Dugger vs Dunham


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A matter of seconds :killingme

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Duggars Reveal BOMBSHELL About Police Chief Who Outed Josh – This Changes Everything

During their interview with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, the Duggars eluded to the fact that O’Kelley may have released the records for reasons driven by a personal agenda, and now it appears that those suspicions have been confirmed.

The Duggars have long been active in their community promoting conservative values, and have taken very public stands against the LGBT movement. Wouldn’t you know it, O’Kelley is a lesbian.

Not only that, but she is about to retire.

Why not release those damning records earlier on in her career to take down a family who has fought against same-sex marriage and transgender bathrooms? Because it was illegal to do so and O’Kelley had to wait to make her move until she was on the way out anyway.

Source: Daily Mail

Is this the moment Michelle Duggar blames retiring police chief's 'lesbian agenda' for the release of records about son Josh molesting four of her daughters?

  • Michelle Duggar appeared to accuse the local chief of police of having a 'lesbian agenda' against her family during Wednesday night's interview
  • Her mumbled remark sparked a flurry of comments on social media about what exactly she was accusing Chief Kathy O'Kelley off
  • Husband Jim Bob then reiteriated that he believed O'Kelley had a 'personal agenda' against his family
  • The Duggars are well known for their anti-gay stance and Michelle once voiced a robocall that equated transgender people to 'child predators'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...h-molesting-four-daughters.html#ixzz3dc5XQlSk
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God bless the USA
I have never understood why people get off on the misdeeds or controversial lives of others. It always reminds me of people putting on their brakes to gawk at some one pulled over by LEO on the side of the road, which makes the person behind them put on their brakes. Does it make people feel better about themselves, or what? I have always wondered about the fascination of it all.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Why do we care about that? There's so much worse going on in the world, why is Josh Duggar such a focus? Because he was on some half-assed reality show?

Because he has human failings. I guess "religious" people who have personal human failings are considered to have failed worserer than other people who aren't "religious". :rolleyes:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Because he has human failings. I guess "religious" people who have personal human failings are considered to have failed worserer than other people who aren't "religious". :rolleyes:

See, and I don't get that. Why is it wrong to promote traditional family values? Why does that threaten so many people and cause their heads to spin off? Hell, most of the gay people I know live traditionally - family, job, home - so it can't be because of that. And now it's actually *all* of the gays I know because my last two wild guy gay friends have both settled down into marriage and fatherhood.


Well-Known Member
See, and I don't get that. Why is it wrong to promote traditional family values? Why does that threaten so many people and cause their heads to spin off? Hell, most of the gay people I know live traditionally - family, job, home - so it can't be because of that. And now it's actually *all* of the gays I know because my last two wild guy gay friends have both settled down into marriage and fatherhood.

Sinners like to see people taken down it makes them feel better about their sins.


New Member
Why do we care about that? There's so much worse going on in the world, why is Josh Duggar such a focus? Because he was on some half-assed reality show?

I'm a fan of the Duggars and am somehow interested in their show. I find it interesting that they can raise kids in the manner that they did. I think they did the best as they could as parents and tried to handle things as best they could, but seemingly failed.

I'm conservative, well moderate really but definitely not left. I find the hypocrisy of Josh Duggar, pretending to be religious and stick to his religion on a "reality" television show and then being a horn dog looking for some strange. It's nobody's business that you do that until you make yourself a public figure. Once you do that and proclaim all these family values of course people are going to jump all over you.


Dream Stealer
That's exactly why I find it interesting too. Although I felt bad for Josh Duggar when all the things that he did at a younger age came out - it's fascinating to me that as a once Executive Director for Family Research Council preaching family, values, and virtue, that he still had the balls to sign up. If it's true.

With his own, full name and address..PLUS use recognizable screen names like Josh_the_man. Seems..fishy or the guy is REALLLLY stupid.


New Member
Again if it's true...it's a train wreck and lots of people "like" train wrecks therefore the interest


"Josh Duggar has confessed to cheating on his wife Anna Duggar, just one day after the emails of millions of users on infidelity website Ashley Madison were exposed, including the eldest Duggar son's information.

In a statement released on the Duggar family's official website on Thursday, Aug. 20, Josh admitted to being unfaithful to his wife Anna, also the mother of his four kids."

I think the answer is the guy is really stupid, and a hypocrite, but mostly just stupid.


New Member
Let anyone who didn't F**k up as a teen ager cast the first stone.

Why is it you feel obligated to somehow defend what this guy has done? I doubt you molested your sisters and cheated on your wife?

He's a family values advocate and is CHEATING ON HIS WIFE. Don't you find that a little hypocritical?

He didn't just f**k up as a teenager, he cheated on his wife who has four kids. I've got a bunch of rocks here because I have never done either.
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