Dating a pregnant girl? Should I?


New Member
So a friend of mine is 5 months pregnant. Her baby's daddy is not in the picture and has vowed that he would be there to support the kid from a financial perspective, but wants nothing to do with the child.

Her and I have been friends for sometime now and have never dated up until this point. Her and I have been getting close as of late, as I have been helping her out through the pregnancy and try to be as accommodating as possible.

Lately her and I have been getting really close and we've talked about being together, as a couple. I will admit, I feel kind of weird being in the situation, seeing its another man's child. I am personally ready to accept fatherhood responsibility if we continued to see each other past the child birth.

What does everyone think of this? Just curious because most of my friends think I should wait until the baby is born to move into her life more and start dating. I don’t want to mess up what we have together. I love this girl a lot and would provide for her. But maybe the timing is wrong?


off the shelf
So a friend of mine is 5 months pregnant. Her baby's daddy is not in the picture and has vowed that he would be there to support the kid from a financial perspective, but wants nothing to do with the child.

Her and I have been friends for sometime now and have never dated up until this point. Her and I have been getting close as of late, as I have been helping her out through the pregnancy and try to be as accommodating as possible.

Lately her and I have been getting really close and we've talked about being together, as a couple. I will admit, I feel kind of weird being in the situation, seeing its another man's child. I am personally ready to accept fatherhood responsibility if we continued to see each other past the child birth.

What does everyone think of this? Just curious because most of my friends think I should wait until the baby is born to move into her life more and start dating. I don’t want to mess up what we have together. I love this girl a lot and would provide for her. But maybe the timing is wrong?

I think you answered your own question


So a friend of mine is 5 months pregnant. Her baby's daddy is not in the picture and has vowed that he would be there to support the kid from a financial perspective, but wants nothing to do with the child.

Her and I have been friends for sometime now and have never dated up until this point. Her and I have been getting close as of late, as I have been helping her out through the pregnancy and try to be as accommodating as possible.

Lately her and I have been getting really close and we've talked about being together, as a couple. I will admit, I feel kind of weird being in the situation, seeing its another man's child. I am personally ready to accept fatherhood responsibility if we continued to see each other past the child birth.

What does everyone think of this? Just curious because most of my friends think I should wait until the baby is born to move into her life more and start dating. I don’t want to mess up what we have together. I love this girl a lot and would provide for her. But maybe the timing is wrong?

Dear Pete,
I would think you should know the answer :lmao:

Your buddy,
I think you answered your own question
If you truly have feelings for each other... why wait? In fact, you can take advantage of the next 4 months to become a couple and see if it will be a lasting relationship before the kid gets in the picture. Once the baby comes, being a couple will take the back burner for quite some time.
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New Member
Just curious because most of my friends think I should wait until the baby is born to move into her life more and start dating. I don’t want to mess up what we have together. I love this girl a lot and would provide for her. But maybe the timing is wrong?
What does waiting for the baby have to do with anything? :confused:
Well, you know she puts out. :yay:
You know you don't have to worry about spending money on wasteful things like condoms. :yay:

Just kidding.

If you like her and she likes you, go for it.


:coffee: just dont poke the kids eye out during sex, and depending if it's crooked or not..the baby might come out with a dent in it's forehead


Watch it
I think you answered your own question[/QUOTE

I agree. If you love her and are excited about this child, then that should give you your answer. But if you aren't excited about her child, then reconsider. My stepfather is the most important man in my life. The situation she is in doesn't doom it to failure if you are in it for the right reasons.


Watch it
If you truly have feelings for each other... why wait? In fact, you can take advantage of the next 4 months to become a couple and see if it will be a lasting relationship before the kid gets in the picture. Once the baby comes, being a couple will take the back burner for quite some time.

Good point!


Transam's wife
I think and believe that if you really have true feelings for her, then why wait. I say go for it. There is nothing wrong with what you want to do. I think it's wonderful how you have seen the "real" her and not her just for beauty only skin deep. It takes a real man to step up to the plate and share his feelings with a woman in that situation.


I wanna be a SMIB
What does waiting for the baby have to do with anything? :confused:

Beacaues everyone knows babies change everything. After the baby is born, the real dad may pop in and hold his new baby and change his mind and then everything could get all screwed up. It happens all the time. Id say, take it slow.


So a friend of mine is 5 months pregnant. Her baby's daddy is not in the picture and has vowed that he would be there to support the kid from a financial perspective, but wants nothing to do with the child.

Her and I have been friends for sometime now and have never dated up until this point. Her and I have been getting close as of late, as I have been helping her out through the pregnancy and try to be as accommodating as possible.

Lately her and I have been getting really close and we've talked about being together, as a couple. I will admit, I feel kind of weird being in the situation, seeing its another man's child. I am personally ready to accept fatherhood responsibility if we continued to see each other past the child birth.

What does everyone think of this? Just curious because most of my friends think I should wait until the baby is born to move into her life more and start dating. I don’t want to mess up what we have together. I love this girl a lot and would provide for her. But maybe the timing is wrong?

You came to the right place, there are virtually hundreds of chics in here that have fatherless babies that will give you nothing but the best of advise.
How about this... You've been had, maybe you should like/love another woman without having the thought of this other dude looming over you the whole time.


I Need a Beer
After reading your post I initially felt that the pregnant woman should only be worried about the upcoming baby and not dating/relationship issues. Then I thought there are a lot of single pregnant women out there with no baby-daddy in sight and why should they be excluded from dating. So, basically I guess I’m saying that YOU should not let anyone else’s preconceived notions influence what YOU feel is right for YOU as long as YOU don't mind the possibility of being responsible for another man’s child.


New Member
Thanks for everyone's input. I know one bene would be that I can jizz and not worry about having my own kid, lol :)

But seriously, that’s not the issue. I think over the next few months I'll take it slow and see how things go. As someone mentioned and we all know, babies change everything. You can't plan for how life is going to be after you have a kid. I think if we get through these next 4 months then we have a good chance of staying together, but I'll let time take its course.

Also, one other thing. She has briefly mentioned that she'd like me to be in the delivery room, what you do you all think about this? I want to be there for her, but I just don’t feel like its in my place to be in the room. I already feel awkward talking about it. I just feel as though, even though we are close and I care for her, there are some boundaries I don’t want to cross.