Divorced Wiccans fight Judge's order.


Routinely Derailed
elaine said:
Think out of the box. Mankind had a mind before this time.
What a revelation!!! :duh:

Sorry. That was a quote from one of the many sources I found while playing "what's in a name" earlier this afternoon. Unfortunately I can't recall the site, but I didn't write that short description.

Please note that in my research I steered clear of all faith-related and faith-oriented sites; they were primarily etymology, thesaurus, and dictionary sites. I wanted the data presented to be impartial and therefore less vulnerable to the "that's your slant on things" claims.
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Routinely Derailed
One final bit uncovered this afternoon appears at a site proclaiming religious tolerance (I take a dim view of such a term, obviously). Please bear in mind that the link description that shows up in the browser's subtitle is "A history of Witchcraft." Witchcraft is a whole topic unto itself, in which my position is quite predictable.


I have a friend who claims to be a Druid. He laughs about the Wicca people and disposes of them with a simple title: "Kids playing Halloween all year long."
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Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Christy said:

:offtopic: From the Wicca vs Christian :lmao: but just a few weeks ago a kid at my daughter's school felt compelled to show me that he knew how to touch his nose with his tongue, he was surprised that I could do it as well. I'm his new best friend. :lmao:

Back in April, I think.. this, uh, friend, *coughcough* was at her great-nephew's 12th birthday party. The kids were ranged in ages and talking about scary movies - one of which was the remake of Amytiville Horror. Not only did I, I mean, my friend beat them to the punch with the name of the movie, but she did so by belching out the full name of the movie... :roflmao:

What a fine example she set, huh? :nono:


Routinely Derailed
virgovictoria said:
Back in April, I think.. this, uh, friend, *coughcough* was at her great-nephew's 12th birthday party. The kids were ranged in ages and talking about scary movies - one of which was the remake of Amytiville Horror. Not only did I, I mean, my friend beat them to the punch with the name of the movie, but she did so by belching out the full name of the movie... :roflmao:

What a fine example she set, huh? :nono:
TFF!!!!!!!!!!!! :killingme

THANK you, VV!!!! :huggy:

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You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to virgovictoria again.

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professional daydreamer
Railroad said:
Please note that in my research I steered clear of all faith-related and faith-oriented sites; they were primarily etymology, thesaurus, and dictionary sites. I wanted the data presented to be impartial and therefore less vulnerable to the "that's your slant on things" claims.

I don't think your sources are impartial. They're too modern. Go back further.


New Member
itsbob said:
EVERY religion says the same thing..

Not really. Some religions believe their god(s) affect them only and other people have their own god(s) that affect them. The only time the 2 mix is when the 2 cultures interact like during wars.


New Member
fishinfool said:
Even Webster could be wrong as the wiccan belief is older than Webster or christianity.

I must disagree. Wicca is relatively new, however it based on religious practices older than Christianity. That's why Wiccans are sometimes known as NeoPagans.
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New Member
barncat said:
Fixed for ya.

No, Deseret with a capital "D" as in what the Mormons wanted the state to be named as opposed to Utah. Not desert as in the Sahara or the Gobi.
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Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Triggerfish said:
No, Deseret with a capital "D" as in what the Mormons wanted the state to be named as opposed to Utah. Not desert as in the Sahara or the Gobi.
Facinating. (sorry if I spell wrong, I'm drunk.) I was raised Morman all my life. Not into it now, But you seem to know about it. I can rectify all supposed preconceptions of it.


New Member
Here's an article from Wikipedia which sometimes have shady info but I happen to agree with the info this time as far as I remember.

Deseret is a term originally derived from the Book of Mormon, the scriptural book unique to the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the LDS Church) and other Latter Day Saint groups. According to the Book of Mormon, "deseret" meant "honeybee" in the language of the Jaredites, a group dispersed at the time of the Tower of Babel (see Ether 2:3 [1] (http://scriptures.lds.org/ether/2)).

"Deseret" was a proposed name for the State of Utah. Brigham Young—President of the LDS Church and also governor of Utah Territory from 1850 to 1858—favored the name as a symbol of Industry. Like the honeybee, Young thought his followers should be productive and self-sufficient.

The U.S. federal government ultimately rejected the name "Deseret" because of its religious significance and its unfortunate semblance to the English word "desert."


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
virgovictoria said:
..., I mean, my friend beat them to the punch with the name of the movie, but she did so by belching out the full name of the movie...
:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

Four Stars!


Routinely Derailed
elaine said:
That's impartial? :killingme
Which do you want - old or impartial? As a matter of fact, since YOU want it, why don't YOU go get it? I actually HAVE a life.

Let's take it a step further in the right direction and drop the topic altogether.


professional daydreamer
Railroad said:
Which do you want - old or impartial? As a matter of fact, since YOU want it, why don't YOU go get it? I actually HAVE a life.

We're not on the same page, but it's okay. I'm sure you would view my sources as impartial as well because they're scientific, and it discredits your bible.


elaine said:
We're not on the same page, but it's okay. I'm sure you would view my sources as impartial as well because they're scientific, and it discredits your bible.
I don't think Science discredits the Bible... It just adds neat little tid bits. Adam and Eve were hairy gorilla like people and stuff like that. :smile:


professional daydreamer
Kain99 said:
I don't think Science discredits the Bible... It just adds neat little tid bits. Adam and Eve were hairy gorilla like people and stuff like that. :smile:

Well, what you think and what you know are two different things, aren't they?