanna told E&E News last year. "We’re going to be asking the CEO of Exxon, the CEO of Chevron, a number of these fossil fuel companies to come and a number the social media companies to come."


PREMO Member

No, The US Does Not Owe The World Climate ‘Reparations’

I’ve made the case in previous columns that the climate change movement is mostly a climate change hustle. Let’s be real. None of this is about changing the temperature of the Earth. Even the most naive environmental activist can’t really believe that building windmills and driving Teslas is going to cool the planet.

This is all about money. Hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars of government handouts.

That was never more blatantly transparent than at this year’s sham COP 27 climate conference in Egypt, which was attended by more than 20,000 delegates and activists from more than 100 countries. The only agreement that the delegates could reach was a hollow “commitment” from the rich Western nations — by that they mean the United States — to give “reparation” money to the poor nations of the world.

If you’ve never heard of this loony concept before, the theory is that America owes the rest of the world money for burning fossil fuels over the last 100 or so years.

Huh? These were the fossil fuels that provided America with the energy to save humanity from fascism and communism during World War I, World War II and the Cold War. These energy sources are what have powered the industrial age, bringing light, heat and air conditioning. And they have powered our infrastructure, factories, an abundant food supply and a technology revolution. Add to that our drugs and vaccines, which have saved many hundreds of millions of lives globally.

It was the fossil fuel energy revolution of the last century that supplied America with the wealth and financial resources to provide some half a trillion dollars of disaster and foreign aid to seemingly every area of the rest of the world. And now, President Joe Biden’s dunces are agreeing with foreigners that we owe them money?

America should be getting reparation payments. Not the other way around.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Referencing carbon dioxide ..... I learned something the other day.

"Phytoplankton contributes to half of the world’s oxygen. They produce oxygen by consuming carbon dioxide. These microorganisms safeguard the Earth’s atmosphere."

So, logically, if we reduce carbon dioxide, we will be killing off phytoplanktons. Why do the leftists hate Phytoplanktons?


Well-Known Member
For your consideration ... Referencing carbon dioxide ..... I learned something the other day. "Phytoplankton contributes to half of the world’s oxygen. They produce oxygen by consuming carbon dioxide. These microorganisms safeguard the Earth’s atmosphere." So, logically, if we reduce carbon dioxide, we will be killing off phytoplanktons. Why do the leftists hate Phytoplanktons?

Because they misheard the word and think someone said "white-o-plankton"?


PREMO Member

The statistics are absolutely staggering.

…Energy bills in Britain have leapt by more than 80% this year – one of the highest rates in Europe – forcing people to make impossible choices between heating their homes or eating, according to experts.
And it is predicted to get worse.
An estimated 8.4 million British households will be in fuel poverty from April 2023, according to National Energy Action.

There is only a shade over 67 million people in the whole country, and this is saying a good percentage of households – the 8.4M number alone would be about 8% of the population if it was individuals, so I’d hate to see that math. The number of people could triple. No doubt many of those households so in trouble now were getting by alright before this artificially induced catastrophe hit them. Like the woman above, whose public service salary and subsidized housing kept her little family afloat – food on the table, lights on, and an expectation of Christmas presents. But not now.

It’s also an illustration of what the British public service unions have been trying to highlight with walk-outs and strikes. The woefully inadequate compensation, especially in light of the government policies that are forcing people into poverty. These folks are nowhere near as compensated as a federal GS worker, say, a nurse in a VA hospital or admin type in a bureau. And darn near everything has been nationalized.



Well-Known Member
Today had a segment this morning dealing with the coming of winter and daylight being shorter. Do people really need to be told about something that has been going on since forever. NBC News must think so . :sshrug:


Mostly settled in...
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Today had a segment this morning dealing with the coming of winter and daylight being shorter. Do people really need to be told about something that has been going on since forever. NBC News must think so . :sshrug:
Which totally ignores that today being the Solstice, daylight time will be getting longer every day.