Do you think police in Southern Md. are respected?


Lem Putt
madMAX said:
AND THE TINT IS ONLY AT 25% Not really that much darker than "Legal"
You knew it was illegal and you would dare to whine about a ticket? What are you, stupid?


Rocky Mountain High!!
Nicole_in_somd said:
EXACTLY. I HATE when the "wives" of officers think they have some sort of privilages over the "regular" people.

See that more than anything.

ok just so we are clear NOT all officer spouses do that.
OK lemme tell you a little about being a troopers wife.

Try sitting up awake, waiting for him to arrive home after working his 8 hour midnight shift, then 4 hours mandatory over time, THEN a second 8 hour shift because there's a murder and they need all the hands they can get, and you're worried that he won't be able to make it home safely without the Z monster jumping on him...

Or how about this....his first day off in 13 days AND HE HAS TO APPEAR IN COURT TO TESTIFY ON HIS DAY OFF, which i resecheduled so i could be off with him. Or how about the "Day off" between shifts where he works an early Tuesday, has "off" wed but goes in for midnights wed night....

Or how about working every weekend a month except one, and the wife having to take the kids to every event alone, or camping alone or...

How about sitting in a restaurant and the owner who happens to know he's a cop comes to your table and says Trooper so and so...we have this situation with so and so, can you help? And is HAS to help, it's a 24/7 job...

OR how about when he's sitting at the dinner table and says "DON'T look at my neck it hurts!" Because of the WEEK long annual recertifying training/testing hes gone through where 10 or 12 other troopers beat him up during practicals every day, and use all the pressure points, and tazer him, and pepper spray him, just so he's been through the things he may some day have to use on a suspect?

Or how about when I get hurt somehow (like falling down the stairs into a bookcase completely on my own crumbly legs) and HE has to go through an internal investigation just to be sure he's not beating ME up? shall i go on?

SO don't tell me how you "hate police officers wives who think they deserve something special" A Cop has a different life than most people, they are held to a different standard, by themselves and others. They can't just go to a nightclub and have a few drinks....or even eat a meal in peace without something happening that requires their attention, like an idiot kid peeling wheels in the restaurant parking lot, and he has to jump in front of the car and demand he drive like the responsible adult he claims to be....SO until you walk in my moccasins....well, you know the rest of the story..
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Stop Staring!!!!!
happyappygirl said:
OK lemme tell you a little about being a troopers wife.

Try sitting up awake, waiting for him to arrive home after working his 8 hour midnight shift, then 4 hours mandatory over time, THEN a second 8 hour shift because there's a murder and they need all the hands they can get, and you're worried that he won't be able to make it home safely without the Z monster jumping on him...

Or how about this....his first day off in 13 days AND HE HAS TO APPEAR IN COURT ON HIS DAY OFF. Or how about the "Day off" between shifts where he works an early Tuesday, has "off" wed but goes in for midnights wed night....

Or how about working every weekend a month except one, and the wife having to take the kids to every event alone, or camping alone or...

How about sitting in a restaurant and the owner who happens to know he's a cop comes to your table and says Troopr so and so...we have this situation with so and so, can you help? And is HAS to help, it's a 24/7 job...

OR how about when he's sitting at the dinner table and says "DON'T look at my neck it hurts!" Because of the WEEK long annual recertifying training/testing hes gone through where 10 or 12 other troopers beat him up during practicals every day, and use all the pressure points, and tazer him, and pepper spray him, just so he's been through the things he may some day have to use on a suspect?

Or how about when I get hurt somehow (like falling down the stairs into a bookcase completely on my own crumbly legs) and HE has to go through an internal investigation just to be sure he's not beating ME up? shall i go on?

SO don't tell me how you "hate police officers wives who think they deserve something special" A Cop has a different life than most people, they are held to a different standard, by themselves and others. They can't just go to a nightclub and have a few drinks....or even eat a meal in peace without something happening that requires their attention, like an idiot kid peeling wheels in the restaurant parking lot, and he has to jump in front of the car and demand he drive like the responsible adult he claims to be....SO until you walk in my moccasins....well, you know the rest of the story..

Very well put. And I though I respected Police Officers allot before.
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BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
happyappygirl said:
OK lemme tell you a little about being a troopers wife.

Try sitting up awake, waiting for him to arrive home after working his 8 hour midnight shift, then 4 hours mandatory over time, THEN a second 8 hour shift because there's a murder and they need all the hands they can get, and you're worried that he won't be able to make it home safely without the Z monster jumping on him...

Or how about this....his first day off in 13 days AND HE HAS TO APPEAR IN COURT TO TESTIFY ON HIS DAY OFF, which i resecheduled so i could be off with him. Or how about the "Day off" between shifts where he works an early Tuesday, has "off" wed but goes in for midnights wed night....

Or how about working every weekend a month except one, and the wife having to take the kids to every event alone, or camping alone or...

How about sitting in a restaurant and the owner who happens to know he's a cop comes to your table and says Trooper so and so...we have this situation with so and so, can you help? And is HAS to help, it's a 24/7 job...

OR how about when he's sitting at the dinner table and says "DON'T look at my neck it hurts!" Because of the WEEK long annual recertifying training/testing hes gone through where 10 or 12 other troopers beat him up during practicals every day, and use all the pressure points, and tazer him, and pepper spray him, just so he's been through the things he may some day have to use on a suspect?

Or how about when I get hurt somehow (like falling down the stairs into a bookcase completely on my own crumbly legs) and HE has to go through an internal investigation just to be sure he's not beating ME up? shall i go on?

SO don't tell me how you "hate police officers wives who think they deserve something special" A Cop has a different life than most people, they are held to a different standard, by themselves and others. They can't just go to a nightclub and have a few drinks....or even eat a meal in peace without something happening that requires their attention, like an idiot kid peeling wheels in the restaurant parking lot, and he has to jump in front of the car and demand he drive like the responsible adult he claims to be....SO until you walk in my moccasins....well, you know the rest of the story..

So, because your husband is a cop, it's okay for you to break the law?


How you like me now?
happyappygirl said:
OK lemme tell you a little about being a troopers wife.

Try sitting up awake, waiting for him to arrive home after working his 8 hour midnight shift, then 4 hours mandatory over time, THEN a second 8 hour shift because there's a murder and they need all the hands they can get, and you're worried that he won't be able to make it home safely without the Z monster jumping on him...

Or how about this....his first day off in 13 days AND HE HAS TO APPEAR IN COURT TO TESTIFY ON HIS DAY OFF, which i resecheduled so i could be off with him. Or how about the "Day off" between shifts where he works an early Tuesday, has "off" wed but goes in for midnights wed night....

Or how about working every weekend a month except one, and the wife having to take the kids to every event alone, or camping alone or...

How about sitting in a restaurant and the owner who happens to know he's a cop comes to your table and says Trooper so and so...we have this situation with so and so, can you help? And is HAS to help, it's a 24/7 job...

OR how about when he's sitting at the dinner table and says "DON'T look at my neck it hurts!" Because of the WEEK long annual recertifying training/testing hes gone through where 10 or 12 other troopers beat him up during practicals every day, and use all the pressure points, and tazer him, and pepper spray him, just so he's been through the things he may some day have to use on a suspect?

Or how about when I get hurt somehow (like falling down the stairs into a bookcase completely on my own crumbly legs) and HE has to go through an internal investigation just to be sure he's not beating ME up? shall i go on?

SO don't tell me how you "hate police officers wives who think they deserve something special" A Cop has a different life than most people, they are held to a different standard, by themselves and others. They can't just go to a nightclub and have a few drinks....or even eat a meal in peace without something happening that requires their attention, like an idiot kid peeling wheels in the restaurant parking lot, and he has to jump in front of the car and demand he drive like the responsible adult he claims to be....SO until you walk in my moccasins....well, you know the rest of the story..

I do know the rest of the story. My mother was the wife of a cop, and so was I. So before you go boo hooing to me about it you should get the rest of the story.

There is NO EXCUSE for taking advantage just for being the wife of a police officer. It in no way gives us any special privilages.

the men chose this profession because they it is their passion to help people. Where does that give the wives to milk it?

You think you are different from the wives that have husbands over seas?
You think your differrent from wives of husbands that just hold a different job?

NO. DO NOT preach to me about this. I as well as the other wives knew what we were getting into when we married them. And I will say it again, and trust me I am not speaking for myself when I say this...many of the other wives feel the same.

I hate it when the wives of officers try to take advantage because their husbands are officers. It does not put you on any special pedastal.
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How you like me now?
BS Gal said:
So, because your husband is a cop, it's okay for you to break the law?

exactly. BULLSHAIT. I was the wife of a cop. I also worked in the Judical System, and I will tell you being the wife does not make you any better than anyone else in here.

How dare you think you are special because you do not get to spend time with the hubby on his day off, or his job is risky?

Can you imagine how the military wives feel with their husbands so far away from home for so long? But do you see them breaking the law? FCK no.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Nicole_in_somd said:
exactly. BULLSHAIT. I was the wife of a cop. I also worked in the Judical System, and I will tell you being the wife does not make you any better than anyone else in here.

How dare you think you are special because you do not get to spend time with the hubby on his day off, or his job is risky?

Can you imagine how the military wives feel with their husbands so far away from home for so long? But do you see them breaking the law? FCK no.
Why are you no longer the wife of a cop?


Rocky Mountain High!!
Nicole_in_somd said:
I do know the rest of the story. My mother was the wife of a cop, and so was I. So before you go boo hooing to me about it you should get the rest of the story.

There is NO EXCUSE for taking advantage just for being the wife of a police officer. It in no way gives us any special privilages.

the men chose this profession because they it is their passion to help people. Where does that give the wives to milk it?

You think you are different from the wives that have husbands over seas?
You think your differrent from wives of husbands that just hold a different job?

NO. DO NOT preach to me about this. I as well as the other wives knew what we were getting into when we married them. And I will say it again, and trust me I am not speaking for myself when I say this...many of the other wives feel the same.

I hate it when the wives of officers try to take advantage because their husbands are officers. It does not put you on any special pedastal.

:lol: I married my husband when he worked at a pet store part time.
My husband has ALSO been deployed, he's retired military. Being a trooper is his third (and prolly not his last) career.

I don't think I "deserve" special priviliges. Wives, kids and even aquaintences who think they do, usually get what they have coming to them if they push the envelope, period. Officers wives shouldn't be doing stuff that even brings up that possibility. Bottom line. And that needs to be handled "in house" by the officer himself on short order and would be if i did that sort of stuff. My hubby has plenty to say to me when i do something he considers wrong. :lol:


How you like me now?
happyappygirl said:
:lol: I married my husband when he worked at a pet store part time.
My husband has ALSO been deployed, he's retired military. Being a trooper is his third (and prolly not his last) career.

I don't think I "deserve" special priviliges. Wives, kids and even aquaintences who think they do, usually get what they have coming to them if they push the envelope, period. Officers wives shouldn't be doing stuff that even brings up that possibility. Bottom line. And that needs to be handled "in house" by the officer himself on short order and would be if i did that sort of stuff. My hubby has plenty to say to me when i do something he considers wrong. :lol:

I agree 100%. :huggy: and being the wife of a officer AND Military you know the wives I am talking about. I never said ALL.

Glad to hear you hubby made it home.


Well-Known Member
happyappygirl said:
OK lemme tell you a little about being a troopers wife.

Try sitting up awake, waiting for him to arrive home after working his 8 hour midnight shift, then 4 hours mandatory over time, THEN a second 8 hour shift because there's a murder and they need all the hands they can get, and you're worried that he won't be able to make it home safely without the Z monster jumping on him...

Or how about this....his first day off in 13 days AND HE HAS TO APPEAR IN COURT TO TESTIFY ON HIS DAY OFF, which i resecheduled so i could be off with him. Or how about the "Day off" between shifts where he works an early Tuesday, has "off" wed but goes in for midnights wed night....

Or how about working every weekend a month except one, and the wife having to take the kids to every event alone, or camping alone or...

How about sitting in a restaurant and the owner who happens to know he's a cop comes to your table and says Trooper so and so...we have this situation with so and so, can you help? And is HAS to help, it's a 24/7 job...

OR how about when he's sitting at the dinner table and says "DON'T look at my neck it hurts!" Because of the WEEK long annual recertifying training/testing hes gone through where 10 or 12 other troopers beat him up during practicals every day, and use all the pressure points, and tazer him, and pepper spray him, just so he's been through the things he may some day have to use on a suspect?

Or how about when I get hurt somehow (like falling down the stairs into a bookcase completely on my own crumbly legs) and HE has to go through an internal investigation just to be sure he's not beating ME up? shall i go on?

SO don't tell me how you "hate police officers wives who think they deserve something special" A Cop has a different life than most people, they are held to a different standard, by themselves and others. They can't just go to a nightclub and have a few drinks....or even eat a meal in peace without something happening that requires their attention, like an idiot kid peeling wheels in the restaurant parking lot, and he has to jump in front of the car and demand he drive like the responsible adult he claims to be....SO until you walk in my moccasins....well, you know the rest of the story..
Very well put. However, I don't think you were the one that was driving around with illegal tint on your windows complaining because you got a ticket. Hopefully you don't feel like you are above the law because you are married to a trooper. I know from experience the sacrifices women make to support their husbands. My ex was military and was away from home as much as he was at home. It was a choice we as women made to marry them anyway instead of choosing the looser that has no job and has no responsiblity or accountablitiy. But I do agree that just because you marry a trooper, it does not allow you to break the law, just as being the trooper shouldn't give him/her rights to break the law. Troopers have the option of writing a ticket, giving a warning, or even an inspection ticket. I've known people with illegal tint that were only given warnings to remove the tint and show proof with an inspection. If this trooper chose to give a ticket, that was his choice and I'm not saying that was the right thing to do, I'm sure he could have just as easliy given a warning.

My point is this. Yes, spouses make sacrifices everyday because of their spouses profession. It doesn't make you better than the trash collector that has to get up at 2 a.m. to start their route. Everyone is important in their own way and they don't deserve special treatment because of it, they deserve to be treated equally and fairly.


New Member
SoMDGirl42 said:
It was a choice we as women made to marry them anyway instead of choosing the looser that has no job and has no responsiblity or accountablitiy.

These pretty much are the only 2 choices in Southern Maryland, aren't they? :killingme


New Member
I'm a robber.


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Nicole_in_somd said:
I am a chocolate chip cookie crazed fan....I love them....about a dozen should do just fine...

Ok a dozen of the following, choc chip cookie, a dozen of roses(whatever color you desire) and a dozen of godiva chocolates for Lady Godiva herself.