could be another fatal accident


Well-Known Member
And it is fine for your nosy ass to look but there is no need to post every week that the cops have not done anything yet and that a local boy with ties will get off

1. It's public info.
2. It's a public forum.
3. I have no posted that he will get off.
4. I have not posted about this every week.

You really need to read my posts before spouting off.


Well-Known Member
And it is fine for your nosy ass to look but there is no need to post every week that the cops have not done anything yet and that a local boy with ties will get off

I don't recall her saying that the cops have done nothing; at this point isn't it the lawyers and judges that need to get off their asses and make #### happen?

Somebody got up on the defensive side of the bed today, didn't they? And don't start #####ing about cop-bashing either. I don't do that crap. This isn't cop-bashing, it's YOU-bashing. :yay:


New Member
I don't recall her saying that the cops have done nothing; at this point isn't it the lawyers and judges that need to get off their asses and make #### happen?

Somebody got up on the defensive side of the bed today, didn't they? And don't start #####ing about cop-bashing either. I don't do that crap. This isn't cop-bashing, it's YOU-bashing. :yay:

bohman, I think there has been some insinuations on her part. This quote from her here....

. I "heard" that they waited 7 hours to do the test so those results may not do a damn thing for the case.

it's bogus, but she is making vague accusations that the cops are trying to cover stuff up. She has stated that there is corruption.


Well-Known Member
bohman, I think there has been some insinuations on her part. This quote from her here....

it's bogus, but she is making vague accusations that the cops are trying to cover stuff up. She has stated that there is corruption.

Correct, I posted what I heard. I did not say that it was a fact. I am very clear with my words and very rarely mince them.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08

Oh good Gawd, I wonder if the doors in his house had to be widened so he can fit his big ego thru......

It is my understanding that one is arrested and blows a certain level OR blood test reveals an amount of alcohol in the system above the legal limit, that person is issued a citation and it generally shows up in the judicial search with a few days - well, always does, I thought.

My question is, and probably the same one Socki is asking, is why there are no charges pending. What makes his case so different that it would go to the Grand Jury? He either was or was not drunk. I don't get the grand jury part. :confused:
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New Member
Oh good Gawd, I wonder if the doors in his house had to be widened so he can fit his big ego thru......

It is my understanding that one is arrested and blows a certain level OR blood test reveals an amount of alcohol in the system above the legal limit, that person is issued a citation and it generally shows up in the judicial search with a few days - well, always does, I thought.

My question is, and probably the same one Socki is asking, is why there are no charges pending. What makes his case so different that it would go to the Grand Jury? He either was or was not drunk. I don't get the grand jury part. :confused:
It's not any different than MANY fatal accidents. A fatal accident is treated differently than an average dwi. That's because the evidence is going to be scrutinized more closely by the defense as there is much more at stake. Just because a person is over the limit, doesn't mean that you can prove a dwi. I know that sounds crazy, but it isn't the justice system I created. There has to be other elements to convict of a dwi, and a vehicular homicide.


It's not any different than MANY fatal accidents. A fatal accident is treated differently than an average dwi. That's because the evidence is going to be scrutinized more closely by the defense as there is much more at stake. Just because a person is over the limit, doesn't mean that you can prove a dwi. I know that sounds crazy, but it isn't the justice system I created. There has to be other elements to convict of a dwi, and a vehicular homicide.

I'm glad OJ was innocent........


New Member
Oh good Gawd, I wonder if the doors in his house had to be widened so he can fit his big ego thru......

It is my understanding that one is arrested and blows a certain level OR blood test reveals an amount of alcohol in the system above the legal limit, that person is issued a citation and it generally shows up in the judicial search with a few days - well, always does, I thought.

My question is, and probably the same one Socki is asking, is why there are no charges pending. What makes his case so different that it would go to the Grand Jury? He either was or was not drunk. I don't get the grand jury part. :confused:

until the blood results are received, no charges can be filed. And since this is an on-going accident reconstruction event, it can take several months prior to the investigation even being completed.


until the blood results are received, no charges can be filed. And since this is an on-going accident reconstruction event, it can take several months prior to the investigation even being completed.

Is the vehicle here in town ?.....:whistle:


New Member
Correct, I posted what I heard. I did not say that it was a fact. I am very clear with my words and very rarely mince them.

No, you are not clear. You are insinuating there is corruption, but there is none. You have no idea what you are talking about with the criminal justice system, other than the criminal friends you have, so you make these allegations. You talk about a case where a guy is convicted of a sex crime, put in jail, and is a registered sex offender for the rest of his life. But you allude to the system being corrupt and that is why it happened. You have nothing to show for it, because Mr. J B has no ties to the SAO. Everybody did their job, but you want to biatch about it. The victim was notified and agreed to the plea agreement.


New Member
You know full well that will never happen, but I'm not sure why you feed into this crap. They have no idea how the court system or our job works, only what they see happen in an hour long TV show.

Do all of these police-bashing threads make me angry? Yeah, but it's something we deal with everyday while at work and it will never change. Can't let it affect out there or on here.

That's why they are sheep, and we are not.

Real nice attitude towards those your supposed to serve and protect


New Member
I'm not even sure you know the meaning of what you quoted. The "flock" needs to be tended. It doesn't need to know of the evils that surround them, it would be an awful way to live. No one likes somebody to tell them what to do...I get it, but its necessary.

And yes, there are bad cops, there are bad mailmen, there are bad chefs...but you always here about the bad often do you hear about the good ones?

I go to work, not expecting to make any friends...on the off chance I do, sure it makes my day better. I do countless good things that may go unnoticed, but if I ever slip up, even in the slightest, it gets plastered everywhere. I just go to work, treat people the way I would like to be treated and hope at the end of the night I get to go home to see my family.

I could talk with you all day, but even I had problems understanding until I actually spent some time doing the job. Join the Citizen's Academy, go on a ride-a-long...see what is actually happening in your community. Send me a PM I'd be more then happy to forward you the information.

With your POS attitude, no wonder some cops have to pay for the idiocy and corruption of others.

You do yourself and fellow officers no favors with this mentality, you should get out before you cause more harm.


New Member
Real nice attitude towards those your supposed to serve and protect
Your statement only reconfirms mine...if you didn't need me to "serve and protect" you, then would you be a sheep? And there's nothing wrong with being "sheep," Hell, my wife is one. Point is everyone can change, and everyone needs to be more vigilant.

"On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society"

That maybe your problem, you realize there is a difference betwen a Cop and a Soldier?

I'm guessing you didn't actually read the article?

With your POS attitude, no wonder some cops have to pay for the idiocy and corruption of others.

You do yourself and fellow officers no favors with this mentality, you should get out before you cause more harm.

Please explain.
I am truly having a difficult time finding any attitude in that post at all.
You're free to have your opinion, but I would appreciate an explanation.
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New Member
Your statement only reconfirms mine...if you didn't need me to "serve and protect" you, then would you be a sheep? And there's nothing wrong with being "sheep," Hell, my wife is one. Point is everyone has their role and place in society.

I'm guessing you didn't actually read the article?

Please explain.
I am truly having a difficult time finding any attitude in that post at all.
You're free to have your opinion, but I would appreciate an explanation.

There is no use trying to explain anything to this dolt Nucklesackdragger. I put him on ignore a long time ago, and am much happier for it. He never brings sensible arguments to a subject and must have had one wedgie to many in high school. So now he plays a tough guy behind a computer, because he knows in real life he couldn't get it done.


New Member
There is no use trying to explain anything to this dolt Nucklesackdragger. I put him on ignore a long time ago, and am much happier for it. He never brings sensible arguments to a subject and must have had one wedgie to many in high school. So now he plays a tough guy behind a computer, because he knows in real life he couldn't get it done.

I think I'm done anyway. I didn't come here to argue with anyone. Just wish people were willing to see things from more than 1 point of view.


Lem Putt
Your statement only reconfirms mine...if you didn't need me to "serve and protect" you, then would you be a sheep?

Protect? When is the last time you actually protected anything?

If you really are a cop, your job is to show up after a crime has occured and try to figure out who did it. There's no "protecting" involved.

If I was to rely on people like you to protect me and my family, we'd all be dead by now.


New Member
Protect? When is the last time you actually protected anything?

If you really are a cop, your job is to show up after a crime has occured and try to figure out who did it. There's no "protecting" involved.

If I was to rely on people like you to protect me and my family, we'd all be dead by now.

Really? You have that many people trying to kill you?


Well-Known Member
bohman, I think there has been some insinuations on her part. This quote from her here....

it's bogus, but she is making vague accusations that the cops are trying to cover stuff up. She has stated that there is corruption.

I'll admit, I went off a bit half-cocked. I missed that statement, and I didn't read the "sheep" essay before I posted.

Do all of these police-bashing threads make me angry? Yeah, but it's something we deal with everyday while at work and it will never change. Can't let it affect out there or on here.

That's why they are sheep, and we are not.

Real nice attitude towards those your supposed to serve and protect

But I'll stand by the indignant tone of my response. There's no way for me to know if the "cops" in this thread really are cops, but if so the comments are getting disgraceful. I've known, and been friends with, cops all my life. I've done the ride-alongs and heard the awful stories, and I'm not so naive as to think that horrible things don't happen all the time. I know what goes on out there, and appreciate what cops do to keep me safe.

And even though some of them may be thinking some nasty stuff about the horrible people they deal with daily, they'd NEVER be so foolish as to let those thoughts slip to the general public. Maybe it's just because they are all former active-duty military, but they all know how to keep there yaps shut when it counts, yes, even on a public forum with anonymous user names. The comments are coming across as really condescending, and guess what? We (the general public) don't take kindly to it when ANYBODY describes us as sheep. You can say it's non-judgemental all you like, but you still just called me a farm animal. You probably don't like it when people refer to cops as "pigs?"

If you want anybody to think of you as professionals, stop responding to those who are antagonizing you, and simply rest assured that there are those of us who appreciate the job that cops do for us.