Don Imus

What should happen to Don Imus because of the comment he made?

  • NOTHING! Freedom of speech. They use worse language in rap songs about themselves

    Votes: 64 57.1%
  • He made a mistake and I think an apology was good enough

    Votes: 28 25.0%
  • He should be suspended without pay for a short period of time

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • He should be FIRED!

    Votes: 13 11.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Pete said:
Imus was making a stupid joke. Qurious is a bona fide racist and always has been. When you boil it all down to the good parts I would rather giggle at Imus saying "nappy headed ho's" than seeing Qurious promoting the hate she does.

Not really fixed, but just as appropriate.


New Member
The Rutgers coach made an eloquent, smart and to the point statement. :yay: This shouldn't be considered a racist comment-it was an outright attack on women everywhere.


BlackSheep said:
The Rutgers coach made an eloquent, smart and to the point statement. :yay: This shouldn't be considered a racist comment-it was an outright attack on women everywhere.

So 'ho' is a sexist comment now?

Jeez. What a c###! Nobody can say anything any more.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Qurious said:
Just because you have freedom of speech doesn't meant you excerise that right to the full extent by offending a culture of people.
Excuse me? Please show me in the Constitution where it says a citizen has the right to not be offended.

I'll wait.


vraiblonde said:
Excuse me? Please show me in the Constitution where it says a citizen has the right to not be offended.

I'll wait.
That nappy headed ho doesn't know anything about the Constitution.


I bowl overhand
BlackSheep said:
The Rutgers coach made an eloquent, smart and to the point statement. :yay: This shouldn't be considered a racist comment-it was an outright attack on women everywhere.
What did she look like??

And is she ANS' babies daddy?


Larry Gude said:
...don't like her much to use the 'offensive phrase of the day' and throw it in her face.
Some people are not happy unless they are offended, just trying to do my part. :shrug:


Asperger's Poster Child
I've never listened to Don Imus. Is he even carried on a D.C. station? I was surprised to hear him described as a "shock jock," because I've never heard about him getting in trouble for sex humor or juvenile pranks.


Dancing Up A Storm
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=475 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>Howard Stern to Imus: Tell Them 'F' You


Now that there's something hilarious!

The article states that Stern is no friend of Imus, but that he'd still advise him to tell the crowd to to go eff themselves!

What was that thought about holding your enemies near to you.........?


But wait, there's more...
Like what he said or not, Imus has a job to do -- increase ratings via his talk show. Something tells me that if he WASN'T on a two-week vacation, he'd have the highest ratings his show has ever seen this week, and he'd be ponying up to deals with XM or Sirius to draw a paycheck the likes of Howard (not ANS non-bebe daddy) Stern.

I agree with Pete and a couple others here ... the left can't have it both ways ... freedom of speech is not a matter of convenience. We either have it or we don't ... it doesn't apply to one particular segment of population. :nono: And I think it's a joke that Al Sharpton of all people is sticking his big brown-nose into the mix ... he's the epitome of hypocrite! :rolleyes:


New Member
crabcake said:
Like what he said or not, Imus has a job to do -- increase ratings via his talk show. Something tells me that if he WASN'T on a two-week vacation, he'd have the highest ratings his show has ever seen this week, and he'd be ponying up to deals with XM or Sirius to draw a paycheck the likes of Howard (not ANS non-bebe daddy) Stern.

I agree with Pete and a couple others here ... the left can't have it both ways ... freedom of speech is not a matter of convenience. We either have it or we don't ... it doesn't apply to one particular segment of population. :nono: And I think it's a joke that Al Sharpton of all people is sticking his big brown-nose into the mix ... he's the epitome of hypocrite! :rolleyes:
There is a difference between free speech and paid speech. What Imus does is not free speech, it is bought and paid for by a company who in turn sells that speech to sponsors. Imus in the Morning is in essence a company product. When a product is defective, it should be taken off the shelves. To put it simply, Imus has the right to say what he wants, but he doesnt have a right to get paid for it, nor do the advertisers have an obligation to pay for a product that is harmful to their company.


BlackSheep said:
There is a difference between free speech and paid speech. What Imus does is not free speech, it is bought and paid for by a company who in turn sells that speech to sponsors. Imus in the Morning is in essence a company product. When a product is defective, it should be taken off the shelves. To put it simply, Imus has the right to say what he wants, but he doesnt have a right to get paid for it, nor do the advertisers have an obligation to pay for a product that is harmful to their company.
Then that is up to his employers.


Lem Putt
Pete said:
Then that is up to his employers.
Actually, it's up to the advertisers. His employers would never take action if this increased revenue. The only reason he is getting any punishment is because advertisers are dropping him.


Asperger's Poster Child
Pete said:
Pure 100% unadulterated HYPOCRISY. If it suits their agenda and needs ":shrug:" If it doesn't :jameo:

Pete, while you made a valid point, I think the Dixie Chicks incident is not comparable to the Imus incident. A better comparison would be Jesse Jackson's infamous "Hymietown" remark.

As I see it, the double standard isn't really about race, although it certainly may look that way. The standard seems to be this - it's OK if someone who is perceived to be from a powerless group slams people perceived to be from a powerful group, but it's not OK the other way around.

I emphasize the word "perceived," because I think that's the whole problem. Critics who use such a standard are just as guilty of using stereotypes as the people they criticize. They assume that just because you're a white male, you automatically have more power than other people.

I think we both agree that all double standards are wrong. They serve only to stifle debate.

crabcake said:
And I think it's a joke that Al Sharpton of all people is sticking his big brown-nose into the mix ... he's the epitome of hypocrite! :rolleyes:

When Sharpton was running for President, I remember Esquire or GQ doing a short interview about his taste in clothing, showing how he had improved from his jogging-outfit days. This guy claims to represent the powerless, yet he wears $1,000 suits. To call him a hypocrite is technically accurate, but misses the larger picture - he craves media attention and shows no shame in pursuing it. If he wasn't a racial ambulance-chaser, he would be chasing the ambulances for some other group or cause.
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I never made the second statement about Sharpton. When you split it up you must have typed my name in there. Please fix it before I get threats from Qurious for saying "big brown nose".

Sharpton's Presidential aims had one purpose. So he could live high on the hog for a year and a half, throw some cash at friends for "employment on his campaign" and restock his wardrobe. There are numerous articles written that detail how much he spent on clothes and travel and fancy hotels comparative to the other candidates.

Running for President is very profitable is you have a mindless zombie following and no chance in hell of being elected. :yay: