SMIBsuks, you won't get any sympathy here complaining about a problem to the very people perpetrating it. Think about it - that's like complaining about a crime spree to gang members. You're getting exactly the sort of dismissive, non sequitur responses I would expect. I agree that driving around here gets frustrating sometimes, but I've lived here a loooong time and I've come to realize that there's no changing all these little annoying things about Southern Maryland because:
1. The majority of the people raised here usually don't know any better and
2. That's just the way it's always been and, well, change is the tool of the devil.
Anytime you bring these things to light, you're going to get responses like, "it's up the road people like you that are over-crowding this area and causing these problems". You'll get no satisfaction here because we, like most Americans, like to skirt the issue and pass the blame. It's easier to say, "Read the drivers manual - there's no passing lane in MD", than to admit that it's just general practice to pass on left and good driving etiquette to allow faster moving traffic by. After all, the manual doesn't explicitly state that pacing the car next to you when there's no traffic ahead is wrong, so it must be right. Right? So the problem is obviously you.