vraiblonde said:
I think it's okay to make fun of races no matter what color you are, if it's dead-on and genuinely funny. And if it plays to a stereotype, that can be funny as well, and even the race/gender/ethnicity that's the target can get a laugh.
Sure, I think it's okay as well, but the hard fact of the matter is that anytime a White man makes any comment or joke that is dead-on and genuinely funny, which plays to a stereotype, the White man is tarred and feathered by the media and shunned by black "leaders". All of the recent hoopla surrounding Kramer and now Imus is ridiculous when put in comparison to similar minority entertainers. The comments made by Kramer and Imus are benign when compared with the everyday racial rants by minority entertainers.
You know, when it comes down to it, I only blame the generation before mine for tolerating and encouraging hypocrisy in hiring practices and the way college admissions and government handouts are "awarded". All of this has culminated in the fact that minorities today expect special treatment and entitlement, and are always looking to get something for nothing.
Instead of moving forward with society as a whole, and encouraging further education with rewarding the best man with the best job, we have resorted to quotas. The weakest link that broke the chain of America was when we mandated lowering standards to make everyone eligible for any position.
The reason we'll never advance and always look at each other with mistrust is because social crybabies such as Sharpton and Jackson maintain and widen the chasm between the races. There will always be the White-black issue, I don't care what anyone says.
Hispanics are coming into the country at an accelerated pace. That's a whole other forum for itself. Generally, I see Hispanics wanting to be positive contributors to society.