Do you support Abortion?

Do you support a mother's right to choose Abortion?

  • Yes, I support the mother's right to choose Abortion.

    Votes: 19 57.6%
  • No, I do not support the mother's right to choose Abortion.

    Votes: 14 42.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Toxick
Yeah all those victims. How many were there last year? 10-15 million?

Were there enough to start making laws to provide for these situaitons, or were there few enough that these situations could be considered exceptions to a more humane law?
If it was just one it was too many and then you want to make her carry the baby too. Unbelievable.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Two wrongs don't make a right - at least that's what conventional wisdom says.

I'll add another thought into the mix:

If they outlawed abortion, period, all abortions, do you think it would make women think twice before having casual sex with some bozo they picked up at the bar? Does someone know offhand the unplanned pregnancy rate since abortion became legal? My suspicion is that, since there's a simple way to get rid of the problem, women aren't being as careful as they might be if that solution didn't exist.

I agree with you Vrai. I would further state that the primary issue when discussing Abortion for the most part is a Morality. I'm almost afraid to have a poll on Same Sex Marriages.


Originally posted by zuchick
Ken you become too emotional to continue having a rational discussion with as indicated by you resorting to childish antics of name calling in another discussion.

You internalize what is being said.. So with regards to my discussing anything that I feel would cause you to loose your objectivity over, I will decline further discussion with you on this Issue.
Translation: Welcome to iggyville Ken.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by zuchick
Ken you become too emotional to continue having a rational discussion with as indicated by you resorting to childish antics of name calling in another discussion.

You internalize what is being said.. So with regards to my discussing anything that I feel would cause you to loose your objectivity over, I will decline further discussion with you on this Issue.
Don't even presume to lecture me. You said killing was murder, not I. I have killed at my nations request and I am not a murderer. Until you have walked in my shoes don't even think that you are able to understand or judge me.


Originally posted by Ken King
If it was just one it was too many and then you want to make her carry the baby too. Unbelievable.

Ken I dislike repeating myself, but I will.. No disrespect intended.

"Ken you become too emotional to continue having a rational discussion with as indicated by you resorting to childish antics of name calling in another discussion.

You internalize what is being said.. So with regards to my discussing anything that I feel would cause you to loose your objectivity over, I will decline further discussion with you on this Issue."

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Pete
Translation: Welcome to iggyville Ken.
One could hope, but I refuse to back down from this supposed Yellow Dog Democrat that spews the beliefs of the other political party and denies freedoms that Americans are entitled too.


Originally posted by Ken King
One could hope, but I refuse to back down from this supposed Yellow Dog Democrat that spews the beliefs of the other political party and denies freedoms that Americans are entitled too.
You da man, BTW did you vote in my poll? :lol:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by zuchick
Ken I dislike repeating myself, but I will.. No disrespect intended.

"Ken you become too emotional to continue having a rational discussion with as indicated by you resorting to childish antics of name calling in another discussion.

You internalize what is being said.. So with regards to my discussing anything that I feel would cause you to loose your objectivity over, I will decline further discussion with you on this Issue."
You are full of it, all you do is repeat yourself. Sure I am emotional as I am alive. Good put me on your ignore list, make my day. It won't stop me from posting to your goof-ball posts.


Originally posted by Ken King
If it was just one it was too many and then you want to make her carry the baby too. Unbelievable.

No. You misunderstand.

One is indeed too many - and for this there should be an exception to the law or write the laws to make allowances for these rare occurences.

However I think it's plain stupid to write laws that pander to a negligable statistic.


Originally posted by migtig
It is not a negligable statistic when it happens to you or someone you love.

Do I really need to rephrase it so it's worded politically correctly?

Does anyone NOT know what I meant by "negligable statistic"?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by migtig
It is not a negligable statistic when it happens to you or someone you love.
Yes it is. Otherwise you become one of those weirdo soccer Moms who are always wanting to ban everything based on one accident.

You'd think you'd be able to write laws based on the majority, then have judges sensible enough to see when there might be cause for an exception, then have other judges be sensible enough to not allow lawyers to use it as precedent.


Originally posted by Ken King
You are full of it, all you do is repeat yourself. Sure I am emotional as I am alive. Good put me on your ignore list, make my day. It won't stop me from posting to your goof-ball posts.

Why should I place you on my Ignore List.. You may have something to say that is not as emotional as Abortion. I am very interested in what you have to say, but when you begin name calling I loose interest.


Football addict

Originally posted by zuchick
Why should I place you on my Ignore List.. You may have something to say that is not as emotional as Abortion. I am very interested in what you have to say, but when you begin name calling I loose interest.

this is why i love lol :roflmao:

i think the only thing that we can be correct on about the abortion issue is that it will NEVER go away!!!!!


Re: lol

Originally posted by BuddyLee
this is why i love lol :roflmao:

i think the only thing that we can be correct on about the abortion issue is that it will NEVER go away!!!!!

Unfortunatelt I have to agree with you BuddyLee.


New Member
Originally posted by Nitrospeed16
Just many people here that are so hell bent against any form of abortion support the death penalty? Same thing...people acting as god....

Well first there is a BIG difference between abortion and the dealth penalty. Abortions kill innocent babies who had no choice. Dealth penalty is killing people who shouldn't be on the earth anymore.


Football addict

Originally posted by lfquade
Well first there is a BIG difference between abortion and the dealth penalty. Abortions kill innocent babies who had no choice. Dealth penalty is killing people who shouldn't be on the earth anymore.

true there is a big difference and we shouldnt even compare these two. however some religous guru's can bring up the issue by saying that we are not god! so there is an intermingling but the issues shouldnt be compared!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by migtig
And again I say, it is not INSIGNIFICANT nor just a NUMBER when it happens to you or someone you love.
But you can certainly understand why we can't make laws based on a tiny portion of the population, right?