Not so easy when you hope for the best but she will eventually come to that conclusion.
You are's not that easy. If he were a complete ass, it would be easy. But he is a very nice man.
I do care for him and his daughter, I just wish things were different. I do not know how to help and do not know how to handle the total disrespect and irresponsiblity.
I had two 13 year olds....I know there will be 'back talk' and I have 'counted to ten' more than once. Pick your battles. This is different.
I can't tell you how many times I have had to say NO to my children. At times, it is hard, because you just want to see htem be happy. I have told them if they really wanted something badly enough, they will have to save for it. Not because I couldn't afford it, but because I want them to knwo what is it like to have to be self sufficient and budget their own money. And they have had things taken away for not getting homework finished, not doing chores, etc. All a part of growing up.
I do not belive in smacking a child and at 13, she is too old to be spanked. I think a lot more can be accomplished by talking, reasoning and setting limits and consequences. Limits can be set by taking away sleepovers, cancelling parties, etc. and responsibilty can be taught by not replacing items that were neglectfully cared for.
If he tried this and stuck to it, maybe she would move in with her Mom and see that life is not so fun when no one at home cares.
My son has seen her behavior and THANKED ME for having set limits for him, as she is the walking example of what happens when you do not have any.