Dugger vs Dunham


my war
First of all, I don't think it's political to point out dishonesty and how certain groups will use it when they think it benefits them, or explain it away when it doesn't.

I think Josh is a creep too. I think Hillary is a bigger creep because she was capable of doing far more damage to this country than Josh; and we are seeing the results of this damage: dead Americans and damage to national security.

How does this benefit a political group? I think it is a known fact that with celebrity comes scrutiny. It is part of the price you pay for hitting that lottery.

I don't understand how bringing Hillary in the discussion has anything to do with a creepy dude that gets off on his Sisters and extra-marital affairs.


New Member
You highlighted my point but didn't seem to get it.

How is it the same people (progressives) that are vilifying Josh Duggar are giving Hillary a pass? Josh's and Hillary's behavior is rooted in corruption and blatant dishonesty. I'm fed up with these people (progressives) claiming they hold the moral high ground through condemning Christians for their bad behavior, while turning a blind eye to the corruption that exists among their own.

Why don't you name the people you are referring to rather than make a statement which is too vague? I'm not liberal. I blame Hillary but find Duggar equally disgusting.
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Well-Known Member
How does this benefit a political group? I think it is a known fact that with celebrity comes scrutiny. It is part of the price you pay for hitting that lottery.

I don't understand how bringing Hillary in the discussion has anything to do with a creepy dude that gets off on his Sisters and extra-marital affairs.
exactly, Duggar touching children and cheating on his wife has nothing to do with hillary or any other political figure. I dont see any value is distracting from the issue by bringing her into it.


New Member
If you can't separate the message from the messenger, I feel sad for you. So, because his message of fidelity conflicts with his actions, then you have to believe fidelity is not a good message? "Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story." This is good advice, but I've made mistakes in my life, so I must be wrong, right?

First things first. I'm not now, nor have I ever been a hypocrite. Do you know what that means? I don't pretend to be anything I am not. Am I without sin? Absolutely not. I have never however, molested a child or cheated on my wife. Period. Now, what makes him a hypocrite is that he preached family values while cheating.

Second, I never once said fidelity is not good. I defy you to show me anything close to that. I said HE lacks credibility.

If you believe he has credibility, then it is you who are sad my friend. I know you are trying to spin this the best you can, but he is a horrible person. If it was just his cheating on his wife, well that's his and her business. He has brought discredit to him and his family with his actions but people like you want to minimize that somehow.

I doubt you would have the same message if this were a person you did not like.


Well-Known Member
you were wrong when you defended duggar for touching his sisters, you were wrong for defending his family for not handling it properly, and you are wrong in defending him now. neither his hypocricy nor his sexual misdeeds deserve any defending.

I appreciate your critique, but as usual it is wholly inaccurate.
While I see no reason to defend this new revelation, I also see no reason to revel in it. .
What part of not defending him did you turn into me defending him?


Well-Known Member
I appreciate your critique, but as usual it is wholly inaccurate.
What part of not defending him did you turn into me defending him?

every other part of your posts in this thread are defending him. :bigwhoop:

your statement is like when people say "i'm not being racist" and then go on to spew racist crapola.

But i will give you credit, you only need to blab on about "not defedning duggar" for 2 1/2 more pages and you will get to the 50 pages you have been shooting for :yay:


New Member
I appreciate your critique, but as usual it is wholly inaccurate.
What part of not defending him did you turn into me defending him?

Well you say you aren't defending him, but then try to cast stones at those who would say he's evil. You called me a hypocrite and you have no evidence of me being hypocritical what so ever. You had more evidence of him being a complete scumbag but you would say those who are calling him out are some how bad people. So you are at least passively defending him.


New Member
exactly, Duggar touching children and cheating on his wife has nothing to do with hillary or any other political figure. I dont see any value is distracting from the issue by bringing her into it.

It does have something to do with character. He lacks character the same way Hillary does. They are both public figures who have lied to the American public.


Well-Known Member
First things first. I'm not now, nor have I ever been a hypocrite. Do you know what that means? I don't pretend to be anything I am not. Am I without sin? Absolutely not. I have never however, molested a child or cheated on my wife. Period. Now, what makes him a hypocrite is that he preached family values while cheating.

Second, I never once said fidelity is not good. I defy you to show me anything close to that. I said HE lacks credibility.

If you believe he has credibility, then it is you who are sad my friend. I know you are trying to spin this the best you can, but he is a horrible person. If it was just his cheating on his wife, well that's his and her business. He has brought discredit to him and his family with his actions but people like you want to minimize that somehow.

I doubt you would have the same message if this were a person you did not like.

So, you have never once in your life lied? Or, do you not espouse honesty? You've never once in your life exceeded the speed limit, or do you not believe following the law is the right principle to follow? You can't have it both ways. You're either human, and therefore done something hypocritical, or you're Jesus. Do you believe that you are Jesus?

With respect to his message, you said
This does discredit him and his message.
Now, I can understand discrediting HIM, but you said, "and his message." Respectfully, I disagree. I still think family and faith are credible messages. Martin Luther King, Jr., was a horrible womanizer who constantly cheated on his wife. Does that discredit his message? Quoting you above, it does. Again, I respectfully disagree.


Well-Known Member
every other part of your posts in this thread are defending him. :bigwhoop:

your statement is like when people say "i'm not being racist" and then go on to spew racist crapola.

But i will give you credit, you only need to blab on about "not defedning duggar" for 2 1/2 more pages and you will get to the 50 pages you have been shooting for :yay:

Again, your interpretation of my statements is inaccurate. I believe him to be a man with a sex addiction, much like President Clinton, and it's likely (statistically speaking) that is from some early trauma. I have never once condoned nor excused nor exaggerated his actions.


New Member
So, you have never once in your life lied? Or, do you not espouse honesty? You've never once in your life exceeded the speed limit, or do you not believe following the law is the right principle to follow? You can't have it both ways. You're either human, and therefore done something hypocritical, or you're Jesus. Do you believe that you are Jesus?

With respect to his message, you saidNow, I can understand discrediting HIM, but you said, "and his message." Respectfully, I disagree. I still think family and faith are credible messages. Martin Luther King, Jr., was a horrible womanizer who constantly cheated on his wife. Does that discredit his message? Quoting you above, it does. Again, I respectfully disagree.

What does me lying or speeding have to do with being a hypocrite. I don't go preaching to the world not to lie. Why is it you feel you have to attack other people's credibility but won't acknowledge that he is scum. Everyone can make a mistake. Molesting your sister and cheating on your wife who has bore you four children while running around the country telling everyone they need to live a good life absolutely discredits him and any message he is delivering.

My father taught me to be a good man. He taught me to be faithful and to respect my wife. To put her on a pedestal. His message is not lost because that is how he lived his life.

Answer this question. Do you think Josh Duggar is a bad person?


PREMO Member
It's nobody's business that you do that until you make yourself a public figure. Once you do that and proclaim all these family values of course people are going to jump all over you.

how many have fallen victim to sexual temptation ? [Christian Leaders not democrats]


New Member
how many have fallen victim to sexual temptation ? [Christian Leaders not democrats]

I don't know the answer to that question and don't know why you are asking me. I would find them all disgusting if they are molesting children or cheating on their spouse.


Well-Known Member
What does me lying or speeding have to do with being a hypocrite. I don't go preaching to the world not to lie. Why is it you feel you have to attack other people's credibility but won't acknowledge that he is scum. Everyone can make a mistake. Molesting your sister and cheating on your wife who has bore you four children while running around the country telling everyone they need to live a good life absolutely discredits him and any message he is delivering.

My father taught me to be a good man. He taught me to be faithful and to respect my wife. To put her on a pedestal. His message is not lost because that is how he lived his life.

Answer this question. Do you think Josh Duggar is a bad person?

You're really going to double down on saying his message is discredited?

I'm not challenging your credibility, I am acknowledging that you're human. Hypocrisy is not about whether you've told someone else your principles and then violated them. Hypocrisy is about violating your principles. If you believe stealing is wrong, but you have screwed around at work even for one minute, you have acted hypocritically.

Again, try and separate the message from the messenger.


New Member
You're really going to double down on saying his message is discredited?

I'm not challenging your credibility, I am acknowledging that you're human. Hypocrisy is not about whether you've told someone else your principles and then violated them. Hypocrisy is about violating your principles. If you believe stealing is wrong, but you have screwed around at work even for one minute, you have acted hypocritically.

Again, try and separate the message from the messenger.

You failed to answer my question. Do you believe Josh Duggar is a bad person?


Well-Known Member
Answer this question. Do you think Josh Duggar is a bad person?

What is a "bad person"? I think he's clearly done bad things. He's also done a lot of good things. Does that make him automatically a "good person"? I don't think so. I think he's a person.


Dream Stealer
Being curious and looking at naked girls is normal. Touching while they are sleeping might even be considered normal if it happened once. However, not only did he touch his sisters inappropriately and others as well, he did it AGAIN after feeling guilty and reporting it. He established a pattern of having poor impulse control on something he knew was wrong. Fast forward and he is just exhibiting that pattern with pornography and affairs. Perhaps if he wasn't in such a sexually repressive family he wouldn't have to creep around and could just be a "playa" and live like any other frat boy. Instead he's been indoctrinated and forced his whole life to play out a lifestyle that he obviously does not agree with. Of course he was on all those counsels and stuff, his family's livelihood depended on it. They made a mint on that show and through their associations with all of those pro life and Christian groups.


New Member
What is a "bad person"? I think he's clearly done bad things. He's also done a lot of good things. Does that make him automatically a "good person"? I don't think so. I think he's a person.

A bad person is a person who lives a lie where he is cheating on his family and using family resources to further his sexual fantasies. I didn't realize I would have to explain what a bad person is. Anyway, what has he done which is good?


Well-Known Member
Perhaps if he wasn't in such a sexually repressive family he wouldn't have to creep around and could just be a "playa" and live like any other frat boy. Instead he's been indoctrinated and forced his whole life to play out a lifestyle that he obviously does not agree with.
That's not how addiction works.

If he didn't agree, why does he feel guilty?


Well-Known Member
A bad person is a person who lives a lie where he is cheating on his family and using family resources to further his sexual fantasies. I didn't realize I would have to explain what a bad person is. Anyway, what has he done which is good?

Every person who has cheated or wasted family resources is bad? Not that they've done bad things, but they are inherently bad?

Would you like to rethink that, or are you that judgemental?