Dating Website "Etiquette"


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My personal favorites are the women who grant dates from online suitors if only for the free meal and drinks with absolutely NO plans to ever make a go of it and only doing it to save money on food.

See, and I still think everyone should go dutch on a first date like that. Here's this poor guy spending his date money on a woman he'll probably never see again. That seems unfair to me. It's different when you already know the person in real life - then you can have a traditional date because there's already some chemistry in some form.


Well-Known Member
I dumped the thread, but it (may) b saved elsewhere. Have a Gr8 Day. thnx 4 listenin BDF. ttyl. I may bbl, idk.

psst I`m not cheap, I tcob & any entertainment/monies incurred. The idea is to have fun, relax, & just enjoy. No ties, no commitment/expectations. Howeva in the moment ya know things can change 4 the better & best.
Doubt is normal, as is the "Hey, let`s discuss this".
& with full respect. Can`t fault one for mentioning it. If the thought never arose, then someone has a major problem 4 sure; either that or blind as hell.

You`d enjoy a trip to Europe w/a dayum good translator 4 sure so ya wouldn`t get ripped off. :whistle:

u may learn some fun text lingo/brevity someday, if not.........oh well. The Edge & Code, hmmm? possibility (may) exist. ya neva know unless ya make a (smart) move.

Summertime has kicked in here & yr missin out. Y^

So, we're really getting another Dollar Store (by day) and a Rosies (by night) at the brick building by the Wawa on Rt 235?

Unbelievable. :coffee:


Well-Known Member
hell no, zilch invested in Md, r U crazy. bad enough payin y`alls taxes 4 the most menial bs.

(In)Vested in Quality, not a Md fluke ty. that`s a no-brainer.

That post was 4 Vrai Xclusively.

You do realize that you posted it in an open forum, right?


Well-Known Member
All that mattas is that she read everything, & what U don`t know U sure as hell will never know. U r not smart enough or even in the running to outwit this user. So plz socko certain keys are used for certain reasons, just like an auto reply system; yet sometimes it may have a hiccup & U`ll b like 4gotten real quiklike.

Go botha ppl @ yr level, cuz u sure aint nowhere near this 1.

Go check yr mail 4 yr Baby Daddy checks. 4 U like playin Russian Roulette, let`s c who the donor is 2day? :killingme

Direct deposit. :yay:


My personal favorites are the women who grant dates from online suitors if only for the free meal and drinks with absolutely NO plans to ever make a go of it and only doing it to save money on food.

Are dudes doing this too?

I agree that a friendly "Sorry.. Not interested." is the way to go.

At bars in college I use to find a not so attractive girl and get her to buy me beer, only woke up with a couple.....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Day 2:

A guy shows up in my suggested matches and he is adorable! Great profile, can string sentences together, we like the same things, have a lot of the same attitudes....then I look at his pictures.

He is good looking, I know he's local because in some of the pics I recognize where they were taken, and has a great body. How I know he has a great body is because he, yes he did, posted a pic of himself in nothing but a towel barely wrapped around his waist. You can see his treasure trail.


And why do so many guys say they like long walks on the beach and giving massages?? I thought that was a cliche, but nope - there they are. The massage part is just creepy. Some guys go as far as to actually describe the massage they'd like to give you. Okay, ew - next.

And what's with all the pics of scenery or your kids? I want to see you, not some lake and I definitely don't think you should be posting pics of your preteen daughter on a dating site for any dip#### to get hold of.

That said, there are several guys who aren't weird and a few of them have passed the email test, so I might actually go on a date at some point.


mv = margaritaville
Small piece of advice,

Even if you are super nice and say a simple "Thanks, but no thanks have a great day" Guys wont understand this, and will then go into whine mode "But whhyyy, I'm sssooo awesome!!" Sometimes it is best to leave well enough alone and not reply.

It does suck not to get a reply back, but at least you know they aren't interested and you can just keep moving forward.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Because they think that we women want to hear that. It's your civic duty to tell him otherwise. :yay:

I'm happy to leave them to the Ukranian supermodels, but I did email the adorable guy and tell him the towel photo gave high ick factor to an otherwise terrific profile. :lol:


I'm happy to leave them to the Ukranian supermodels, but I did email the adorable guy and tell him the towel photo gave high ick factor to an otherwise terrific profile. :lol:

Feedback :yay: He will remove it and be perfect for the next chick.


mv = margaritaville
Question: is that not done, critiquing their profile or pics? Or am I doing him a favor?
You can tell them, but chances are it will hurt his ego and he will ignore you and move on to the next.

Most guys are a visual type, they must see every inch of you before they can decide on talking to you or not. So they assume women are like this too, and most are.

I have found that the ones that posted mostly naked pictures of themselves were looking for booty calls.


Question: is that not done, critiquing their profile or pics? Or am I doing him a favor?

I am sure it is done by a few. Yes, you are doing him a favor. The ironic part is you said he was adorable and great except for "a picture" that in his mind at the time he probably thought was a good idea or funny. Let's not forget we are men and thus are prone to momentary lapses of judgment. So that one single thing, a peep of poor decision making has moved him off the list of your potentials. High potential in all substantive ways doused by a single thing. You have now let him know so he can correct it some other chick can jump in and enjoy his great qualities un-icked by his towel photo. :lol:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Day 2:

A guy shows up in my suggested matches and he is adorable! Great profile, can string sentences together, we like the same things, have a lot of the same attitudes....then I look at his pictures.

He is good looking, I know he's local because in some of the pics I recognize where they were taken, and has a great body. How I know he has a great body is because he, yes he did, posted a pic of himself in nothing but a towel barely wrapped around his waist. You can see his treasure trail.

And why do so many guys say they like long walks on the beach and giving massages?? I thought that was a cliche, but nope - there they are. The massage part is just creepy. Some guys go as far as to actually describe the massage they'd like to give you. Okay, ew - next.

And what's with all the pics of scenery or your kids? I want to see you, not some lake and I definitely don't think you should be posting pics of your preteen daughter on a dating site for any dip#### to get hold of.

That said, there are several guys who aren't weird and a few of them have passed the email test, so I might actually go on a date at some point.



Hot Flash
I joined years ago when my soon to be ex told me his cousin had joined up (and the ex wanted to see her profile...for laughter's sake) I get continuous matches and delete before I even read.

I don't even have a profile, just a vicinity. It's funny the people I recognized.

I have a date tonight. She's a neighbor. All you can eat. :yahoo: