Do you support Abortion?

Do you support a mother's right to choose Abortion?

  • Yes, I support the mother's right to choose Abortion.

    Votes: 19 57.6%
  • No, I do not support the mother's right to choose Abortion.

    Votes: 14 42.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Originally posted by RoseRed
I wonder if there are any statistcs that show how many of these unwanted children are adopted by people that are so against abortion. Or do most of them just spout off about abortions being murder, but yet, they are not adopting these children.

Just wondering :shrug:

RoseRed, believe me if I were in better health, I would not hesitate in the slightest to adopt. I love kids I am sure there are more out there like myself.


Originally posted by CMC122
Hey I'm all for castration of sexual preditors.

With a rusty knife and nothing to dull the pain, but with most sexual preditors it ain't about the sex..


Go Braves!
Originally posted by zuchick
With a rusty knife and nothing to dull the pain, but with most sexual preditors it ain't about the sex..

Yeah that is true. It's usually a whole layering of things. But every little bit helps!

I actually think that I saw something on a study being done on this at some prison.............

(Don't hound my english I went to PG County schools!)


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I used to know someone years ago that was a total Fertile Myrtle. At that time, I knew she had had 6 abortions (way to many) and last I heard, she now has three kids.

I am not against abortion, but in her case, that was way to many and if that was her form of "birth control" shame on her. Pure carelessness.


Go Braves!
Originally posted by RoseRed

I am not against abortion, but in her case, that was way to many and if that was her form of "birth control" shame on her. Pure carelessness.

I totally agree with you on that.


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Tard. Get out of this tread if you don't have anything constructive to add. :bonk:

Does that only go for JH or any tard with nothing constructive to add? :confused:


Originally posted by Nitrospeed16
I don't support abortion in most cases, but somewhere you have to stop and think about it. And what about medical cases in which the mother's life is in jeopardy?

That's not really abortion then. I mean, technically it is, but the only "choice" involved is deciding who lives or dies.

While we're on this subject - I see things like this as a pro-choice arguments all the time. "What about if the mother's life is in danger - what about rape - what about incest?"

Like 95% of abortions are for rape, incest, or saving the mother's life.

I'd like to know what the real percentage is.

I have a feeling it's closer to 0.95% than 95% .


New Member
Originally posted by Toxick
That's not really abortion then. I mean, technically it is, but the only "choice" involved is deciding who lives or dies.

While we're on this subject - I see things like this as a pro-choice arguments all the time. "What about if the mother's life is in danger - what about rape - what about incest?"

Like 95% of abortions are for rape, incest, or saving the mother's life.

I'd like to know what the real percentage is.

I have a feeling it's closer to 0.95% than 95% . are you saying that just because the precentage of rape/incest abortions is low, it should be grouped together with regular abortions and outlawed altogether, since there aren't enough of them to worry about?


New Member

It's murder... That's it! No woman or man has the right to take a life that they didn't give. God gives life!


Tough issue, as a parent I say no, as a realist I do see the validity of what vrai says. If they really don't want a child it will probably grow up deprived in a poor and broken home. My former step-daughter is a prime example. She went on a hump fest after being booted out of college and is now a welfare queen in HUD housing on every "dole list" imaginable at 20. Is her baby wonderful, of course, honestly does it have a chance at having a good life? Statistically probably not. Would it ever if she had waited until further along in life to get pregnant, NO I think not because of character.

Where does it become a problem? Well when I was a kid we had it very tough, relatively poor, a struggle, but I only remember it as great. As a kid you don't really care that you had salmon patties again last night. Where the problem comes is what the parents teach them and how involved they are. Hence the delinquents replentish the loser list faster than they die off. My theory is that although the libs love to equate financial status to the chance a person will grow up to be a useful member of society and not the rat ba$tard who carjacks your Aunt when she goes to town, it is not. I think it is character instead. Social programs can give the poor money but they cannot give them character. As long as people use unprotected sex as a cheap form of entertainment and produce unwanted, unloved, potential delinquents there will be a pro choice argument and abortion will remain. HOWEVER, in our society we cannot round up the legitimate proven losers who contribute nothing to humanity but grief and pain and shoot them like cattle, why should we allow it before birth just because they have "potential" to be losers. Hell no one can predict what someone will be in utero. Hence since society will never be given the right to make you go to a board and prove yourself worthy of being a parent first there will always be children born to people who really didn't want to be parents.

Do I feel it is right to tell someone that the choice they made to have an "early first trimester" abortion rather than have a baby during bad circumstances and make their contribution to the "potential losers list" no not really. I have to admit while chosing an abortion is nothing to be congratulated or praised, I has a higher opinion of them than I do one who veiws a pregnancy as a revenue generator.

Still it is a human life and should be cherished. I really wished that our society would become so responsible that this issue would just go away due to it not being needed, but it will not. So if it must be that abortion is a part of our society it must have tighter controls to make it more palitable to me.

1. NO abortions on underage girls without parental consent.

2. NO abortions without the fathers consent. It's his baby too and he should have the option of raising the child himself if the mother doesn't want it.

3. NO abortions past first trimester unless the mothers life is at risk.

4. Madatory depo shots for 5 years or 25 years of age if you chose an abortion. Male birth control shot for the sperm donator if they can make one.

I am against abortion but it will never go away. Maybe if we made this harder it will make a difference.


New Member
Just many people here that are so hell bent against any form of abortion support the death penalty? Same thing...people acting as god....


Originally posted by Nitrospeed16 are you saying that just because the precentage of rape/incest abortions is low, it should be grouped together with regular abortions and outlawed altogether, since there aren't enough of them to worry about?

No, you quoted me, so you should know what I'm saying.

Translating english to english: I said that I wonder what the real numbers are, as it's often implied that the numbers of these cases are significant.

The inference that can be drawn, if one must be: I'm wondering if decisions about abortions are being made on the numbers of rape and incest. Obviously exceptions should be made in certain cases. But should they be the exception or the rule?

Further, I'm not entirely sure where I fall when it comes to killing babies for the crimes of their parents.


Originally posted by Nitrospeed16
Just many people here that are so hell bent against any form of abortion support the death penalty? Same thing...people acting as god....

Interesting question. An often asked question, but a good one nonetheless.

I, personally, am against the death penalty.

Conversly, how many people consider it abhorrent to kill murderers and cannibals, but think it's just dandy to fillet and fast food an innocent child.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Nitrospeed16
Just many people here that are so hell bent against any form of abortion support the death penalty? Same thing...people acting as god....
Big difference. One is taking a life because it inconveniences the person that created it. The other is removing the mad dogs from our society so they can't harm others anymore.

I can understand somewhat the anti-death penalty/anti-abortion people - they are against taking a life in any form. What I don't understand are the anti-death penalty/pro-abortion people. Kill the babies, but let the criminals live? :confused: