Climate Hypocrisy


Well-Known Member

This is a kind of thing I only encounter when I discuss politics with a leftie - and someone deeply argumentative about their religion.
As with religion, it's never a matter of a difference of opinion - you're not just WRONG, you're evil. Or racist. OR stupid, but never anything good.
Press the wrong button, take the "wrong" position, and you will never hear the end of it.

I've known people at my workplace and among my circle of friends whom - once they felt they "got" my political leanings - they were never really my friend again. They might politely avoid discussion, but the person I thought was my friend was never to appear again.

They learned I was a heathen. It was as though you were friends with a priest and he learned you worship Satan.

I suppose I hate to admit it - but - I don't give them much of my time anymore either. I tune out their babblings, because they don't present a logical case with evidence. It's all piss and vinegar. It's just that in many settings - they have the upper hand, most of the people present share their views and they're free to declare them loudly. Were I to do the same, I'd be set on by a pack of screeching harpies.


Mostly settled in...
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One could see the ecofreaks turning environmentalism into a religious cult as far back as the 70's "Back to the Earth" movement.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

By way of controlling the carbon narrative, using the out of sight out of mind theory, in the new $1.7 Trillion budget bill, only $300,000 per year is being allocated to continuous Plankton Recorder surveys. Recall before, as I recently found, that over 50% of earth's oxygen is produced by plankton when they take in and convert carbon dioxide.



Well-Known Member
Well this weekend we are facing the coldest Christmas in Decades.
That Global Warming is hard on the heat bills.


Just sneakin' around....
Well this weekend we are facing the coldest Christmas in Decades.
That Global Warming is hard on the heat bills.
A return to the mini-ice age of the 1800s?

I've been watching a bunch of youtubes from the November snowstorm in upstate NY. They got hammered. with a ball peen hammer.


PREMO Member
Let’s start in England in the county of Oxfordshire, the home, of course, of Oxford. A college town, naturally. The county council has proposed a program called “traffic filtering.” Under the plan, privately owned vehicles would be banned from certain areas in and around the city without a permit. However, “buses, coaches, taxis, vans, mopeds, motorbikes and HGVs” will be allowed to go anywhere in the city at all times. The goals of the plan are to:

  • make walking and cycling safer and more attractive.
  • make bus journeys quicker and more reliable.
  • enable new and improved bus routes.
  • support investment in modern buses
  • help tackle climate change, reduce local air pollution and improve the health and wellbeing of our communities.

The plan calls for automatic number plate recognition cameras to be installed in the filter areas. Violators will be fined £70 ($80). Not everyone is giddy about the idea, and The Daily Fetched had a few of the dissenting tweets:



Well-Known Member
There's a considerable amount to the issue of "Climate Change" (and yeah, still use quotes because in the final analysis, central to all of the discussion is the warming of the Earth. There MAY be localized colder temps, but without global warming, none of the deleterious effects of greenhouse gases are of any consequence.) that I don't understand.

As my mind grasps - the primary concern is not how much greenhouse gas EXISTS so much as, how much is in a part of the atmosphere that is likely to do the most damage. Ergo, it doesn't matter bupkis how much methane or water vapor or carbon dioxide gets made down here in the lowest part of the atmosphere if its increase has no effect on warming. So if cow belches and car exhaust aren't doing it, I'm not concerned. Like, at all.

I'm skeptical that this entire globe can have received the amount of damage purported in such a short time. You can draw graphs going back to the start of the Industrial Revolution, but it doesn't scale - there's several orders of magnitude of gases created within the last 70 or so years that totally erase any contribution prior to that.

Looking over the long history of the planet - it adjusts to small perturbations eventually. Even catastrophes eventually self-correct. I was amazed at both the lingering destruction of the explosion of Mt. St. Helens - and the fact that life is returning to the areas around, and the new Spirit Lake now has life - and fish - in it. Nature recovers, given time.

So pump CO2 into the air - eventually, plant life will recover it. Heat the planet - and it will cool itself. Introduce an invasive species - and there's a good chance the ecosystem will fight back.

Actually, my primary arguments about global warming aren't about whether or not it exists - it does. Whether or not it's harmful - it is. My questions are - is it anywhere near as bad as the alarmists are saying? Is there anything we can do about it that will make any difference?

And especially - how will ANYTHING we do to restrict ourselves - and thereby pay a small price - have any effect if nations like China and India get free reign to do as much damage as they can? To me, this is like the old no smoking sections on planes - as if the chain smokers in the seat behind you have no effect on the air you were breathing. It doesn't do a lick of good to make great effort to constrain our greenhouse gas creation if every effort is offset by others who pollute more and will never comply.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
My questions are - is it anywhere near as bad as the alarmists are saying? Is there anything we can do about it that will make any difference?

Use a recent example of consensus by the "Experts"... COVID.

It was no where near the plague they predicted. Their "recommendations" and "precautions" had miniscule, if not zero effect. Their "Solutions" to the problem did nothing to halt, slow or even interfere with its progression through the population.

If there is one thing that seems to hold true, it's that "Government Experts" never are.


Well-Known Member
Human beings cannot control the tides, the weather, the earthquakes, the volcanic eruptions, and they damned sure cannot control the climate, and anyone who thinks they can is a freaking idiot.
Sure we can clean the air over America, but America already has the cleanest air in the world. It is China and other countries who have the dirty air and that air does not stay over those countries it goes around the world.
So what do we do to help China clean their air? We send them OUR manufacturing, OUR jobs , OUR money when we buy what they produce that was once produced here. We had Energy Independence. Now we are buying fuel from Venezuela which has the dirtiest oil in the world, but we are helping the environment by doing it according to Biden.

The democrats aren't worried about climate change what they want to do is CONTROL us and every move we make.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Actually, my primary arguments about global warming aren't about whether or not it exists - it does. Whether or not it's harmful - it is. My questions are - is it anywhere near as bad as the alarmists are saying? Is there anything we can do about it that will make any difference?

Never took you for a nutter. I'm curious on how you came to your conclusion that global warming really exists, and how, and in what way, is it harmful? Is any of it caused by human activity? If so, in what way?


Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

Never took you for a nutter. I'm curious on how you came to your conclusion that global warming really exists, and how, and in what way, is it harmful? Is any of it caused by human activity? If so, in what way?
I don't think you have to be a nut to believe it's taking place. It's like saying there's no time travel. Of course there is - you're doing it now.

Here we're already thinking one day of terraforming other worlds and on Earth, we already have cities around the world where you really CAN'T breathe the air. I was in Beijing years ago - they have some pretty awful days. I have little doubt there is some long term damage already done, just as the ozone hole is/was real and was being caused by exactly what was claimed.

I think if you pump enough unhealthy things into your body - it WILL create long term damage. Drink too much, smoke too much, eat too much or too many unhealthy things - yeah, you ARE going to hurt it.

How much? How bad? Well that's just it, isn't it? I know any number of people who stopped drinking - but their kidneys and liver paid for it anyway. Others - they got lucky.

I personally don't think the dangers are EVEN CLOSE to what the climate alarmists are claiming. I don't think their idea of solutions has any chance of accomplishing anything except to enrich the bank accounts of some and gain power and notoriety for others. I was telling my daughter that the UN *still* regards CHINA as a developing country, so they don't have to bother to comply - with anything.

I do think we just need to adjust to anything coming down the pike - and try not to make it worse. Beyond that, there's not anything we can do.
All these high-minded efforts to shut down fossil fuels and so forth - they're not going to alter the path we're on.


PREMO Member

Leftist Fossil Fuels Don't Murder Polar Bears, Apparently

We’re constantly told that fossil fuels are the Great Satan that’s going to melt all the icecaps and send polar bears floating down the streets of Manhattan. When “climate deniers” are burning them, we’re killing Earth before our kids can enjoy it.

When leftists do it, it’s all “What? Me? Worry?”

Case in point: President LOLEightyonemillion’s New Year’s trip to St. Croix and the omnibus spending bill that’s trailing along behind to join him there, which Lincoln wrote about:

Multiple news outlets are reporting that after the House passed the $1.7 trillion omnibus pork sandwich last Friday, said bill is being flown, yes FLOWN, to St. Croix for Biden’s signature. Biden is reportedly ringing in the new year at the home of a wealthy donor there. He must sign the bill by Dec. 30. And since he is sunning his bum in the Virgin Islands, the White House is flying it down to him on the taxpayer’s nickel.

There was no way to coordinate it so that the bloated pig of a bill could have made the trip on Air Force One? If memory serves me, that’s a rather large airplane and there probably would have been room even for a pile of paper that ridiculously big.


PREMO Member

UN Expert Condemns the 'Racism' of Solutions to Climate Change — Which Is Also Racist

Even Tendayi herself believes climate change is racist. From Section D of her report, “Dispossession of Indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples”:

ndigenous and Afro-descendant peoples are frequently on the frontlines of extractive projects, and thus bear an outsized risk of harm from environmental degradation. At the same time, climate change threatens indigenous peoples in the Pacific, the Americas, the Caribbean, Asia and Africa with the loss of their homelands. The profusion of extractive projects and the subsequent emission of greenhouse gases can be attributed to the systematic dispossession of indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples and the denial of their lands and right to self-determination.

Bottom line:

The status quo is that global and national systems distribute the suffering associated with the global ecological crisis on a racially discriminatory basis.

As made clear earlier this month, RedState front-pager Jennifer Oliver O’Connell wasn’t impressed with the above:

This is among one of the stupidest takes I have heard. Assigning atmosphere, temperature, and physical forces to race and supposed white supremacy is peak insanity.

According to Tendayi, it appears, climate change is racist; and also according to her, so are the efforts to stop climate change. We’re in a real pickle.

But the professor has ideas for how to fix the world’s flaws — not necessarily concerning climate change, but other social ills.

Per The College Fix:

[She] has indicated she opposes secure national borders and that slavery reparations are “essential to the fulfillment of human rights” and the “inherent dignity of all.”


Just sneakin' around....
How about we start over. We can use the old adage, "If all things are racist, then nothing is racist.". Wipe the slate clean. Then maybe we can actually address issues.