DIE - Diversity, Inclusion, Equity


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Doesn’t it feel like United Airlines is becoming the ‘Bud Light’ of air travel? Their recent drive towards Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) seems heavily focused on transvestites, cross-dressers, and other assorted freaks. But unlike Bud Light, which was “merely” cynically trying to sell beer, United Airlines is potentially putting people’s lives in danger with their Drag Queen Flying Hour.

You may have heard by now, but the CEO of United Airlines enjoys cross-dressing as a woman.



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It is slowly dawning on liberals across America that DEI is, in most contexts, illegal. The whole point of DEI is to discriminate against disfavored groups, and in favor of preferred groups. Liberals have a hard time understanding that there is anything wrong with this, but the courts–most notably, recently, in the Harvard and UNC cases–are beginning to set them straight.

In many states, legislators aren’t waiting for litigation to unfold. They are passing laws barring universities from spending money on DEI, disbanding DEI programs, and so on. Of course this is causing consternation in the world of higher education. For a glimpse of how the other side thinks, check out this piece in The Chronicle of Higher Education:

At least 14 states this year will consider legislation that could dismantle the ways college administrators attempt to correct historical and structural gender and racial disparities and make campus climates more inclusive, according to a Chronicle of Higher Education analysis.


“Historically marginalized employees and students” are those that belong to certain demographic categories–blacks, American Indians, in some cases Hispanics, illegal immigrants, gays, and so on. Whether the individuals who are admitted, hired or promoted on account of DEI were themselves disadvantaged is a completely different question that is never asked. Very often, they are privileged individuals who grew up wealthy and, because they failed to apply themselves diligently or lacked talent, didn’t meet normal academic standards. But because they are by ethnic or gender definition “marginalized,” these wealthy but unaccomplished people get special treatment via DEI. This happens all the time.

…opponents say those efforts are ineffective, illegal, and, in fact, discriminatory against white men.

Of course they discriminate against white men. That is the whole point, and DEI advocates glory in it.

This is painfully stupid:

Advocates of DEI efforts say colleges have a long legacy of discrimination and lack of diversity in their ranks. Consider that Black students accounted for 7.4 percent of those admitted to selective higher-education institutions in 2021, despite Black Americans accounting for nearly 13 percent of the population enrolled in undergraduate education.

Yes, do you know why that is? Because on the average, their grades and test scores weren’t good enough. If it weren’t for athletic prowess, those numbers would be lower, too. For a brief, shining moment that lasted a few decades, our universities represented a meritocracy–not perfect, perhaps, but extraordinary by any global historical standard. But those days are gone. Quotas have now replaced merit, and the discrimination against some groups–Jews and Asians, in particular–is vicious.



PREMO Member
The conversation about DEI has taken an interesting turn on X lately, with people worrying about airlines promising that half of their pilots will soon be women and people of color.

Christopher Rufo, who was also instrumental in exposing critical race theory and academic queer theory in public schools, helped spearhead the plagiarism campaign against former Harvard president Claudine Gay which many thought was to remove her as a DEI hire.

The media hate Rufo because he comes right out with his intentions and tells you his playbook. He's not hiding anything that the media could be considered a "gotcha." Rufo says people should be hired on merit alone.

Of course, the media has rallied behind DEI, despite its lack of a track record of accomplishing anything. The New York Times has published a piece on the attack on DEI, going through hundreds of emails to uncover "searing homophobia" among those backing the push.



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After DEI, Every Country Except America Can Land on the Moon

NASA is focused on men going where no man has gone before… the ladies’ room.

In 2023, India landed its robot lander on the moon in a mission that only cost $75 million, while in 2020, China became the third nation, after America and the USSR, to return lunar samples.

So why is the United States still struggling to manage something that every other country seems to be able to do and that American engineers used to be able to pull off with slide rules? The Apollo computer used memory made of wire ropes woven by women in the garment industry.

Back then we picked the best and the brightest who had the “right stuff”. Now the right stuff consists of checking DEI boxes.

“NASA is embracing inclusion”, the space agency announced, “and is pursuing a set of missions that will shatter the highest of glass ceilings: landing the first woman and person of color on the Moon. While the first Moon landing in 1969 was named after the Greek god Apollo, NASA’s return missions are referred to as Artemis – Apollo’s twin sister and goddess of the Moon.”


PREMO Member

We Are Watching the DEI Demise of Airlines Happening in Real Time and It Is Terrifying AF

Air travel (particularly within the U.S.) has been a traveler's nightmare for decades. Unlike those photos from the '50s where airports looked like visions of the future and everyone on the plane was dressed to the nines and flying in luxury, modern air travel, including the airports, often leaves much to be desired. In the words of the wonderful Douglas Adams:

'It can hardly be a coincidence that no language on Earth has ever produced the expression 'as pretty as an airport.' Airports are ugly. Some are very ugly. Some attain a degree of ugliness that can only be the result of a special effort. This ugliness arises because airports are full of people who are tired, cross, and have just discovered that their luggage has landed in Murmansk ... and the architects have on the whole tried to reflect this in their designs.
They have sought to highlight the tiredness and crossness motif with brutal shapes and nerve jangling colours, to make effortless the business of separating the traveller from his or her luggage or loved ones, to confuse the traveller with arrows that appear to point at the windows, distant tie racks, or the current position of Ursa Minor in the night sky, and wherever possible to expose the plumbing on the grounds that it is functional, and conceal the location of the departure gates, presumably on the grounds that they are not.'

Sigh ... we miss Douglas Adams.

But even through the end of the 20th century, air travel was still tolerable and efficient. We're pretty sure the real hell started with the inception of the TSA. Like most government-mandated alphabet organizations, the TSA has proven to be utterly useless and just an endless suck of taxpayer money. Post-TSA, everything has seemed to just start careening downhill. Fast.

But up until very recently, at the very least, you could usually count on air travel to be (mostly) safe.

Today, as every airline seems to embrace the destructive force known as DEI, even safety seems to be flying out the window (sorry, bad joke in this context).

For instance, take a look at this recent Virgin Airlines flight from Manchester, UK, to New York City:



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
The Virgin representative said the flight ended up being axed to “provide time for precautionary additional engineering maintenance checks, which allowed our team the maximum time to complete their inspections.

“The safety of our customers and crew is always our top priority and this was not compromised at any point,” the rep said in the statement. “We always work well above industry safety standards and the aircraft is now back in service.”

Neil Firth, the Airbus local chief wing engineer for A330, added that the affected panel was a secondary structure used to improve the aerodynamics of the plane.

"Secondary structure used to improve the aerodynamics of the plane." Sounds like no big deal... Oh, wait...

... They mean the flap that produces the lift needed for the plane.



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WOKE Mark Cuban Facing Lawsuits After GETTING DESTROYED As Diversity Virtue Signal BACKFIRES!​



Well-Known Member
did I ever tell you guys about my cousin "Willard", from Valdosta Georgia? Well, he was never brought up right and had a wild side you might say... "Earl", his Daddy, was a merchant marine "by mistake". He watched Gomer Pyle USMC but enlisted in the merchant marines because he had a Sears 12' boat and liked water.

When Willard was about 14-15 he helped his buddies, Royce and Bud, clear some brush when they made a go kart track behind Cleo's barn.
Well, the shredder had an old Briggs & Stratton 5 hp motor which stalled out all the time.... They clogged the shute with sticks and a 2X4 and the motor stalled. They got the motor running and Willard decided to cram the debris in with BOTH feet.... well...... on a positive note, his "you know what" was saved.

Under DEI on Tifton County, he is entered in the annual tri-County 50 yard dash in June.
Rod Rugg....it has been too Long, Glasva & SoMd has missed you.


I bowl overhand
Check out USAJobs.. I was surprised to see how many DIE management jobs there were.. 14 and 15 level jobs that basically have no education or experience requirements.


I bowl overhand
Meeting held at the Island Tiki Bar, and attended by the Island Dancers?

I didn't even know the TIki Bar used to have strippers until I met BadGirl!!

Chick-fil-A Faces Growing Backlash Over ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ Efforts

DEI is a set of principles that large corporations, government agencies, and schools have increasingly incorporated into their work environments, often mandating employees receive such training. However, these principles are rooted in Marxism, according to prominent critics including Christopher Rufo and James Lindsay, that are essentially vehicles for “left-wing racialist ideology and partisan political activism.”

“They are designed to replace the system of academic merit with a system of race-based preferences and discrimination—which, in many cases, explicitly violates federal civil rights law,” wrote Rufo for his Substack page earlier this year.

The Chick-fil-A announcement was highlighted this week by several prominent conservative accounts. According to McReynolds’s LinkedIn page, he was hired as Chick-fil-A’s vice president for “Diversity, Equity [and] Inclusion” in late 2021.

“We have a problem,” wrote Joey Mannarino, a conservative host in highlighting Chick-fil-A’s prior announcement, on Twitter Tuesday morning. “Chick-Fil-A just hired a VP of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. This is bad. Very bad. I don’t want to have to boycott. Are we going to have to boycott?”

He also wrote: “The Left is going crazy again over the Chick-fil-A boycott that conservatives are considering. They’re mad because we’ve FINALLY gotten effective at boycotts. Any company that is pushing the trans stuff on our kids or the DEI stuff, we are going to pick the worst offenders.”

“So Chick-fil-A has a diversity, equity and inclusion division,” added columnist Todd Starnes on Tuesday. “Well, that explains the fried cauliflower sandwiches and kale salad.”
Diversity: everyone except white people

Inclusion: excluding white people

Equity: benefits for non-whites at white people's expense


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How Gender Ideology is enforced - John Lewis, MS Society, NHS "chestfeeding" milk from males​



PREMO Member
Twitchy told you about the MS Society FAIL when they fired a 90-year-old volunteer as well as the statement they released following the apology. Now we are going to put you front and center for the show since they have issued an APOLOGY.

GRAB YOUR POPCORN because Megyn Kelly was not having any of it. She destroyed them and it was GLORIOUS!

The pronoun game is so beyond silly. How is forcing 90-year-olds to say pronouns helping with diversity, equity, or inclusion? Was it really necessary for Fran to call 'Jake' she or he or they? We think Jake could have just allowed themselves to be called anything Fran chose, she is 90 years old and it wasn't going to hurt him, her, or them.

RIGHT!?!? Leave Fran alone, they just keep trying to beat her over the head with this junk at every turn. Can we as a society just agree that it is ok for anyone over the age of 80 to not worry about pronouns and just worry about staying alive and not falling? This really should not be too much to ask.



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Bryan Caplan, professor of economics in George Mason University’s excellent economics department, has a long article out today with the James Martin Center about the attempt to impose a mandatory “Just Societies” course for all students at George Mason starting next fall, and the course is a total ideological DEI wokefest. He also has a separate Substack article that goes into lengthy detail.

Partly because Caplan blew the whistle on this Orwellian outrage, the course requirement is on hold for the moment, pending “review” by the administration. And naturally the DEI campus Stasi is threatening to “review” Prof. Caplan for this offense.

One passage from his Martin Center article deserves special highlight:

This is quixotic, I know, but let me try to break through the woke academic echo chamber with some harsh truths. If you promote DEI for a living, the reality is that normal, apolitical people see you as a racist, sexist, censorious fanatic. They don’t say so publicly … because they are afraid of you. They don’t tell you privately … because they are afraid of you. But when they’re speaking to people they trust, they vehemently disagree with you—and yearn to see you all fired.

Well, it appears that the University of Florida has figured this out. Today the University (where Ben Sasse is now president) summarily closed down the entire DEI apparatus, and is summarily dismissing, rather than “reassigning” DEI staff to other offices. It has also canceled all outside contracts for DEI consultants. It will save $5 million right away, which Sasse says will be diverted to new faculty recruitment.