DeSantis and Florida


PREMO Member

Pelosi Wastes No Time In Condemning Florida Law Over Something That Isn’t In It

The law, which has been falsely labeled “Don’t Say Gay” by opponents, focuses on giving parents more access and control over what schools are teaching their children. It bans classroom instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation for children up to the third grade — where most students are under the age of nine.

It does not allow students who identify as LGBTQ+ to be attacked or bullied, nor does it prevent them from talking about their identities or orientations. The word “gay” doesn’t even appear in the law.

Other critics came out to attack the law immediately after it was signed on Monday as well. Disney announced that the company would work to get it overturned as soon as possible.


Well-Known Member
I was looking for a post from my oldest son on Facebook about a fundraiser. Scrolling through there was a political poll about the Florida Governors race. I asked them why am I seeing this ?


PREMO Member

Florida's anti-gay bill is wrong. It's also unconstitutional.

The provision reads: “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.” Parents may enforce this provision by suing the school district for injunctive relief, damages and attorneys’ fees.

Let’s take this provision apart. First, it bars classroom instruction “on sexual orientation or gender identity” in K-3 classrooms. Second, this provision bars classroom instruction “on sexual orientation or gender identity” that “is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate” without limitation with respect to grade level. Moreover, each of these prohibitions applies to both school personnel and unspecified “third parties.”

On its face, these requirements may seem innocuous. After all, many people might feel some discomfort at the thought of kindergarteners receiving instruction “on sexual orientation.” And who could argue against prohibiting instruction on sexuality — or any topic for that matter — that isn’t “age appropriate or developmentally appropriate”?


PREMO Member

DeSantis Shows Disney No Mercy as War of Words Over Parents’ Rights Bill Escalates

In his remarks, DeSantis put Disney on notice, telling them that not only will he not be bullied, but also that the state is “governed by the interests of the people” and not woke corporations like Disney. Further, he noted that it was interesting that as the bill was floating through the Florida House, Republican leaders didn’t hear one word from Disney opposing it. Lastly, he reminded people of Disney’s close ties to China, pointing out that their reaction would be very different had the bill banned discussion of “the oppression of the Uyghurs in China”:

“This state is governed by the interest of the people of the state of Florida, it is not based on the demands of California corporate executives,” he continued. “They do not run this state, they do not control this state.”
DeSantis also took a shot at the criticism Disney faced in regards to its connection to Xinjiang, where Disney’s 2020 movie Mulan was filmed. Xinjiang is a region of China where Uyghur Muslims are facing significant human rights issues and oppression.
“If we would have put in the bill that you are not allowed to have curriculum that discussed the oppression of the Uyghurs in China, Disney would have endorsed that in a second,” DeSantis told reporters. “And that’s the hypocrisy of this, and we’re gonna make sure we’re fighting back when people are threatening our parents and threatening our kids.”



PREMO Member

DeSantis broaches repeal of Disney World's special self-governing status in Florida

"What I would say as a matter of first principle is I don’t support special privileges in law just because a company is powerful and they’ve been able to wield a lot of power," DeSantis said during a press conference in West Palm Beach, Florida on Thursday.

Disney has been engaged in a war of words with Republicans in Florida leading up to Monday’s signing of the controversial bill, which prohibits classroom instruction on "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" with children in third grade or younger "or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards."

DeSantis referenced a bill reining in big tech that Republicans were working through the legislature last year when Disney added a "carve out" at the "11th hour" for theme parks.

"I’m thinking to myself, ‘This is ridiculous,’" DeSantis said. "Honestly, it was embarrassing."

DeSantis continued, "I think what has happened is there’s a lot of these special privileges that are not justifiable, but because Disney had held so much sway, they were able to sustain a lot of special treatment over the years."


PREMO Member

The law of unintended consequences comes for Disney

Back in 1967, the Reedy Creek Improvement District agreement was created to lure Disney to Florida. The agreement allows the district governmental powers to facilitate recreational projects and tourism. Florida's legislature felt that it would benefit the state if recreational organizations had the power to act as their own government in areas like property development, water control, public utilities, law enforcement, and fire protection. The mouse eagerly took the cheese, and today most of the land is owned by Walt Disney World. It's been a pretty sweet deal for Disney, allowing the company to develop its own building codes and water systems. The agreement also contains language giving the district legal jurisdiction if later laws create conflict.

Now Florida legislators are threatening to pull those special privileges if Disney continues to strike at HB1557, a piece of legislation that has been dubbed the "Don't Say Gay" law. In reality, the only thing the legislation bans is teaching children from kindergarten through the third grade about sexual orientation and gender identity. Parents overwhelmingly support the new law, preferring to keep education on such topics for very young children in the home. Considering that Disney has always touted itself as a family-friendly company, it would seem a foregone conclusion that the company would be persuaded, or at least cautioned, by the wide support HB1557 has among its customer base.

It appears that Disney has chosen to cast its lot with those who oppose parents deciding what, and when, their children learn about sex. The company has stated, “Our goal as a company is for this law to be repealed by the legislature or struck down in the courts." Jose Castillo, who is running for Congress and is also a Disney employee, shared with Fox News, "There is immense pressure to toe the company line" and that Disney bashing the new law has them "straying far away from the values that made this company the household name all Americans know and love." A group of Disney employees has issued an open letter about how uncomfortable the work environment has become since the company became entangled in progressivism rather than the magic of storytelling.


PREMO Member

Here’s a journo linking the fascist ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law to QAnon, religion, and ‘patriarchal & anti-urbanist narratives’

As we reported earlier this week, Washington Post opinion columnist sent out the alert that right-wing sites were universally referring to the “Don’t Say Gay” bill as the “Anti-Groomer Bill.” He was triggered by a piece by Rod Dreher in The American Conservative and by the belief that the word groomer refers exclusively to gay adults who are trying to shape the sexuality of young children, so “groomer” is homophobic. Well, he wasn’t triggered by the piece so much as the headline, which was “Disney Goes Groomer.” Waldman also wasn’t retweeting Dreher but Roy Edroso, who retweeted Dreher’s piece with the comment, “Dreher goes QAnon.”

That’s not all we’ve heard about QAnon lately. Senator Josh Hawley grilling SCOTUS nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson about her lenient sentences for child pornography was a “QAnon-signaling smear.” And CNN’s Oliver Darcy wrote in the “Reliable Sources” newsletter that it was “difficult to ignore the QAnon effort at work” in demonizing Disney.

David Atkins (he/him) is a contributor to Washington Monthly and a “progressive reformist.” He posted a long thread about the backlash against Disney and like Darcy attributed it to QAnon’s influence over the conservative movement.



PREMO Member

Memo Circulated To Florida Teachers Lays Out Clever Sabotage Of 'Don't Say Gay' Law

A letter reportedly circulating among Florida teachers is highlighting a thought-provoking sabotage of the state’s controversial new “Don’t Say Gay” law.

Since it’s now illegal to address gender identity or sexual orientation issues in schools for students from kindergarten through third grade, the letter recommends referring to all students as “they” and “them” to avoid “gendered pronouns” like “he” and “she.”

Also, “Mr.” and “Mrs.” should clearly be dropped for all teachers to conform with the law, the letter argues.

The strategy was spelled out in a “template” letter for teachers in Palm Beach County, according to the right-wing Moms for Liberty organization, which obtained a copy of the memo. The group posted the template on its Twitter site, and it’s now tearing through social media.

The “Don’t Say Gay” Florida law in fact does not mention the word “gay” anywhere in the text. And since it now bans addressing gender identity and sexual orientation issues in lower grades, the law could convincingly be understood to apply to all genders and sexual orientations.


Well-Known Member
DeSantis is the guy republicans need to nominate as their presidential candidate for 2024. I'm sure there will be those who will refuse to let go of the past, but if you want to win he is the guy. He will champion the America First agenda and will come without the baggage that democrats can attack. I'm just not sure republicans will be ready to move on.


Well-Known Member
DeSantis is the guy republicans need to nominate as their presidential candidate for 2024. I'm sure there will be those who will refuse to let go of the past, but if you want to win he is the guy. He will champion the America First agenda and will come without the baggage that democrats can attack. I'm just not sure republicans will be ready to move on.
I whole heartedly agree.
DeSantis is a much better candidate than Trump and I only wish Trump would realize it and throw his popularity behind DeSantis. Trump was a great President, but without the hate and vitriol he could have been greater. I believe DeSantis can be that President.