Did the Pope just say unless your Catholic....


I bowl overhand
Bavarian said:
The Holy Father, Pope Benedict the XVI is trying to get the Heretics, Schismatics to repent before it is too late. As the Vicar of Christ, it is his job.
Read the Fatima visions where souls are falling like snowflakes into Hell, which does exist as does Purgatory.
Extra Eclesia, nulla Sanctis!
All churches say the same thing, and the WORST sin is to be christend in or accept another church.. giving your tithing to another is unforgivable!! No organized church really cares if you believe in Christ, or if you accept him as your savior, they only care if you believe in their church and no other, be it Catholics, Methodists, Mormons, or Muslims.. it's all the same.

You leave (insert church name here) you have turned your back on the truth and the living God and you will spend eternity in (insert whatever term aforementioned church uses for Hell).


New Member
Trace back the lineage of Christian Churches and Eclesastical Communities, and you will see that the Catholic Church was the one started by Christ. He made St. Peter the first Pope. On the evening of the first Easter, He appeared to the apostles and told them whose sins you forgive they are forgiven them, whose sins you shall retained are retained, instituting the Sacrament of Penance. and mandating conffession o sins to a priest, who, acting as Christ's representative can grant absolution.
The apostles met in conclave and selected Mattias to replace Judas, Apostolic Succession.
The words to the Hail Mary are the words used by Elizabeth when she greeted Mary.
Do your research! The New Testament was complied by the Catholic Church.
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Bavarian said:
Trace back the lineage of Christian Churches and Eclesastical Communities, and you will see that the Catholic Church was the one started by Christ.

That doesn't mean that today it is what he started so long agi. I am sure the practices of paying cash for an anulment wouldn't sit too well with Jesus. (my friend is considered a bastard by the Catholic church because her dad bought an anulment from the church)

Not to mention the practices of the Catholic Church during the dark ages.


New Member
No I am not SSPX, but, I did attend Mass at an SSPX chapel in Michigan. Visiting my sister-in-law, who saw a church with the TLM, thought I pointed out that the Ordinary of Detroit had not allowed it under the Indult, we went, my wife, he sister and I. Very reverent, but I think it was SSPX, priest said he was going to the meeting in Seattle.
The Vatican has said that assisting at Mass at an SSPX chapel fulfils your Sunday obligation.
Ah, the Springtime of Vatican II!

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Scofflaw and Personal Responsibility.

itsbob said:
According to who's church, EXACTLY.. if you're going to quote doctrine, please tell us WHO's Doctrine.
:jameo: I tell people to think for one self, read the scriptures and make one's own conclusions as I do,

we do not need doctrine from others.

Other people can help us with our own doctrine and we can share the same beliefs but we must deal with the God on a one on one basis or else it will always be a superficial faith.

Therefore the doctrine that I teach is my own doctrine. :popcorn:


Harley Rider
Bavarian said:
The Holy Father, Pope Benedict the XVI is trying to get the Heretics, Schismatics to repent before it is too late. As the Vicar of Christ, it is his job.
Read the Fatima visions where souls are falling like snowflakes into Hell, which does exist as does Purgatory.
Extra Eclesia, nulla Sanctis!
There you go! Another indoctrinated person. Friend, if the Bible didn't say otherwise, you'd have a chance of being right, but since it does, the pope and the church need to "repent before it is too late"! He is not the Holy Father and he is NOT the vicar of Christ. You have been taught that by a group that wants to control you and others who'll believe that without checking out the truth. If you believe the Bible, read 1 Timothy 2v5 and see that the pope didn't die for anyones sins so he ain't NOBODY'S mediator. Then Look at John 17v11 and meet the real Holy Father. And purgatory doesn't exist just for the record.


Highlander's MPD
Why do we try to discuss religion here. I am Catholic and can't stand others telling me that we are wrong or part of some group that wants to control us. How crazy is that? I following the belief that the Catholic church is the original church. I guess we see Protestants as the ones who protested or broke off from the original church. We are no more controlled by our beliefs than you. Who is to say the protestants are right? You? NOT! Heck, let's start a church worshoping Elvis. We'll all believe he is still alive. Before long, that will be in our bible and we will shun anyone who doesn't believe he is still alive.

I've been to baptists services. It was definitely a feel good time. Lots of singing, music and people bouncing around the church. It was a warm fuzzy happy experience that made me and my family feel good but to us, that's not what religion is all about. But if that's what you want to believe in, then go for it.


It's Great to be American
czygvtwkr said:
That doesn't mean that today it is what he started so long agi. I am sure the practices of paying cash for an anulment wouldn't sit too well with Jesus. (my friend is considered a bastard by the Catholic church because her dad bought an anulment from the church)

Not to mention the practices of the Catholic Church during the dark ages.

I've been a Catholic my entire life and have not ever heard of the church granting an annulment on the basis of a cash payment.

My research also indicates that the annulment process is a lengthy one, usually 8-12 months, and once an annulment is granted by the Catholic Church, the persons for which the annulment was granted are both free to remarry in the Catholic Church. There is nothing that I read that suggests that childen of annulled marriages are considered "Bastards" by the church.


Additional Readings


buddy999 said:
I've been a Catholic my entire life and have not ever heard of the church granting an annulment on the basis of a cash payment.

My research also indicates that the annulment process is a lengthy one, usually 8-12 months, and once an annulment is granted by the Catholic Church, the persons for which the annulment was granted are both free to remarry in the Catholic Church. There is nothing that I read that suggests that childen of annulled marriages are considered "Bastards" by the church.


Additional Readings

I honestly dont know much about it, just what my friend had told me. I don't go to any church so I really dont have a beef with any of them. My friend however is very bitter to the Catholic Church.


Highlander's MPD
czygvtwkr said:
I honestly dont know much about it, just what my friend had told me. I don't go to any church so I really dont have a beef with any of them. My friend however is very bitter to the Catholic Church.

I've known people who have converted to catholicism as well as people like your friend who has become bitter with the catholic church. The catholic church does have some rules that not everyone wants to follow. It's been that way for a very long time. People have "protested" the church (protestants) and joined a church that made them feel better or opened up a church of their own in the abandoned shopping center down the street.

It's kinda like your job. If you don't want to listen to the boss and you want to do things your own way, you usually end up finding another job or opening your own business.


Harley Rider
Dork said:
Why do we try to discuss religion here. I am Catholic and can't stand others telling me that we are wrong or part of some group that wants to control us. How crazy is that? I following the belief that the Catholic church is the original church. I guess we see Protestants as the ones who protested or broke off from the original church. We are no more controlled by our beliefs than you. Who is to say the protestants are right? You? NOT!
That's exactly why we have to have a standard of absolute truth which is the Bible, otherwise ANYONE can have their opinion and we'd never know what or who is right or wrong. A person can use the Bible to prove someone or some doctrine wrong. That's what myself & others do here and we get belittled & called names for it, but in the end they'll see, the Bible (God's Word) will be the judge for US ALL, so we might as well get on board with it's teachings now. PS: the Bible says nothing about Elvis being alive or dead, so you might be right Dork. :lmao:


Tinkerbell said:
In order to understand why Mary is the Mother of God, you have to understand and believe in the Holy Trinity. This is one thing that is different than other churches. The Catholic Church believes in a Holy Trinity: The Father (God), the Son (Jesus) and the Holy spirit. It's hard to explain the Holy Trinity, because they are three but one - not three separate "people" but one person who resides in three ways - kind of. The best way to even begin to try and understand it is: a family of three people is still just one family. It's considered a Holy Mystery in the Catholic Church. We do not know or understand the ways of God. We simply have to have faith in things and the mysteries are what they are: mysteries. We aren't meant to understand.

Italian Stallion >> You need to educate yourself more on the Catholic Church. You really are taking alot out of context. Toxick has done a good job setting you straight on some of your misunderstandings about the Catholic Church. Heck, it's possibly the most misunderstood Church in the world. :lol:

Just know, 99% of Catholics mean no harm, they are just doing what they think is best. They are just practicing their faith in their way. You are upset at the Pope's remarks condemning other Churches, then don't be like him and condemn the Catholic Church. It makes you no better. I think the Pope maybe shouldn't have said that. If nothing else, Jesus teaches us that the most important thing is to love one another. No matter what. And tolerance, Jesus teaches us that too.

The congregation of the Catholic Church just want to admire and love God. Yeah, there's a bunch of idiots in the administration of the church that sometimes forget it's not a business, and they say and do things they shouldn't and get involved a little too much in politics. They aren't perfect - NO ONE IS. Misguided a bit, yeah, but human too! They aggravate me too - and I'm a Catholic. Sometimes I wish the Catholic Church would just worry about the faith, God, etc. and stop with press releases and junk.



slomo said:
A 16-page document by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which Pope Benedict once headed, described Christian Orthodox churches as true churches, but suffering from a "wound" since they do not recognize the primacy of Pope.


From Catholic World Network:

Primary: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Originally known as the Inquisition and then the Holy Office, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) received its current appellation in 1965, but is still unofficially known as La Suprema in recognition of its preeminence. This office promotes and safeguards the Church's doctrine. Thus everything that in any way touches on the beliefs of the Catholic faith fall within its competence. The Vatican web site says explains CDF "promotes & sound doctrine and defend those points of Christian tradition that seem in danger because of new and unacceptable doctrines."

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger has served for years as prefect of the CDF, assisted by a secretary, an undersecretary, a promoter of justice, and a staff of 33 members. Twenty-five members and 28 consultors round out the dicastery; the staff is divided among four divisions: the office for priests, for discipline, for doctrine, and for matrimony.

Any initiative by another Vatican dicastery, if it has implications for Church doctrine, must pass through the CDF. For the secular world, the events that make news within the Catholic Church often occur when the CDF steps into a theological controversy, issues a formal clarification of a disputed point, or disciplines a wayward theologian. And since this office thus commands a high public profile most people who want the Vatican to do something will start with the CDF. This gives the dicastery the opportunity to decide how various inquiries should be directed to other offices--another source of considerable influence.

Because of its prominence, the CDF is sometimes able to accomplish things without the help of the Secretariat of State.

Because the CDF's work deals with matters of the faith, the CDF prefect is also president of both the Pontifical Biblical Commission and the International Theological Commission.

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - Doctrinal Documents

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - Disciplinary Documents

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - Documents on sacramental questions

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - Diocese

Catholic Encyclopedia Search

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - Wiki



New Member
ItalianScallion said:
That's exactly why we have to have a standard of absolute truth which is the Bible, otherwise ANYONE can have their opinion and we'd never know what or who is right or wrong. A person can use the Bible to prove someone or some doctrine wrong. That's what myself & others do here and we get belittled & called names for it, but in the end they'll see, the Bible (God's Word) will be the judge for US ALL, so we might as well get on board with it's teachings now. PS: the Bible says nothing about Elvis being alive or dead, so you might be right Dork. :lmao:
The Bible alone is not enough. It must be combined with The Deposit of Faith. Jesus never told his followers to write this down, St. John said there was much more that Jesus did that he did not write down.
Reading the Bible correctly requires extensive training. We see the results of untrained people reading the Bible themselves, with no guide. That is why the protestants are spinning out of control and all these store front "churches" crop up. As a great writer, Joseph Sobran, (his columns are on the Internet) said "Every Protestant with a Bible is his own Pope".
It is better to have the Church provide quidance from over 2000 years of study to help one understand.
Praying for people in Heaven already to intercede with you with God is not worshipping them, it is a realization that the more people praying for you the better, think of it as a prayer chain.
This statement by Pope Benedict is a reiteration of Dominus Jesu. which he helped write as Cardinal Ratzinger and head of the CDF.

I think and pray that non-Catholics can get into Heaven if they never learned the truth, but I worry for those who were Catholic and fell away.


Baby blues
This is one of my favorate verses. Please read it and think about it. Isn't this really all that matters? Let people worship God however they choose. Let's not bash each other. Just be glad that they are trying to know God and be close to Him.

1 Corinthians 13:13
But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Scofflaw and Personal Responsibility.

Tinkerbell said:
This is one of my favorate verses. Please read it and think about it. Isn't this really all that matters? Let people worship God however they choose. Let's not bash each other. Just be glad that they are trying to know God and be close to Him.

1 Corinthians 13:13
But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.
:jameo: That is it,

everybody is fine and everybody gets saved,

unconditional love whether anyone wants it or not. :howdy:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bavarian said:
The Bible alone is not enough. It must be combined with The Deposit of Faith. Jesus never told his followers to write this down, St. John said there was much more that Jesus did that he did not write down......
He also wrote:
Revelation 22:18-19

18I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book;

19and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book.
Seems adding things to the Bible may bring consequences.

Being a Catholic will not get you into the kingdom of God. Seems to me I remember a recent Pope saying Christ was only one way to the kingdom of God; that is in direct conflict with
John 14: 6Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
and Catholics call priests father, right? What about this?
Matthew 23:9"Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven.

Churches are run by humans and humans are sinners; I don't care what organization it is, if a human is involved in decisions, there will be some that are wrong.

Seems to me there was a thief on a cross that is in the kingdom of God right now and he was not baptized, did not speak in tongues, and was not a Catholic, Baptist, or any thing but a faithful believer in Jesus.

Please. Can we stop arguing about denominations? The atheists and agnostics don't have to attack us. We do quite well on our own. Sad that satan uses brand names to sidetrack Christians.