CNN Hot Takes and Mis-Information


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
It would be nice if : When all of this calms down and sane people start coming up with facts we could find a way to keep idiots like this Kayyem lady from making fools of themselves right after a horrible incident.


PREMO Member
Earlier this week, Edward-Isaac Dovere published a piece at with the laughable headline “Beneath Biden’s struggle to break through is a deeper dysfunction among White House aides.” The article is full of hand-wringing analysis that members of Biden’s team are blaming each other for failures (probably true); that Biden is struggling with the disconnect between a tough, serious president and a jovial, back-slapping ice cream lover (also probably true); and that the president is the product of an older media age who is more concerned with newspaper coverage than Twitter and Instagram (certainly true).

“Aides regularly talk about how little traction they’re getting from one-off Biden appearances or events and then — whether on inflation, the baby formula shortage or mass shootings or the other crises landing on Biden’s desk — he’s often left looking like he’s in a reactive crouch on the issues that matter most to voters rather than setting the agenda,” Dovere writes. “Sometimes clipped moments from those speeches that the White House puts out on social media generate huge traffic but, at least as often, moments from the President appearing to be caught off-guard go viral on their own.”

There’s even more deflection of what the real issues plaguing the Biden administration are.

“Biden aides cite a range of other factors — a political press corps still hooked on Trump-style melodrama, a news environment dominated by Ukraine and pandemic, a Secret Service buffer that limits what Biden can do, lingering anxiety that he’ll catch Covid-19 and possibly become really sick,” Dovere points out.

Those may be legitimate concerns in the minds of Biden, his handlers, and his hangers-on (although if he’s worried about the Secret Service limiting what he can do, he shouldn’t have run for president), but Dovere and everyone he spoke to for his article are looking past the most glaring issues of why Biden is “struggling to break through.”



PREMO Member
“A child’s life cannot be a statistic,” Navarro objected.

“That’s moral bullying. I’m making a basic point to say that you shouldn’t tell people that they should be terrified,” Goldberg insisted.

“If it were your child, it would not be a statistic. It would be a tragedy that you would never ever recover from,” Navarro continued.

Goldberg said again, “That’s moral bullying!”

“Why is it moral bullying?” Navarro asked.

“You’re making it sound as if I don’t have compassion for these people, of course I do! I’m saying you shouldn’t tell the audience that this is the thing that they should be so terrified with, paralyzed with fear, about their own kids when their kids are more likely to die from a lot of other things,” Goldberg explained.

The argument continued as Navarro pointed to the fact that many car accidents had led to car seat, speed, and seat belt laws, but Goldberg argued that his point remained the same.



PREMO Member

CNN's Brian Stelter, Jim Acosta singled out as liberal hosts who could be ‘ousted’ by new regime

An Axios report published Tuesday cited "three sources familiar with the matter" who said Licht is evaluating if staffers can adjust to the less polemic approach, and anyone who doesn’t fall in line "could be ousted" so they don’t continue to hurt CNN’s reputation. Licht is reviewing the operations of the entire network in the early weeks of his tenure.

"To conservative critics, some on-air personalities, like Jim Acosta and Brian Stelter, have become the face of the network's liberal shift," Axios’ Sara Fischer wrote.

Fischer including Stelter as an example of CNN hosts who could be shown the door raised eyebrows among media observers, as she's been a guest on his Sunday "Reliable Sources" program. However, Stelter has developed a reputation for defending liberal media outlets at all costs while attacking conservatives with the same ferocity. He was a frequent critic of former President Trump and worked closely with Zucker before the latter was forced out in February.


PREMO Member

Democrats Are Being Total Hypocrites About Political Violence

As Newsbusters pointed out, this is a “pigs fly” segment for CNN. They called out Democrats for being hypocrites about political violence. Mark the time of this segment because we’re not going to see this again. And no, I don’t trust that the memo from the new upper crust at CNN to just report the news will hold. This panel discussion which led to David Gregory taking a blowtorch to Democrats about heated rhetoric emanated from the recent story about the California man who wanted to kill Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Spencer wrote it up. A man was caught outside of the justice’s home armed with a gun and zip ties (via WaPo):

The individual, described as a man in his mid-20s, was found to be carrying at least one weapon and burglary tools, these people said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation. Police were apparently notified that the person might pose a threat to the justice, but it was not immediately clear who provided the initial tip, these people said. The man apparently did not make it on to Kavanaugh’s property in Montgomery County, but he was stopped on a nearby street, these people said.
Two people familiar with the investigation said the initial evidence indicates the man was angry about the leaked draft of an opinion by the Supreme Court signaling the court is preparing to overturn Roe. v. Wade, the 49-year-old decision that guaranteed a person’s constitutional right to have an abortion. He was also angry over a recent spate of mass shootings, those people said.


PREMO Member

Van Jones Leaves CNN Anchors Stunned After Spitting Truth About the Democrat Party

As Jones says, the modern Democrat Party is just “weird.” He brings up the idea of calling Hispanics “Latinx,” noting that normal, middle class people have never met a “Latinx.” Nor have they met anyone who identifies with the acronym “BIPOC,” which I had to google in order to find out what it means. Apparently, “black, indigenous, people of color” didn’t have enough identifiers already and needed more. The left has so fractured the country that it’s impossible to keep up with all the various groups they’ve created.

Further, those pushing such nonsense are, as Jones points out, predominantly over-educated and wealthy. They are in no way connected to the normal struggles of everyday life, and their lack of religious observance has left them with no feeling of purpose. In order to make themselves feel better, they’ve decided to create victim groups to “help.” That’s how you get the stupidity that is “Latinx,” a name with which essentially no Hispanic people identify.

But what makes the clip of Jones so good is seeing Brianna Keilar sit there awkwardly, crossing her arms at one point, doing her best to not interject. Why is that funny? Because she is exactly the type of person that Jones is talking about, i.e. a wealthy, out-of-touch, white liberal who thinks she needs to be the savior of the world. There’s no doubt in my mind that Keilar uses the term “Latinx.” That Jones crushed her worldview to her face is just great. And to be clear, John Berman is no better, if slightly more tolerable at times.


PREMO Member
🔥 I don’t usually agree with Clinton loyalist Van Jones, but in an interview on CNN yesterday, he nailed it. Jones told two anchors, faces frozen in terrified confusion, that elites were ruining the Democrat party: “Those people talk funny. ‘Latinx’? I’ve never met a Latinx. I’ve never met a ‘BIPOC’ … All this weird stuff that these highly-educated people say … It’s bizarre … Nobody talks that way at the nail salon or barbershop or grocery store or community center.”

Jones says the Democrats ‘talk weird’ to appeal to highly-educated elites, and they pander to the lowest economic groups by over-promising things like “reparations.” Meanwhile the middle class is walking away.

There’s a lot here. First, it is spellbinding watching CNN evolve under new management. True, Van Jones is not Sean Hannity or anything. But there he was, on air, saying common-sense things that CNN’s thought police would have promptly bleach-bit two months ago. The biggest question to me is, WHY do Democrat elites like to ‘talk weird’ when nobody else wants them to? Is it as simple as virtue signaling?



Well-Known Member
🔥 I don’t usually agree with Clinton loyalist Van Jones, but in an interview on CNN yesterday, he nailed it. Jones told two anchors, faces frozen in terrified confusion, that elites were ruining the Democrat party: “Those people talk funny. ‘Latinx’? I’ve never met a Latinx. I’ve never met a ‘BIPOC’ … All this weird stuff that these highly-educated people say … It’s bizarre … Nobody talks that way at the nail salon or barbershop or grocery store or community center.”

Jones says the Democrats ‘talk weird’ to appeal to highly-educated elites, and they pander to the lowest economic groups by over-promising things like “reparations.” Meanwhile the middle class is walking away.

There’s a lot here. First, it is spellbinding watching CNN evolve under new management. True, Van Jones is not Sean Hannity or anything. But there he was, on air, saying common-sense things that CNN’s thought police would have promptly bleach-bit two months ago. The biggest question to me is, WHY do Democrat elites like to ‘talk weird’ when nobody else wants them to? Is it as simple as virtue signaling?

They talk like that for the people they need support from. But they are above what they are saying and it doesn't include them.


PREMO Member

Opinion: Progressives are practically doing Republicans' job for them

And yet, some in the Democratic Party are complaining about the President and his approach to governance. Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Tina Smith of Minnesota have called on Biden to declare a national emergency over the rollback of abortion rights and to set up abortion clinics on federal land -- despite the legal ban on federal funding for most abortions, and the reality that such a move could put doctors and women at risk of arrest when they depart federal land within a state that has outlawed abortion.

"We need our president at this moment to step up and remind everyone that we Democrats don't believe the government should be making a decision about whether to continue a pregnancy," Warren told Politico on June 27 -- three days after Biden had already issued a statement decrying the "devastating consequences" of the court's ruling, calling on Congress to codify Roe and announcing executive action to protect women's rights to travel to seek abortions and to protect access to medication that induces abortion.

Democratic Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri gave voice to the exasperation of many progressives, telling the Washington Post, "They [Democrats] just aren't fighting. When people see that, what's going to make them show up to vote? We can't just tell people, 'Well, just vote -- vote your problems away.' Because they're looking at us and saying, 'Well, we already voted for you.'"


PREMO Member

CNN Runs Piece Saying Selfish Americans Don’t Need Air Conditioning

The writer notes he has only a fan in his Berlin apartment and says, “Europeans had, until recently, done their own grousing about Americans’ infatuation with AC: so wasteful in its high energy usage, unhealthy with the frosty temperatures in mid-summer and annoying given the incessant buzz of the window units!”

Hockenos said air conditioning is “yet another luxury item of an everything-all-the-time population that insisted on a constant temperature year-round.” But what about the environmental impact, the writer pondered.

In the U.S., about 90% of homes have air conditioning (many homes in upper New England just don’t need it). And Europe is moving in that direction, Hockenos writes. “This year’s sweltering temperatures have seen AC purchases skyrocket in France and the UK, according to the climate data firm Kayrros. The trend is unmistakable: two-thirds of the world’s households could have an air conditioner by 2050.”

But the writer says with rising temperatures, the world will be trapped in “the vicious circle of air conditioning,” and he even took aim at refrigerators.

“Namely, AC is an extremely energy-intensive means of cooling space. According to a World Bank report from 2019, cooling tech such as refrigerators, air conditioners, and other devices chalk up as much as 10% of all global greenhouse gas emissions. This is more than double the footprint of aviation and maritime together! At this rate, cooling emissions could double by 2030 and triple by 2100, added the report,” he wrote.

Eventually he gets to the answer: wind, solar, hydroelectric.


I bowl overhand
CNN Religious Commentator Says Jesus Would Want Unvaxxed To Skip Christmas Church Services

“I think that part of caring for one another, you know, the dictum of Jesus, who we celebrate His birth, is ‘love one another, show compassion, show mercy to each other,'” Beck continued. “So I think the message is that if we want to act like Jesus in these kind of times, we take care of each other. And if we’re going to gather in celebration, we have to do so safely, comfortably, and we have to give to one another that gift of peace and part of that is health and feeling like we’re gathering in a healthy environment.”

“And so I really hope as people gather in celebration, to celebrate the birth of Christ — who was about mercy and compassion and love of one another — that we keep that in mind,” Beck concluded. “It’s not about us. You know, I don’t think there’s any reason to say, ‘I’m not going to get vaccinated today’ — you know, maybe a health reason, but then you can’t come to church, be at services with other people right now. We have a responsibility to one another.”

Beck doubled down on his position in a tweet, saying, “Yep. I said it. I don’t think unvaccinated people should be gathering in churches for Christmas Eve / Day Masses. ‘Love thy neighbor,’ says the Savior.”
This the same bible that spoke of smiting Sodom and Gomorrah, and turned people to Salt for their sins?


I bowl overhand

Why would an 18 year old need a grenade launcher, or an M240 SAW, or an M60 machine gun.. or crew an M1 tank? The government believes there is a need, and there are thousands of 18 years olds that do that every day around the world.. now you want to tell them NO you can't have that gun, you're not mature or responsible enough to actually OWN a semi automatic weapon.. To the 18 year old that that just shot Javelin Missiles, and fired 155mm artillery rounds where the government told him to??


Well-Known Member
Why would an 18 year old need a grenade launcher, or an M240 SAW, or an M60 machine gun.. or crew an M1 tank? The government believes there is a need, and there are thousands of 18 years olds that do that every day around the world.. now you want to tell them NO you can't have that gun, you're not mature or responsible enough to actually OWN a semi automatic weapon.. To the 18 year old that that just shot Javelin Missiles, and fired 155mm artillery rounds where the government told him to??
Exactly, and he should be able to buy a beer too.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member

CNN Runs Piece Saying Selfish Americans Don’t Need Air Conditioning

The writer notes he has only a fan in his Berlin apartment and says, “Europeans had, until recently, done their own grousing about Americans’ infatuation with AC: so wasteful in its high energy usage, unhealthy with the frosty temperatures in mid-summer and annoying given the incessant buzz of the window units!”

Hockenos said air conditioning is “yet another luxury item of an everything-all-the-time population that insisted on a constant temperature year-round.” But what about the environmental impact, the writer pondered.

In the U.S., about 90% of homes have air conditioning (many homes in upper New England just don’t need it). And Europe is moving in that direction, Hockenos writes. “This year’s sweltering temperatures have seen AC purchases skyrocket in France and the UK, according to the climate data firm Kayrros. The trend is unmistakable: two-thirds of the world’s households could have an air conditioner by 2050.”

But the writer says with rising temperatures, the world will be trapped in “the vicious circle of air conditioning,” and he even took aim at refrigerators.

“Namely, AC is an extremely energy-intensive means of cooling space. According to a World Bank report from 2019, cooling tech such as refrigerators, air conditioners, and other devices chalk up as much as 10% of all global greenhouse gas emissions. This is more than double the footprint of aviation and maritime together! At this rate, cooling emissions could double by 2030 and triple by 2100, added the report,” he wrote.

Eventually he gets to the answer: wind, solar, hydroelectric.
Most Americans don’t realize how far north England is, it’s further north than most of the US (Alaska is still further up). How much AC do you think Canada uses?