Pegster710 said:
Mine was $250.00 per month, but my commute is only 20 miles round trip...
Fill out this form to figure out your monthly commute cost!
A. What is your daily round trip commute distance from home to work (in miles)? 20
B. How many days per month do you normally work? 22
C. How many miles per gallon does your automobile average? 23
D. How much per gallon do you normally pay for gasoline? 2.00
E. What is your cost per mile for repairs, registration, maintenance and taxes? *0.065
F. What is your cost per mile for financing, insurance and depreciation? *.46
G. How much do you pay for monthly parking? 0.00
Your estimated Monthly cost of commuting is --------------- 269.26
Your estimated Yearly cost of commuting is --------------- 3,231.12
* Cost per mile estimates based on the 2001 Federal Highway Administration's Cost of Owning and Operating a Vehicle
It sure ain't cheap...