Climate Hypocrisy


Well-Known Member
How about we start over. We can use the old adage, "If all things are racist, then nothing is racist.". Wipe the slate clean. Then maybe we can actually address issues.
I think they're going about dealing with racism the wrong way. You will never change the way people think and feel - especially if you decide to microanalyze every damned thing under the sun as possibly influenced by a racial motive.

It's like the absurd way so much of the world dealt with COVID - they tried enforcing a policy to ENSURE NO ONE COULD GET THE VIRUS - and even doing that, people got it anyway - people in quarantine, people IN hospitals, people self-isolating - they got it anyway. The world suffered many worse problems and millions died ANYWAY.

What they SHOULD have done was stop thinking they could STOP the virus, and deal with fixing the problems it created. Because if you can't help someone ONCE THEY GET SICK, it's stupid to place all your effort in stopping a virus you can't stop. Imagine this - how big a problem would COVID be, if once detected, it could ALWAYS BE CURED? Not "vaccinated against". CURED. Well then it's not a problem, is it?

Racism is like that. People want to find ways to prevent it everywhere, and are LOOKING for every disparity in creation to claim it is the cause. Why not find whatever is needed to ensure that the problems of racism are resolved? It just seems to me the approach has been to find blame instead of find solutions.


Well-Known Member
At one time people were called racist for moving out of a neighborhood when blacks moved into it. Maybe that was mildly racist, but people do like to be around people of their own choosing. But today with all of the ghetto shootings, robbery's, shop lifting, riots, nasty black racists like Whoopi and Joy Reid on TV shows, and CRT being taught in schools. white people who years ago may have mildly racist are getting the message and becoming more racist as time goes on. I might add that being called a white supremacist terrorist by the President doesn't hep matters either.


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^The rhetoric and actions of the left have pushed my wife and I out of the middle and to the right.


PREMO Member
In this episode of Not The Babylon Bee but Pretty Damn Close…

Climate alarmists through the years have tried everything from scary phrases — the existential threat to mankind, et al. — to predictions that never came true to cute little “how to” guides on reducing one’s so-called “carbon footprint,” which alarmists like Al Gore, Leo DiCaprio, and Joe Biden incessantly preach to the rest of us while totally ignoring the mass amounts of fossil fuel they burn on a regular basis..

Welp, according to a New York Times op-ed, it appears that one of the most effective methods of reducing our individual carbon footprint has been right under our noses the whole time. Literally. Hint: the closer our noses are to the ground, the smaller our carbon footprint. Yup, the shorter you are, the fewer anthropogenic carbon emissions you generate. Confused? Don’t be; this is a complete crock of crap.

Incidentally, that’s Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg in the feature image, who tops out at four feet 11 inches and must have a tiny carbon footprint to go along with her limited stature, but I digress.



PREMO Member


As Vinos says, there has been mild warming during the last 40 years. But the rate of warming has been slowing down, not accelerating as the alarmists’ models predict:

[T]he good news that no one is telling us is that global warming is slowing down. The 15-year rate was very high from the mid-1980s to the late 1990s, reaching 0.35 °C/decade. The average over the entire period of satellite records is 1.3 °C per century or 0.13 °C/decade, but the long-term trend has fallen from 1.6 °C/century to 1 °C/century today. The current cooling period is contributing to this decline in the long-term warming rate.
The “current cooling period” refers to the fact that mean global temperature has declined over the last seven years.

Vinos points out, as we have many times, that claims of increasingly severe weather are simply false:


He also makes a point that I don’t think is raised often enough:

n a warmer world, the temperature gradient between the equator and the poles is smaller, reducing the amount of energy to be transported and the intensity of atmospheric circulation, so we should not expect warming to increase the frequency of extreme events, just as we should not expect the global precipitation level to decrease.



PREMO Member

Get Ready for ‘Climate Change Death’ Tracking

The Left needs the metric to justify removing more of your rights.​

Anyone following the regime’s playbook already understands that when you disagree with it, you’ll be accused of killing someone. Don’t take the vaccine, don’t lock down, or don’t wear a mask—you’re killing grandma. Question voting and balloting procedures, and your words will provoke a deadly insurrection. Suggest that a man can’t get pregnant, and you’re guilty of stochastic terrorism.

The regime characterizes conservatives as killers for their opinions, yet its partisans celebrate abortion up to parturition. It wants to let murderers out of jail, and is now moving to destigmatize the “dignified” culling of the elderly and infirm.


PREMO Member

The head of the network agency warns of power outages caused by electric cars and heat pumps

Dhe President of the Federal Network Agency, Klaus Müller, has warned of the increasing number of private electric car charging stations and electricity-driven heat pumps of overloading the power grid in Germany. "If a large number of new heat pumps and charging stations continue to be installed, then overload problems and local power failures in the distribution network are to be feared if we don't act," said Müller of the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung".


PREMO Member
Businessman and conservative Tim Acheson, as quoted by Fox, called Kerry’s words: “Liberal delusions of grandeur.” And conservative author Doug Powers absolutely blistered Kerry and his colleagues:

Kerry’s ‘select group of human beings’ are psychotic, delusional, narcissistic, Marxist hypocrites trying to get richer by making everybody else more miserable.

Amen. To Powers’s point, Kerry and his pals jet around the world, most if not all in private jets, to pontificate from on high to us schleps about what kind of cars we should drive, stoves we shouldn’t have, and where we should set our thermostats— always what we must sacrifice “before it’s too late”; before the existential threat to mankind is visited upon us, as Nancy Pelosi might say, by the wrath of “Mother Nature,” herself.

Incidentally, as I reported in December, multimillionaire John Kerry’s last big nothingburger was his declaration that U.S. taxpayers should “step up and lead” climate reparations. For the world. No, really:

Well, it would be great if there were some — I mean the United States of America, proudly, is the largest humanitarian donor in the world. The American people already do an enormous amount around the world … so we’re on deck.
I mean we’re in the fight. … We have to step up to lead.

Who’s “we,” Mr. Kerry? Are you, the beneficiary of multiple trust funds and a marrier of multimillionaire women, part of we?

Or is the “we” comprised only of Americans who can’t buy their way out of the never-ending sacrifices that you and your Davos pals drone on and on about what we must give up? “Extraterrestrial plan”? Please.



PREMO Member
Although the deluge caused serious destruction and loss of life, it actually wasn’t all that unusual and wasn’t caused by climate change. As I wrote at the time, weather happens. The Los Angeles Times surprisingly, admits this in Thursday’s edition:

Although scientists are still studying the size and severity of storms that killed 19 people and caused up to $1 billion in damage, initial assessments suggest the destruction had more to do with California’s historic drought-to-deluge cycles, mountainous topography and aging flood infrastructure than it did with climate-altering greenhouse gasses.

They were singing a different tune on January 11:

Officials say the storms highlight the way in which climate change is increasingly catching people off guard as the state swings from one extreme weather event to another.
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) January 12, 2023

But climate change is still the culprit, right? It must be; that’s what the New York Times told me. Actually, no, according to researchers:

Although the media and some officials were quick to link a series of powerful storms to climate change, researchers interviewed by The [Los Angeles] Times said they had yet to see evidence of that connection. Instead, the unexpected onslaught of rain and snow after three years of punishing drought appears akin to other major storms that have struck California every decade or more since experts began keeping records in the 1800s.



If I may ...
For your consideration ...

At one time people were called racist for moving out of a neighborhood when blacks moved into it. Maybe that was mildly racist, but people do like to be around people of their own choosing. But today with all of the ghetto shootings, robbery's, shop lifting, riots, nasty black racists like Whoopi and Joy Reid on TV shows, and CRT being taught in schools. white people who years ago may have mildly racist are getting the message and becoming more racist as time goes on. I might add that being called a white supremacist terrorist by the President doesn't hep matters either.

I wouldn't, today, say people are more racist. I would say that people just have a lower tolerance for ignorance and belligerent arseholes that just happen to be black. These blacks think they have "found their voice" when they get out and agitate for the sake of agitating and get in our faces with their word salad BS. Most White people, and people in general, have very little indulgence for such made up accusatory, convoluted, and falsely incriminating discourse. If it were White people treating other White people in such ways, it wouldn't be considered racist. Any push-back would be considered a normal part of discourse. One group simply disagreeing with another group. So, it's not that we hate the color of a person, or are racist or bigoted against, it is the personality of the person and what they do that we dislike and want to steer clear of in any way possible, regardless of color.


PREMO Member

Climate Activists Alarmed That Twitter Under Musk Allows More Dissenting Views on Global Warming

Climate Action Against Disinformation (CAAD), released a Jan. 19 study (pdf), accusing Musk of allowing misinformation about the climate crisis to spread on the social media platform.

The study accused Twitter of boosting the hashtag “#ClimateScam” to users when searching the word “climate,” as its top search result.

The hashtag has suddenly spiked on Twitter search results since July 2022, with its appearance increasing ever since, according to CAAD.

The report said that “in 2022, denialist content made a stark comeback on Twitter in particular.”

They should put themselves out of buasiness for disinformation

Man Made Global Climate Warming Change is a lie


PREMO Member

San Diego plotting to tax drivers 'into submission' with new highway mileage toll

"They're trying to tax us into submission, into using mass transit," San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond said Thursday on "Varney & Co." "They have this huge $165 billion mass transit plan for the future, and that's going to be buses and trains and things like that, and they want to tax us into submission."

San Diego County’s Regional Transportation Agency (SANDAG) approved plans to add three new half-cent sales tax increases, more than 800 miles of San Diego County freeway lanes converted to toll lanes, and a mileage tax for every mile driven "to make driving so expensive that you succumb to public transportation," Desmond previously wrote in a Fox News op-ed.

Instead of building proposed road improvements, according to Desmond, this move will continue to tax drivers through 2048.