DIE - Diversity, Inclusion, Equity


PREMO Member

DEI killed the CHIPS Act

DEI — the identity-obsessed dogma that goes by “diversity, equity, and inclusion” — has now trained Google’s new AI to refuse to draw white people. What’s even more alarming is that it’s also infected the supply chain that makes the chips powering everything from AI to missiles, endangering national security.

The Biden administration recently promised it will finally loosen the purse strings on $39 billion of CHIPS Act grants to encourage semiconductor fabrication in the U.S. But less than a week later, Intel announced that it’s putting the brakes on its Columbus factory. The Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) has pushed back production at its second Arizona foundry. The remaining major chipmaker, Samsung, just delayed its first Texas fab.

This is not the way companies typically respond to multi-billion-dollar subsidies. So what explains chipmakers’ apparent ingratitude? In large part, frustration with DEI requirements embedded in the CHIPS Act.

Commentators have noted that CHIPS and Science Act money has been sluggish. What they haven’t noticed is that it’s because the CHIPS Act is so loaded with DEI pork that it can’t move.

The law contains 19 sections aimed at helping minority groups, including one creating a Chief Diversity Officer at the National Science Foundation, and several prioritizing scientific cooperation with what it calls “minority-serving institutions.” A section called “Opportunity and Inclusion” instructs the Department of Commerce to work with minority-owned businesses and make sure chipmakers “increase the participation of economically disadvantaged individuals in the semiconductor workforce.”


PREMO Member

DEI Certificate Programs Proliferate: “Training a Cadre of Political Commissars”

CriticalRace.org, a project of the Legal Insurrection Foundation, has unique and unparalleled interactive maps and databases demonstrating how Critical Race Theory and its progeny, such as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and Ibram Kendi’s misnamed “anti-racism,” have deeply penetrated every corner of academia. The racialization of education is all but complete.

We now cover over 700 institutions covering Higher Education, Elite K-12, Military Service Academies, Veterinary Schools, and U.S. Business Schools. What is perhaps our flagship database covers Medical Schools. The databases have been covered, linked to, and cited over 150 times by other media.

Our latest database is DEI Certificate Programs, which are non-academic, non-degree programs that have proliferated as higher education sought to cash in on the post-George Floyd CRT/DEI feeding frenzy. These certificates are touted as career enhancers for the burgeoning DEI career bureaucracies that have spread like wildfire through academia, corporations, and government.

You will find such certificate holders almost everywhere there is DEI, including the Columbia University Medical DEI Chief, in the news recently due to accusations he plagiarized his dissertation in part from Wikipedia, who had a DEI Certificate from eCornell, and online offshoot of Cornell University. It will come as no surprise to our readers that Cornell is a leader in these DEI Certificates, with six different Certificate programs; none of the other colleges and universities had more than one program.


PREMO Member
🔥 Local Austin ABC affiliate KVUE ran a terrific story yesterday headlined, “Dozens of UT Austin employees in DEI-related roles to be laid off.” Well, to be honest, KVUE was not super excited about the news. The story’s first quote was Aaliyah Barlow, president of UT’s Black Student Alliance, who reportedly sobbed “honestly, I cried and I was angry.”


Thanks democrats! Welcome to 2024. This is what things have come to. Adults crying over politics. Forget about policy or even reason. It’s all emotion now: mainly grief and rage. I’m not exaggerating. KVUE’s next ‘DEI policy analyst’ quote was from UT junior Chrisdianna Mcafee, who said, "A lot of people are upset; all of my group chats are raging. All of the GroupMe’s, all of the Slacks – everybody is raging.”

Goodness. Her inability to enunciate a rational objection makes one wonder what Ms. Mcafee’s student loan balance has climbed up to. The University of Texas might be wildly succeeding in its ‘emo’ studies, but it is clearly failing students elsewhere. Is that really value for money?

The news devastating UT’s far-left students was the announcement by the school’s president that, following passage of a new Texas law, the school’s DEI department would be rolled up, its diverse faculty employees reassigned, its funding equitably redeployed, and around 60 highly-inclusive “support staff” would be ashcanned. The president explained:

Funding used to support DEI across campus prior to SB 17's effective date will be redeployed to support teaching and research. As part of this reallocation, associate or assistant deans who were formerly focused on DEI will return to their full-time faculty positions. The positions that provided support for those associate and assistant deans and a small number of staff roles across campus that were formerly focused on DEI will no longer be funded.

This is more excellent progress. And the blue-state / red-state divide grows ever wider.



PREMO Member

Woke Students MELTDOWN Over Getting LAID OFF And Segregated Graduations ENDING Due To DEI Ban!​

lmao ... black girl whining Texas doesn't want us here ..... then why the fuk are you here ?
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PREMO Member
They're at it again. As we reported earlier, Axios published a piece for Axios Latino explaining the new hotness that white liberals and their colonized Latinx allies are pushing on the Hispanic communities. You should read the Twitchy piece for its well deserved evisceration. Even the Axios article itself says that actual Latinos are not warm to the idea but hopefully they can be educated in the ways of genderless enlightenment.

Then Iowahawk weighed in. And that, friends, is worth a whole post of its own.



Well-Known Member
They're at it again. As we reported earlier, Axios published a piece for Axios Latino explaining the new hotness that white liberals and their colonized Latinx allies are pushing on the Hispanic communities. You should read the Twitchy piece for its well deserved evisceration. Even the Axios article itself says that actual Latinos are not warm to the idea but hopefully they can be educated in the ways of genderless enlightenment.

Then Iowahawk weighed in. And that, friends, is worth a whole post of its own.

I heard Latam for the first time yesterday. Short for Latin American. While I understand not every brown person wants to be called "Mexican", I have never heard anyone get upset with the term Hispanic. Why so much churn on trying to rename this group of people?


PREMO Member

This Regime Is Built on a Lie

The case against DEI, as Prof. Shaun Harper of USC’s Race and Equity Center argues, is based on “misinformation, misunderstanding, and reckless mischaracterizations.” Harper and nearly a dozen well-credentialed colleagues propound these supposed facts in a recent 62-page report, Truths About DEI on College Campuses: Evidence-Based Expert Responses to Politicized Misinformation.

DEI not only reduces dignitary harms to underrepresented minorities, they say, it points to a reconstruction of the environment that will foster more student success for all. “By employing a more comprehensive and coordinated approach” to DEI, writes Mitchell Chang of UCLA in the Truths report, “campuses increase their overall organizational cohesiveness and capacity to improve the quality of the educational context.”

Much DEI advocacy-scholarship, especially that used to sell DEI programs to corporate America and schools (diversity training is an $8 billion industry annually in the United States), operates in what Thomas Kuhn called a “paradigm,” a set of observations and assumptions, unquestioned and unproved, that shape what findings are acceptable—again, what we might recognize as “ideology” beyond the realm of academia. Scholars within this paradigm see the moral imperative to close achievement gaps between the races. These gaps are always traced to systemic discrimination. The paradigm imposes a framework for bridging these gaps as well. Disparities can be overcome through pride-enhancing practices like black-only graduation ceremonies or housing arrangements; through racial preferences in hiring or admissions; and through training those in the majority culture about their implicit biases, white privilege, microaggressions, and other elements of diversity training.

A seemingly respectable professional apparatus promotes this paradigm. Advocate-scholars conduct studies showing how diversity training reduces prejudice. Manuscripts are sent out to fellow advocate-scholars for peer-review (usually through editors and editorial boards also stacked with advocate-scholars). Manuscripts are favorably reviewed and published. This feedback loop has been corrupting professional standards among scholar-advocates in large portions of sociology, psychology, education, and other fields for two generations.

Parallel to these advocate-scholars, often in disciplines like business management or organizational communication, exists an extensive literature questioning the assumptions of the DEI industry. Diversity trainings—a go-to policy of the DEI advocates—are especially ineffective in changing attitudes, behaviors, and institutions.

The DEI industry hardly even acknowledges the existence of this critical literature. At least four large-scale meta-analyses of diversity training have been published since 2009, though Truths about DEI on College Campus Report never acknowledges them. Frank Dobbin and Alexandra Kalev’s 2018 article “Why Doesn’t Diversity Training Work?” from Anthropology Today—an article since expanded into a book from Harvard University Press—is never cited in Truths. Elizabeth Paluck and Donald Green, who wrote or co-authored skeptical meta-analyses on the diversity training literature in both 2009 and 2021, are not cited. Even Katerina Bezrukova et. al., whose 2016 “A Meta-analytical Integration of Over 40 years of Research on Diversity Training Evaluation” is ambiguously supportive of diversity training, is not cited in Truths. Only certain truths are fit to print.

“Hundreds of studies,” write Harvard’s Dobbin and the University of Tel Aviv’s Kalev, “dating back to the 1930s suggest that antibias training does not reduce bias, alter behavior, or change the workplace.” Though “diversity training is likely the most expensive, and least effective, diversity program,” it remains popular among institutions who feel they just check the boxes out of concern for legal issues and out of fear that those in the diversity industry will wage public relations campaigns against dissenting institutions.


PREMO Member
May the pendulum begin to swing back in it's path of correction.
I would SO thoroughly enjoy the full momentum in the opposite direction....

DIE is already getting pushed out .... as soon as businesses start having Cash Flow issues - DIE Staff get kicked to the curb

Unfortunately this lingers in Cultural Spaces [ as long as the Black rock / Vanguard ESG Money Flows in ]

Movies - Disney is the worst right now .... Movie after Movie After Movie flops as Girl Boss Movies Fail - Guys are the PRIMARY Consumers of Super Hero Movies and DO NOT care for Mary Sue Girl Boss Movies .... yeah Black Widow is bad ass ... Capt Marvel was Gender Swapped - Madam Web is WT Actual F is going on here .... or Race Swapped - The Little Mermaid IS A RED HEADED WHITE CHICK .... Making her Black with Red Hair Doesn't work - Snow White is NOT A Girl Boss learning to be the Fearless Strong Leader Rachel Zigler is NOT helping to get butts in the seats telling people guys are NOT invited - Gender Swapped Ghost Busters DO NOT WORK .... Women By and Large ARE NOT Going to these Movies Supporting the Girl Bosses - where are all the feminists ? The latest Star Wars Series ' The Acolyte ' the director

“I Enjoy Making Men Uncomfortable”: Feminist Star Wars Director Slammed for Setting Up Film to Be Disney’s ‘Biggest Woke Flop Yet’

Two-time Oscar winner Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy has declared “it’s about time” a woman shaped a Star Wars film as she is set to become the first woman and the first person of colour to direct a feature film for the franchise.


During her appearance at The Most Powerful Women Summit in 2015, Kennedy said, “I think the interesting path we’ve had is the conversation that took place around consumer products. Because there were a lot of companies that were in place who frankly didn’t initially feel that Star Wars was for girls.”

WTF was the Princess Leia Chracter ? Grabs a blaster and starts shooting Storm Troopers - Leader in the Rebal Allinace

Video Games - there is a HUGE on line fight right now, Video Games Dev's have been exposed colluding with WOKE Consultants [ who have done some Mafia Style Black Mailing - that is a nice video game company you have their, it would be a shame if your game was canceled - you need to hire us to proof read your game and check for diversity ] ] to ensure their games check all the boxes - lists of Games have been made and Normal Average3 Gamers are spending their money elsewhere, while Unrialists in the Media Space are running counter attacks in news and on Twitter trying to get the normies canceled while some woke'sters make death threats

Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?

$ 20,000 to the person that makes this guy disapper [ made in a Twitter Post ] later updraded to $ 30k by a Twitch Streamer

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PREMO Member

WOKE Democrat Governor Orders DEI To Remove SEXIST Barriers For Women To Become Construction Workers​

What a stupid cu nt ..... IF Women WANTED to work construction, they would be working Construction IF THEY CAN CARRY THEIR WEIGHT


Well-Known Member

Mill's aggressive attack on middle class businesses during the covid fraud was NOT forgotten by....(some). She ruined vacations, restaurants, amusement sites, etc...and low & behold: People thanked her for how caring she was and judicious.
Too many Maine voters are completely stupid.
Even though 1/2 my family is up there....I will only visit,...never consider moving....the voters suffer from cognitive dissonance.