Don Imus

What should happen to Don Imus because of the comment he made?

  • NOTHING! Freedom of speech. They use worse language in rap songs about themselves

    Votes: 64 57.1%
  • He made a mistake and I think an apology was good enough

    Votes: 28 25.0%
  • He should be suspended without pay for a short period of time

    Votes: 7 6.3%
  • He should be FIRED!

    Votes: 13 11.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Asperger's Poster Child
Pete said:
I never made the second statement about Sharpton. When you split it up you must have typed my name in there. Please fix it before I get threats from Qurious for saying "big brown nose".

I apologize - I had copied the Quote tag and forgot to put Crabcake's name in there. It's now fixed.

Pete said:
Sharpton's Presidential aims had one purpose. So he could live high on the hog for a year and a half, throw some cash at friends for "employment on his campaign" and restock his wardrobe.

That's probably true. He was an ambulance-chaser long before he was a presidential candidate. I don't know how much money was in it for him back then, unless he was using his church and his status as a Reverend to stump for donations and thus fatten his wallet.


Tonio said:
I apologize - I had copied the Quote tag and forgot to put Crabcake's name in there. It's now fixed.

That's probably true. He was an ambulance-chaser long before he was a presidential candidate. I don't know how much money was in it for him back then, unless he was using his church and his status as a Reverend to stump for donations and thus fatten his wallet.
It is safe to say that little old ladies milk and egg money bought his Armani.


Main Streeter
Dork said:
What should happen to Don Imus for the comment he made?

I voted: He should be suspended without pay for a short period of time

This is not a freedom of speech issue. The govt is not involved here. It's a matter between Imus and his employer. I think his employer made the right move and I think Sharpton/Jackson should butt out.


awpitt said:
I voted: He should be suspended without pay for a short period of time

This is not a freedom of speech issue. The govt is not involved here. It's a matter between Imus and his employer. I think his employer made the right move and I think Sharpton/Jackson should butt out.

Is there someone we can write to online to let MSNBC know not to cower down to the pressure from Sharpton, et al? I agree that Imus' statement was wrong, but, hey, he admitted he was wrong. He apoligized. It's over. I don't have any love for this guy but I really think it's all being blown way out of porportion.

Now I hear they are going to cancel his show. WTF! Tell Sharpton to go f*** himself.


Dancing Up A Storm
bdh802 said:
Is there someone we can write to online to let MSNBC know not to cower down to the pressure from Sharpton, et al? I agree that Imus' statement was wrong, but, hey, he admitted he was wrong. He apoligized. It's over. I don't have any love for this guy but I really think it's all being blown way out of porportion.

Now I hear they are going to cancel his show. WTF! Tell Sharpton to go f*** himself.

That's what Howard Stern told the Iman to do! :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Richard Cranium said:
Qurious et al think it's okay to make fun of a race, as long as Chris Rock is doing the talking.
I think it's okay to make fun of races no matter what color you are, if it's dead-on and genuinely funny. And if it plays to a stereotype, that can be funny as well, and even the race/gender/ethnicity that's the target can get a laugh.

Imus' comment wasn't funny - he was just being an ignorant jerk.

Ann Coulter's column makes the point that these girls are just college kids and not public figures, and shouldn't be subject to that sort of rudeness from a nationally known talk-show host. And that's part of it, but the other part is that they did nothing to deserve being disparaged and called whores by Don Imus. If they were multi-million dollar pro athletes, okay maybe. But they're just college kids.

Paris and Britney are hos. ANS was a ho. The Rutgers women's basketball team aren't hos.

Richard Cranium

New Member
vraiblonde said:
I think it's okay to make fun of races no matter what color you are, if it's dead-on and genuinely funny. And if it plays to a stereotype, that can be funny as well, and even the race/gender/ethnicity that's the target can get a laugh.

Sure, I think it's okay as well, but the hard fact of the matter is that anytime a White man makes any comment or joke that is dead-on and genuinely funny, which plays to a stereotype, the White man is tarred and feathered by the media and shunned by black "leaders". All of the recent hoopla surrounding Kramer and now Imus is ridiculous when put in comparison to similar minority entertainers. The comments made by Kramer and Imus are benign when compared with the everyday racial rants by minority entertainers.

You know, when it comes down to it, I only blame the generation before mine for tolerating and encouraging hypocrisy in hiring practices and the way college admissions and government handouts are "awarded". All of this has culminated in the fact that minorities today expect special treatment and entitlement, and are always looking to get something for nothing.

Instead of moving forward with society as a whole, and encouraging further education with rewarding the best man with the best job, we have resorted to quotas. The weakest link that broke the chain of America was when we mandated lowering standards to make everyone eligible for any position.

The reason we'll never advance and always look at each other with mistrust is because social crybabies such as Sharpton and Jackson maintain and widen the chasm between the races. There will always be the White-black issue, I don't care what anyone says.

Hispanics are coming into the country at an accelerated pace. That's a whole other forum for itself. Generally, I see Hispanics wanting to be positive contributors to society.


New Member
Dork said:
He referred to the Rutgers women's basketball team as "nappy-headed hos."

Aren't they? I would be more insulted if I were an african american and another african american comes up and says, " whats up my *****"... mmmmmm double standard???
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Asperger's Poster Child
David Letterman last night: "Looking at Imus, he's the last person who should be talking about someone else's hair."


New Member
Qurious said:
Great Points!

I'll add:

dude from Greys Anatomy was almost fired unless he apologized for his gay comment and took a homophobia counseling class.

Just because you have freedom of speech doesn't meant you excerise that right to the full extent by offending a culture of people. And when will people stop using the example that "blacks talk like that, so why can't I? (being white)"

Grow up. There is such a thing called as tact when your in his type of occupation....thats exactly why Howard Stern is where he is.

here we go. :howdy:


New Member
Pete said:
I disagree. I can walk out into the parking lot and yell "*****" at the top of my lungs 100 times and not get arrested, sued or even detained. It is not against the law. I most assuredly would get fired, but that is a different issue.

I am free to say whatever I want to whoever I want and it is fully within my rights. If I say something that is offensive it is still within my rights and the problem belongs to the person(s) who is offended.

"Freedom of speech" is a legal protection. It means you cannot be jailed because of what you say. There are no such protections for your job. However, when you are in the shock business and you hire someone who is funny and shocking, why be surprised when they say something shocking?

Imus was making a stupid joke. Sharpton is a bona fide racist and always has been. When you boil it all down to the good parts I would rather giggle at Imus saying "nappy headed ho's" than seeing Sharpton promoting the hate he does.

As far as Stern I find it odd you can say he has tact when he perfected the anal ring toss on his show.

When will people stop using the "you said it why can't I?" argument? Uh ...never. By saying blacks can say it but whites cannot is the verbal equivalent of the colored and white water fountains in the 50's. You cannot champion civil rights if you do not embrace a 100% level playing field in ALL things. This is where you, Sharpton and Jackson get it wrong.



Im On 1.
A message...

Some Black Person said: Thank you Mr. Whiteman for insulting us and showing us the error of our ways. Now we can look within and cleanse ourselves. Then and only then will you never call us n.i.g.g.e.r, spearchucker, porchmonkey, spook, sambo, jiggaboo, etc. again.

Mr. Whiteman said: What? You serious? I just wanted to call you a n.i.g.g.e.r because I thought it was funny. Now uggity-buggity n.i.g.g.e.r! *chuckle*

Mr. Whiteman to his white buddy: And this n.i.g.g.e.r really thinks we're going to stop calling them n.i.g.g.e.r.s just because they stop doing it to themselves. What a dumbass.

We no doubt, as a community, have some self cleansing to do. But the idea that this white man should receive a pardon because we do it to ourselves is ridiculous. It's contradictory to say he deserves his punishment then in the same breath say we can't be mad because we do it to ourselves.


I bowl overhand
vraiblonde said:
And that's part of it, but the other part is that they did nothing to deserve being disparaged and called whores by Don Imus.

Paris and Britney are hos. ANS was a ho. The Rutgers women's basketball team aren't hos.
Imus didn't call them whores, he called them Ho's.. HUGE difference.. Ho is a term of endearment.

Ask Snoop, he'll tell you.

I think i t comes down to the fact that Nappy Headed, nor Ho were considered racist until Imus said it, and Sharpton and others complained about the "racist remarks". I've listened to Imus in the past, and he never uses what he knows to be racist remarks. He's never used the N work. or the K word, or the H word.. He used terms that he has heard from somewhere before (he didn't just invent Nappy Headed, or ho on the fly) and assumed having heard them and inthe context that he had heard them, that they weren't racist.

He screwed up when he apologized, he should have kept the Imus character and fought back, now he's going to have to donate more and more extortion money to the Rainbow coalition until Jesse and Al feels he has padded their pockets enough to be forgiven.


Asperger's Poster Child
itsbob said:
Where are AL and Jesse EVERYTIME Farrakhan speaks??

I often compare those guys to Pat Robertson in terms of their hunger for media attention. Part of the media's problem is laziness - it's easier to give air time to self-appointed spokespersons then to seek out the views of average Christians or average blacks.