DIE - Diversity, Inclusion, Equity


Well-Known Member
If anyone is included for the reason of gender race, or sexuality, it means that someone is excluded for the same reason and some ******* is trying to convince others that this is fair and right.------------------------It aint.


Well-Known Member
If anyone is included for the reason of gender race, or sexuality, it means that someone is excluded for the same reason and some ******* is trying to convince others that this is fair and right.------------------------It aint.
Except when it is. I don't need to see a bunch of burly dude waitresses when I go to hooters.


Well-Known Member
Dont' be discriminating against Hemi.


PREMO Member

RI Now Requires Attorneys Take DEI Continuing Education, So Equal Protection Project Will Create Our Own DEI Program

“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.” Imagine me thinking I could stop the DEI freight train moving down the Continuing Legal Education tracks in Rhode Island.

But I tried.

On May 12, 2023, I posted My Statement To RI Supreme Court Opposing Proposed Mandatory DEI Continuing Legal Education Requirement:

At CriticalRace.org and EqualProtect.org, we have catalogued and acted against racial and ethnic discrimination done in the name of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). The spread of DEI group-identity ideology has captured almost every major institution, but there are exceptions and there is growing pushback.
The problem with DEI is that it is a group-identity ideology that measures equality based on group performance. Treatment of the individual is not the focus, group outcomes are the focus. That is not our legal tradition, which focuses on fair treatment of individuals without regard to race (or other legally protected factors). If every individual is treated with an equal protection of the laws, group outcome is irrelevant.
Unfortunately, DEI is moving into the legal sphere, with 11 states requiring DEI Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits in order to maintain admission to the Bar. Such mandated coursework in the past has been reserved for legal ethics, not specific substantive areas. Putting one’s livelihood and professional career at risk over DEI CLE is a mighty large hammer to hold over an attorney’s head.
Rhode Island may be the 12th state to impose a mandatory DEI CLE requirement, under a proposal posted by the Rhode Island Supreme Court. The proposal would require that one of the 10 hours of required CLE credits be on DEI.

The comment period for the rule proposal ended today. I filed a letter memorandum opposing the Rule.


PREMO Member
My last employer was going down the Diversity Road ... a fregging construction company


PREMO Member

Ex-diversity boss at Facebook, Nike who orchestrated fake events to steal $5M gets five years, must pay back hefty sum

The ex-diversity program manager for Facebook and Nike who stole more than $5 million from the mega companies to fund her “luxury lifestyle” was sentenced Monday to five years behind bars — and ordered to pay back the hefty sum.

Barbara Furlow-Smiles, 38, set up fake business deals, invoices and events — including a Juneteenth celebration — to line her own pockets, the Justice Department said.

“Furlow-Smiles shamelessly violated her position of trust as a DEI executive at Facebook to steal millions from the company utilizing a scheme involving fraudulent vendors, fake invoices, and cash kickbacks,” US Attorney Ryan K. Buchanan said in a statement.

why does the ethnicity not surprise me


PREMO Member

Woke Protestors ARRESTED As Democrats MELTDOWN Over UNC Trustees ABOLISHING DEI And Funding Police!​



PREMO Member


The Wall Street Journal reports that corporate America is backpedaling away from “diversity”:

White-collar companies that once championed programs to recruit diverse employees are now tiptoeing away from them.
PricewaterhouseCoopers and JPMorgan Chase are among those that recently removed or altered descriptions of their programs for underrepresented students. The shift came after an “anti-woke” movement took aim at U.S. companies and a Supreme Court decision overturned affirmative action in college admissions.
Employers’ embrace of diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives peaked in 2021, sparked by the death of George Floyd and the height of the Black Lives Matter movement a year earlier. In the years since, access to diversity programs has been slowly declining, a Glassdoor study in April found.

The trend away from DEI is mostly quiet:

Companies have made the changes quietly, often by playing down terminology such as “DEI” and opening up programs once reserved for diverse applicants to everyone. Many stopped referencing their DEI programs in annual reports altogether, The Wall Street Journal has reported.
Law firm Kirkland & Ellis now clarifies that its diversity and inclusion fellowship is open to all second-year law students, regardless of their backgrounds. JPMorgan Chase has done the same for its Black and Hispanic & Latino fellowship programs, adding that all sophomore students regardless of their background are welcome to apply.

Why are companies changing course? The linked Journal article rather obtusely fails to note the real reason: DEI is illegal.

The two main areas in which race discrimination is illegal are education and employment. While there are some nuances, the basic principles are the same. While race discrimination in both spheres has theoretically been illegal for a long time, there was a gentlemen’s agreement that the *right* kind of race discrimination is not just acceptable, but admirable. “Affirmative action” goes back to the 1970s. No one was ever able to explain how affirmative action, or its more recent incarnation DEI, could be reconciled with the race neutrality that the law requires.

The decisive break came when the Supreme Court decided the North Carolina and Harvard cases. That decision held that the 14th Amendment and the Civil Rights Act mean what they say: race discrimination is illegal. Those cases arose in the education context, but every company in America realized that the same principle will soon be applied to employment.

That, rather than any change of heart, is what drives the corporate retreat. While not making this explicit, the Journal article hints at the truth:

Some companies are no longer tracking demographic data related to diversity because they fear that it poses a litigation risk if they make hiring decisions based on identity or race, said Jailany Thiaw, founder and chief executive of upskill, a job-recruitment platform.

Exactly. They don’t want to create evidence of patently illegal conduct. So “minority” programs are now open to all, but it remains to be seen who actually gets hired.


Well-Known Member
TSC looks like they are trying to remove the agenda they attempted to absorb a few years ago.
I hope it is legit.
I hope the fools that coerced them into the progressive agenda are fired.
I hope they actually can offer decent prices on items because I cannot afford most things when I go in there to shop.
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Well-Known Member
TSC looks like they are trying to remove the agenda they attempted to absorb a few years ago.
I hope it is legit.
I hope the fools that coerced them into the progressive agenda are fired.
I hope they actually can offer decent prices on items because I cannot to afford what I go in there to buy.
Tractor supply's prices are not so bad. Have you been to the ACE hardware store in Leonardtown lately?


Well-Known Member
These freaks of nature just don't get it. Normal people are simply sick of having the freak show forced in their faces every day. Not bigots..not "homophobes"..none of that crap. Just normal everyday people. They'll never get it. Too bad for them. None of the gay folks I know favor all the highly public "in your face" crap these clowns insist on.

Why do I need to scrub with a wire brush from TSC after checking out Gilligan's link. Repulsive...