Dugger vs Dunham


Lem Putt
You assume much.

Depending on the severity of the crime and victim and my child's role, etc., it may be the right thing. In this case it was not.

So you are saying that the parents, who know what happened first hand, were wrong to go to the cops. Interesting how you can make that call based on reading some news stories.

By the way, if repeated molestation is not severe in your book what is? Does there have to be a dead body?


Well-Known Member
So you are saying that the parents, who know what happened first hand, were wrong to go to the cops. Interesting how you can make that call based on reading some news stories.

By the way, if repeated molestation is not severe in your book what is? Does there have to be a dead body?

This ought to be good :killingme


Well-Known Member
So you are saying that the parents, who know what happened first hand, were wrong to go to the cops. Interesting how you can make that call based on reading some news stories.
I'm happy to have interested you. Please let MR know that the parents went to the police - he repeatedly says they should and then when told they did says they didn't early enough, and then when told they went when he thought they should of he ignores the issue until enough time has passed and then says they didn't go to the cops again.
By the way, if repeated molestation is not severe in your book what is? Does there have to be a dead body?
No, the body must be mutilated, repeatedly raped, and burned. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I'm happy to have interested you. Please let MR know that the parents went to the police - he repeatedly says they should and then when told they did says they didn't early enough, and then when told they went when he thought they should of he ignores the issue until enough time has passed and then says they didn't go to the cops again.No, the body must be mutilated, repeatedly raped, and burned. :rolleyes:
Nice dodge and deflection :bigwhoop:


Well-Known Member
Assuming that MR is your main competition, do you think you have another 250 posts in you?

MR is not competition, but one of the main people I find stupid in this. However, that is his right, and I don't challenge that. I won't go 500 posts though, that was just rhetorical. They have their opinions, I have mine, and we've each said the same things so many times it seems silly to continue. I really don't understand why they can't just accept that we have differing opinions. Is as if someone with a differing opinion somehow offends their sensibilities. Perhaps that is a weakness in their convictions, or perhaps it is a personality flaw that they have to control other people's thoughts, or perhaps like an addict they need people to be what they are so they don't feel bad about themselves. I'm not sure. But, it is confusing.


Well-Known Member
I haven't accused you of anything. You have said that what duggar did was 'weaker' than what you did as a child. :shrug:

I said it was to my sister? I said it was to someone asleep? I said it was to a 5 year old?

No, not so much. I differentiated between playing doctor and what Duggar did in the very first post where I discussed playing doctor. I never said what you are saying here. But, that you can't understand the nuance of a simple conversation is not surprising. You consistently make up things to meet what you want to see instead of what's there (like when you suggested hypothetical other victims that there is no reason to believe exist). What Duggar is accused of doing is touching a person over their clothes for a bare second, and when I was little playing doctor was more than just that. But, as I said, I differentiated between playing doctor and what Duggar did from the very first time I mentioned playing doctor. What you imputed into that is in your head, not in reality.

So, when you ask me what I did to my sisters, you are accusing me of something I never said I did nor ever did. You simply don't accept reality, and that is your choice.


Well-Known Member
Amazing how you don't consider yourself as the stupid one. Absolutely amazing. Or maybe not.
blissfully stupid.....
I said it was to my sister? I said it was to someone asleep? I said it was to a 5 year old?

you said what duggar did was m'weaker' in comaprision to what you did as a kid playing doctor. What Duggar did was molest his sisters and one other girl while they were sleeping. Unless you did 'worse' then that, what duggar did was not 'weaker'.

But please, explain how what you did was worse. I'll be interested to hear


Well-Known Member
blissfully stupid.....

you said what duggar did was m'weaker' in comaprision to what you did as a kid playing doctor. What Duggar did was molest his sisters and one other girl while they were sleeping. Unless you did 'worse' then that, what duggar did was not 'weaker'.

But please, explain how what you did was worse. I'll be interested to hear
The physical act Duggar did was as I described in my previous post. My actions were as I described in my previous post. The differentiation between what Duggar did and the simple act of playing doctor are described in multiple previous posts by me.

I can tell you, but I can't understand it for you. When you read, you have to actually think. It's a requirement for understanding. Please give it a try.


Lem Putt
but one of the main people I find stupid in this. ........ I really don't understand why they can't just accept that we have differing opinions. Is as if someone with a differing opinion somehow offends their sensibilities.

Pot, meet kettle.