Driver stupidity...


NOT Politically Correct!!
elaine said:
Ya' know, this really burns my azz. If all the freakin' aggressive, whiny azz drivers would let people into the lane they need to be in, when they signal to get into that lane, you wouldn't have freakin' left lane loafers. Instead, they act like you might get somewhere before them and squeeze you out.

Sorry, it's a habbit I'm trying to break... :whistle:


Pitty Party
SMIB Sucks said:
Better then you running after your sheep or cows with the vaseline I guess...

That didn't happen to be you in a black SUV yesterday going North on 235 stuck behind one of those rice burner Honda Civics :shrug:
You kept weaving back and forth I guess to try and get him to move to the right lane till he finally turned at airport view drive.
If so, your the ass. I watched you in my rear view mirror. You had a truck on your right and had options to just plain go around the Honda, but chose not too. I guess to be a bigger ass. Then you flew up the road.. Speeding of course. :smack:


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Yesterday at 4:20pm, chica in a huge Black SUV pulls off of Rt.4 merging onto Rt.5N, pulls JUST into the merge lane and stops dead. If I had been the guy behind her, I would probably own her rear bumper now. How can people be so d4mn stupid? Of course, this display of headinass, didn't slow her cell phone conversation one bit.




24/7 Single Dad
PrchJrkr said:
Yesterday at 4:20pm, chica in a huge Black SUV pulls off of Rt.4 merging onto Rt.5N,
I've passed folks in that corner when they cut over onto the shoulder :yikes:


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
aps45819 said:
I've passed folks in that corner when they cut over onto the shoulder :yikes:

You can see all sorts of stupidity at that intersection. It doesn't help that it appears to be designed by a engineering school drop-out. :elaine:

SMIB Sucks

What the?!?!?
unixpirate said:
That didn't happen to be you in a black SUV yesterday going North on 235 stuck behind one of those rice burner Honda Civics :shrug:
You kept weaving back and forth I guess to try and get him to move to the right lane till he finally turned at airport view drive.
If so, your the ass. I watched you in my rear view mirror. You had a truck on your right and had options to just plain go around the Honda, but chose not too. I guess to be a bigger ass. Then you flew up the road.. Speeding of course. :smack:

Yeah this is obviously me. Your not very smart...just becuase I complain about the way people drive I must be that guy in the big, black SUV dirving around like an #######. Anyway...I thought this thread was supposed to be dead?


HURMPH! All this complaining.... Try driving the 95 S corridor every morning. Come home via 95 N. Then we can talk. :lmao:


Set Trippin
Kain99 said:
HURMPH! All this complaining.... Try driving the 95 S corridor every morning. Come home via 95 N. Then we can talk. :lmao:
My 11 minute commute can be quite stressfull....:roflmao: :love:


NOT Politically Correct!!
Kain99 said:
HURMPH! All this complaining.... Try driving the 95 S corridor every morning. Come home via 95 N. Then we can talk. :lmao:

My 4.1 mile commute can be tricky, most times I try to time it so I can finish my cigarette... :whistle: l


Well-Known Member
Kain99 said:
HURMPH! All this complaining.... Try driving the 95 S corridor every morning. Come home via 95 N. Then we can talk. :lmao:

Been there, done that. Try 32W, 95S, 495W to 270N all the way to Rockville every morning. Of course, I've also had a commute like Chernmax's, where I drove out of my way just to finish a smoke.

somd whisper

New Member
SMIB Sucks said:
Yeah this is obviously me. Your not very smart...just becuase I complain about the way people drive I must be that guy in the big, black SUV dirving around like an #######. Anyway...I thought this thread was supposed to be dead?

Why is it so hard to just drive with some sense?

I love how I get pushed over to the right lane by people riding my bumper because I am trying to drive safely not only for my children in the back seat of my car but for other people on the road... only to see that same speed freak sitting at the red light when I catch up.

Unless your house is on fire or you are rushing to a real emergency then why drive like that? This is not a beltway, I am not about to out myself or my children in harms way because you are running late or feel that you have to go over the speed limit because you are just that damn special.

somd whisper

New Member
MDChick said:
SMIBsuks, you won't get any sympathy here complaining about a problem to the very people perpetrating it. Think about it - that's like complaining about a crime spree to gang members. You're getting exactly the sort of dismissive, non sequitur responses I would expect. I agree that driving around here gets frustrating sometimes, but I've lived here a loooong time and I've come to realize that there's no changing all these little annoying things about Southern Maryland because:

1. The majority of the people raised here usually don't know any better and
2. That's just the way it's always been and, well, change is the tool of the devil.

Anytime you bring these things to light, you're going to get responses like, "it's up the road people like you that are over-crowding this area and causing these problems". You'll get no satisfaction here because we, like most Americans, like to skirt the issue and pass the blame. It's easier to say, "Read the drivers manual - there's no passing lane in MD", than to admit that it's just general practice to pass on left and good driving etiquette to allow faster moving traffic by. After all, the manual doesn't explicitly state that pacing the car next to you when there's no traffic ahead is wrong, so it must be right. Right? So the problem is obviously you.

Did you create this new account just for this post?

BTW not all the people in here were born and raised here but I can tell the ones I do know that were are good people.

The speed limit is just that and the speed limit applies to all lanes.

About Twenty states have laws that reserve the left lane for passing, and states vary as to the types of roads and vehicles for which the restriction applies. As far as I know the other states and the District of Columbia have no such law and it certainly does not apply here.

So technically speaking, there really is no fast lane or slow lane. It is just people expect slower traffic to keep right.

Only emergency vehicles are permitted to exceed the posted speed limit and only when their lights and sirens are operating. So does that apply to you?

If you have to exceed the sped limit to pass someone one then you are breaking the law.
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In My Opinion
all I can add is this.
if you all see the 86 town car, gold (champaign is what they called it) coming up behind you with the flashers on at a high rate of speed.
get the hell out of my way before I pee my pants.


New Member
Hey, I like the answer I got from someone who almost hit me the other day. I am traveling down the road dumbF____ is in the left turn lane, then realizes that is not where she wants to be, as I am traveling about 50 MPH, she turns on her turn signal and shoots over in front of me. I almost clocked her and she started cussing me out. We pull up next to eachother at the next light and she starts yelling at me, "Didn't you see my signal on I have the right away not YOU!!!" Then proceeded to use every name in the book and I had 4 kids in my truck. Dying to know where people get their license.


New Member
somd whisper said:
Did you create this new account just for this post?

BTW not all the people in here were born and raised here but I can tell the ones I do know that were are good people.

The speed limit is just that and the speed limit applies to all lanes.

About Twenty states have laws that reserve the left lane for passing, and states vary as to the types of roads and vehicles for which the restriction applies. As far as I know the other states and the District of Columbia have no such law and it certainly does not apply here.

So technically speaking, there really is no fast lane or slow lane. It is just people expect slower traffic to keep right.

Only emergency vehicles are permitted to exceed the posted speed limit and only when their lights and sirens are operating. So does that apply to you?

If you have to exceed the sped limit to pass someone one then you are breaking the law.

Way to make assumptions and use them for blind attacks. I don't recall ever writing anything about speeding. I was specifically thinking of the left lane loafers that do 10-20 mph below the speed limit. You are correct though - there is no law for passing lanes in MD, but it's still good etiquette to stay right when going slowly. As for the saftey of you and your children, nobody has asked you to speed. But I would think that it would be safest to stay right and let the speeders endanger their own lives instead of provoking speeders and tailgaters to cut in and out of traffic and further increase the risk for everyone.


MDChick said:
Way to make assumptions and use them for blind attacks. I don't recall ever writing anything about speeding. I was specifically thinking of the left lane loafers that do 10-20 mph below the speed limit. You are correct though - there is no law for passing lanes in MD, but it's still good etiquette to stay right when going slowly. As for the saftey of you and your children, nobody has asked you to speed. But I would think that it would be safest to stay right and let the speeders endanger their own lives instead of provoking speeders and tailgaters to cut in and out of traffic and further increase the risk for everyone.
Shizzle... I do that every single day on 210. As soon as a see a hole I get over. In the 10 miles I have to go to my exit I am lucky to get one tiny break! Maybe if people were decent they wouldnt be slowed down. TY.