Do you support Abortion?

Do you support a mother's right to choose Abortion?

  • Yes, I support the mother's right to choose Abortion.

    Votes: 19 57.6%
  • No, I do not support the mother's right to choose Abortion.

    Votes: 14 42.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Originally posted by dustin
I just can't throw all my egg's in one basket on something like this.

But who are we to decide the fate of a child?

Are there acceptable terms for abortion by pro-choice americans by society's "standards"?

I just can't say one way or another which I would choose if faced to make a decision. I just hope I don't have to make that decision.

I do believe the government shouldnt have any say so in this matter, but that doesnt mean I'm prochoice, just that they should stay out of it.

Back to the ballgame....

Dustin, I think it is up to God or Nature which ever you believe in.


Originally posted by Kain99
Don't roll your eyes at me little girl! :wink:

This subject is riddled with enormous pain. Both sides feel it. At the end of the day life is life.

Zuchick, I get your point but I see hers too. Why force a mother who will ultimately harm her babies to have them?

Add me to the list of conflicted... For the first time in my life. :frown:

We are failing to consider the Father, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and even Brothers and Sisters.. Such a discision to end a life should never rest on one persons shoulders. Such discisions should never be made unless the child itself is consulted..


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by zuchick
Such discisions should never be made unless the child itself is consulted..
You can't consult the child until it's too late.

Sharon brings up an interesting point, though - it's the man's kid too and what if he doesn't want it aborted? What if he wants to have the child and raise it? I can see both sides of that issue.


Well Zu, it's too late for me to advise your mother, so I'll just say maybe. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The abortion people always say that "every child should be a wanted child" and that resonates with me. Unwanted children typically grow up to be dysfunctional adults who goof up our society.

My dictatorship would mandate that, if you have an abortion, you get sterilized in the process. That way you can't have any more little accidents.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by justhangn
Well Zu, it's too late for me to advise your mother, so I'll just say maybe.
Tard. Get out of this tread if you don't have anything constructive to add. :bonk:


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
The abortion people always say that "every child should be a wanted child" and that resonates with me. Unwanted children typically grow up to be dysfunctional adults who goof up our society.

My dictatorship would mandate that, if you have an abortion, you get sterilized in the process. That way you can't have any more little accidents.

The second part sounds good to me, what about the men of the little accidents?


Originally posted by vraiblonde
My dictatorship would mandate that, if you have an abortion, you get sterilized in the process. That way you can't have any more little accidents.

:smoochy: You are da woman..........

But I'd like to amend that with "if it's brought on by rape, kill him slowly.........

If it's brought on my incest, kill him slowly..........or her"


Originally posted by lfquade
The second part sounds good to me, what about the men of the little accidents?

I say clip both their wings.. I used to work with a man in the coalmines who had 29 children by several women.. Now that is disgusting. He should have had his wings clipped after the first one was born.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
You can't consult the child until it's too late.

Sharon brings up an interesting point, though - it's the man's kid too and what if he doesn't want it aborted? What if he wants to have the child and raise it? I can see both sides of that issue.

Then the man should have the opportunity to raise the child.. If he chose to raise it, then I would consider him "MUCH OF A MAN".


New Member
Originally posted by zuchick
Ask the child when it grows up..

Consider this, if you were the result of a rape, would you want to have been aborted? Of course this is a rhetorical question, but it does make you think..

Myself, had I been the result of a rape, I would not have wanted to been aborted. Of course there are those who would think other wise of me, but I have 4 wonderful children and 8 wonderful grandchildren who would not have existed had I been aborted.

I'm going to get flamed as hell for this one I know...but what about the mother? I don't support abortion in most cases, but somewhere you have to stop and think about it. And what about medical cases in which the mother's life is in jeopardy?

Alot of times you need to consider the long term effect of something like this. Sure, you save one of "god's children"..but that mom who was forced to carry through the pregnancy isn't likely to feel all chipper and rosy about the child. No, rather she's more likely to feel resentment towards it..resentment that will probably carryout through the years, into neglect maybe and even abuse. That child you were so eager to save will probably grow up hating him or herself, feeling guilty and thinking that the mothers rape was his or her fault. That child soons grows into an adult, and now you've got the makings of an axe murderer..and that little lamb you so desperately wanted to save has become your worst enemy..and probably a rapist himself. But I guess this is just some wildshot scenario....just my opinion.

Although then again...if she just decided one night to get a little frisky...and now she's knocked up..then she should deal with it...although the guy shouldn't get away scott free at all.


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
The abortion people always say that "every child should be a wanted child" and that resonates with me. Unwanted children typically grow up to be dysfunctional adults who goof up our society.

My dictatorship would mandate that, if you have an abortion, you get sterilized in the process. That way you can't have any more little accidents.


Go Braves!
Originally posted by lfquade
Its obvious you have never seen one performed? A baby almost fullterm sucked out and stabbed in the back of the head, you think that better then living in this world, I don't think so. I'm against it all together.

Are you talking about this country? If so where, when and how have you seen this? (Please don't come out lashing I'm just curious)

I know there are partial birth abortions but to have it legally done (and only in certain states can it be done) it has to be because of medically necessary reasons. (such as a non viable pregnancy, severe malformation of the fetus, and life threatening illness to the mother) It is absolutely illegal NOW for that to be done full term. Only in a few states can it be done up to 20 weeks or so. But I'll check.

I personally wouldn't have an abortion but I'm not walking in other peoples shoes either.


Originally posted by Nitrospeed16
I'm going to get flamed as hell for this one I know...but what about the mother? I don't support abortion in most cases, but somewhere you have to stop and think about it. And what about medical cases in which the mother's life is in jeopardy?

Alot of times you need to consider the long term effect of something like this. Sure, you save one of "god's children"..but that mom who was forced to carry through the pregnancy isn't likely to feel all chipper and rosy about the child. No, rather she's more likely to feel resentment towards it..resentment that will probably carryout through the years, into neglect maybe and even abuse. That child you were so eager to save will probably grow up hating him or herself, feeling guilty and thinking that the mothers rape was his or her fault. That child soons grows into an adult, and now you've got the makings of an axe murderer..and that little lamb you so desperately wanted to save has become your worst enemy..and probably a rapist himself. But I guess this is just some wildshot scenario....just my opinion.

Although then again...if she just decided one night to get a little frisky...and now she's knocked up..then she should deal with it...although the guy shouldn't get away scott free at all.

But doesn't the mother, after having the child, have choices to let her parents raise the child, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, God Parents and the like.. There is also adoption to consider.


New Member
Originally posted by zuchick
I say clip both their wings.. I used to work with a man in the coalmines who had 29 children by several women.. Now that is disgusting. He should have had his wings clipped after the first one was born.
Did he have to pay child support on all of them? :confused:
I agree though...does anyone watch those "justice" shows? IE Judge Judy, Judge Hatchett, Judge Joe Brown, Texas Justice, Divorce name a few (I'm a poor redneck, so, no cable for me. Only channels are 4 and 5, so this is all I get to watch all day :biggrin: )...the guys getting saddled with child support are like "Man, I have 15 (20, 30, 2,5000, insert number here) kids, I can't pay no mo child support.." but yet when the judge suggests they get castrated..they act offended and say it would wreck their manhood.
Although the woman who actively knows a man has 29 or so children and still sleeps with him and gets preggers, needs a CAT scan. Badly.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I wonder if there are any statistcs that show how many of these unwanted children are adopted by people that are so against abortion. Or do most of them just spout off about abortions being murder, but yet, they are not adopting these children.

Just wondering :shrug:


New Member
Originally posted by zuchick
But doesn't the mother, after having the child, have choices to let her parents raise the child, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, God Parents and the like.. There is also adoption to consider.


Originally posted by Nitrospeed16
Did he have to pay child support on all of them? :confused:
I agree though...does anyone watch those "justice" shows? IE Judge Judy, Judge Hatchett, Judge Joe Brown, Texas Justice, Divorce name a few (I'm a poor redneck, so, no cable for me. Only channels are 4 and 5, so this is all I get to watch all day :biggrin: )...the guys getting saddled with child support are like "Man, I have 15 (20, 30, 2,5000, insert number here) kids, I can't pay no mo child support.." but yet when the judge suggests they get castrated..they act offended and say it would wreck their manhood.
Although the woman who actively knows a man has 29 or so children and still sleeps with him and gets preggers, needs a CAT scan. Badly.

I think he did support his children.. All of them, but not due to the courts. Thank God he worked in the Coalmines where he could afford it.