Election 2024 Issues


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Report: Michelle Obama Angling to Replace Joe Biden for President

By Kristinn Taylor Jan. 18, 2024 5:00 pm2535 Comments

An article by New York Post legendary gossip columnist Cindy Adams reports Barack and Michelle Obama are angling to replace Joe Biden with former First Lady Michelle as the Democrats’ 2024 presidential nominee.

Obama world was rocked when Donald Trump short-circuited the Obama revolution to remake America when he defeated would-be Obama successor Hillary Clinton in 2016 and has taken merciless revenge on President Trump ever since. Barack Obama is thought by many to be the behind the scenes power of the Biden presidency. But with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris having some of the worst polling numbers for incumbents seeking a second White House term and Trump leading Biden in most polls, it appears the Obamas are quietly laying the groundwork for Michelle to step in and save the Obama revolution.

Adams reports Michelle Obama has surveyed “Dem biggies” about her potential candidacy and in 2022 reportedly told a gathering of CEOs in New York City she was running. Gossip? Rumor? Or trial balloon leaks to gauge public support and Democratic reaction?


PREMO Member

‘Is he going to cry again?’ Kinzinger dragged for whining about Trump ‘showing momentum’

“There’s people just wanting to gain the world right now and Donald Trump has done a masterful job of convincing people that they can’t stand up against him and so they won’t,” he argued before suggesting he had let opportunities to demonize Trump go unaddressed.

Continuing his screed against the former president, Kinzinger asserted, “Donald Trump is a masterful victim. He is actually one of the weakest men you’ll ever meet. He’s actually somebody that is scared of his own shadow and he’s frankly scared of everybody, but he puts up a really good front that he’s not and he puts up what appears to be a tough front and it cajoles people like Tim Scott to not even wait ’til after New Hampshire. Give Nikki a shot to actually take it to New Hampshire.”

“I don’t think this is gonna affect her in New Hampshire too much,” he contended of the potential impact the 26th U.S. Senate endorsement of Trump could have. “The one thing it does do is it shows the momentum that Donald Trump has been doing — I’ll objectively say — a good job of showing momentum and it’s actually pretty disheartening.”


Beloved Misanthrope
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Alex Soros Tweets Out Bullet Hole and 47 — A Direct Violent Threat to Donald Trump!

Alex Soros is currently facing scrutiny due to his recent tweet sharing a post from the far-left The Atlantic that features a bullet hole and a sum of $47.

“Last year, the crime and inflation crises largely evaporated. So did the leading theories about what had caused them,” the caption reads.

Alex is the son of George Soros and the Chair of the Open Society, the largest donor to Democrat politics.


Here’s an excerpt from The Atlantic:

According to Gallup, 77 percent of Americans believe there is more crime in the U.S. than there was a year ago. Economic sentiment has begun to tick up, but it is still near the lowest levels on record. This may help explain Donald Trump’s strength in electoral polls. A recent Wall Street Journal survey found that U.S. voters overwhelmingly believe that Trump will do a better job than Joe Biden when it comes to the economy (52 percent to 35 percent), inflation (51 percent to 30 percent), and crime (47 percent to 30 percent). Voters seem to be yearning for a return to the normalcy of pre-pandemic times, and Trump is promising to give it to them.
The absurdity of Trump as the normalcy candidate is almost too much to bear—especially because the normalcy that voters are desperately craving is, in many ways, already here, and Biden helped deliver it.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member

Does "Evaporated" mean something different these days?

Carjackings, Armed Robberies, Smash and Grabs, Mob Lootings, Street attacks, Subway attacks or murders, Rapes and Gang violence don't seem to have evaporated. Hell, much of it is on VIDEO.


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PREMO Member

Does "Evaporated" mean something different these days?

Carjackings, Armed Robberies, Smash and Grabs, Mob Lootings, Street attacks, Subway attacks or murders, Rapes and Gang violence don't seem to have evaporated. Hell, much of it is on VIDEO.
It's the new "Debunked."


PREMO Member

By ‘Protecting Election Workers,’ Democrats Mean Protecting Control Over Election Administration

In the months leading up to and following the 2022 midterms, legacy media have run story after story decrying the avalanche of alleged “threats” levied against election workers by GOP voters, whom they cast as extremists seeking to disrupt “democracy.” Predictions of such widespread interference in the 2022 contests have (unsurprisingly) never materialized and numbers from President Biden’s own Justice Department have undermined such a narrative. But nevertheless, the scaremongering from the “Democracy Dies in Darkness” crowd persists.

This seemingly coordinated effort has prompted Democrats in state legislatures throughout the country to base legislation on such election falsehoods. In Virginia, for example, a Democrat state senator filed a bill this month that would classify threatening an individual because of his roles as a current or former election official as a “hate crime.” The bill could also “result in a net increase in periods of imprisonment” for Virginians charged with crimes related to threatening election officials.

Threatening election workers is already explicitly prohibited under both Virginia and federal law. SB 364 is currently awaiting action from the Senate Courts of Justice Committee.

Despite Democrats’ insistence, evidence does not support the notion that election workers everywhere are facing constant threats from conservatives.

During his August 2022 testimony before the U.S. Senate, Kenneth A. Polite Jr., the assistant attorney general for the criminal division of the DOJ, claimed the agency’s Election Threats Task Force — which was launched in July 2021 to address this alleged “rise in threats” against election workers — had reviewed and assessed roughly 1,000 allegedly “threatening and harassing” communications directed toward election officials. But two days before Polite’s testimony, the DOJ issued a press release disclosing that only about 11 percent of those 1,000 communications “met the threshold for a federal criminal investigation” and that the “remaining reported contacts did not provide a predication” for further investigation. According to an agency press release a year later, the Justice Department’s Election Threats Task Force had “charged 14 cases involving threats against the election community and secured nine convictions” as of Aug. 31, 2023.

Got that? In a country with a population of more than 335 million people, only about 100 individuals were investigated by the DOJ for supposedly threatening election workers, and only 14 of them were officially charged.


PREMO Member

‘You Lied To 300 Million People’: Steve Garvey Hammers Adam Schiff In CA Senate Debate

In a debate among four California senatorial candidates, three of whom are Democrats, Republican senatorial candidate and former MLB All-Star Steve Garvey hammered Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), accusing him of lying to all Americans.

The debate included Garvey, Schiff, and California Reps. Katie Porter and Barbara Lee.

“I think you’ve been censured for lying,” Garvey stated bluntly to Schiff.

After an interlude, Schiff replied by attacking former President Donald Trump, saying:

I was just called a liar by Mr. Garvey. Mr. Garvey, I was censured for standing up to a corrupt president. And you know something? I would do it all over again. Because that corrupt president, that president has been indicted with 91 felony counts, that president that you won’t refuse to support. Yeah, he’s a danger, and I will stand up to him and (former House Speaker) Kevin McCarthy and Jim Jordan and any of those MAGA enablers of his in the Congress. The reason why our democracy is in trouble is because folks don’t have the courage to stand up when they need to.

“Sir, you lied to 300 million people and you can’t take that back,” Garvey fired back.

Schiff for brains - LYING is justified because I hate Trump


PREMO Member

Trump Summons Vivek To EXPOSE Nikki Haley As Joy Reid Admits REAL REASON She REFUSES TO DROP OUT!​



PREMO Member

Google Sharpens Its Censorship Knives — Labels Trump Praise As ‘Dangerous’

We recently discovered that Google’s ad-serving network is blocking its ads from appearing on a story we published almost exactly three years ago.

Google declared that the article violated its terms of service because it contained “Dangerous or derogatory content,” which it defines as anything that:

  • incites hatred against, promotes discrimination of, or disparages an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization.
  • harasses, intimidates, or bullies an individual or group of individuals.
  • threatens or advocates for harm to oneself or others.
  • relates to a current, major health crisis and contradicts authoritative, scientific consensus.
  • exploits others through extortion.

Pretty raunchy stuff, in other words.

So what was the article that it flagged? “Trump’s Top-10 Triumphs: A Last Look At A Remarkable Presidency.”

We are not kidding.


We concluded that editorial with what turned out to be a very prescient piece of advice for Biden: “For the new president, a friendly word of advice: Your success or failure in the first year of your term will largely depend on how many of Trump’s successes you let stand, and how many you try to undo.”


There is not a single word of disparagement toward anyone, including Biden, and we defy anyone to find anything in this editorial that even comes close to Google’s “dangerous and derogatory” label.

Among the “dangerous and derogatory” material that Google prohibits is any content that challenges the accepted wisdom around COVID, or as the tech giant puts it, content that “relates to a current, major health crisis and contradicts authoritative, scientific consensus.”

Google has used that definition to justify demonetizing our editorials attacking COVID mask mandates, the lockdowns, and other intrusive government mandates — which were contrary to the “scientific consensus” but turned out to be correct.

But the only reference to COVID in that editorial was to praise Trump for accelerating the development of COVID vaccines, a success that the “authoritative, scientific consensus” said would never happen. As we noted: “The vaccine critics were dead wrong, and Trump’s push may well end up saving hundreds of thousands of lives in coming years.”


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

Google Sharpens Its Censorship Knives — Labels Trump Praise As ‘Dangerous’

We recently discovered that Google’s ad-serving network is blocking its ads from appearing on a story we published almost exactly three years ago.

Google declared that the article violated its terms of service because it contained “Dangerous or derogatory content,” which it defines as anything that:

  • incites hatred against, promotes discrimination of, or disparages an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization.
  • harasses, intimidates, or bullies an individual or group of individuals.
  • threatens or advocates for harm to oneself or others.
  • relates to a current, major health crisis and contradicts authoritative, scientific consensus.
  • exploits others through extortion.

Pretty raunchy stuff, in other words.

So what was the article that it flagged? “Trump’s Top-10 Triumphs: A Last Look At A Remarkable Presidency.”

We are not kidding.


We concluded that editorial with what turned out to be a very prescient piece of advice for Biden: “For the new president, a friendly word of advice: Your success or failure in the first year of your term will largely depend on how many of Trump’s successes you let stand, and how many you try to undo.”


There is not a single word of disparagement toward anyone, including Biden, and we defy anyone to find anything in this editorial that even comes close to Google’s “dangerous and derogatory” label.

Among the “dangerous and derogatory” material that Google prohibits is any content that challenges the accepted wisdom around COVID, or as the tech giant puts it, content that “relates to a current, major health crisis and contradicts authoritative, scientific consensus.”

Google has used that definition to justify demonetizing our editorials attacking COVID mask mandates, the lockdowns, and other intrusive government mandates — which were contrary to the “scientific consensus” but turned out to be correct.

But the only reference to COVID in that editorial was to praise Trump for accelerating the development of COVID vaccines, a success that the “authoritative, scientific consensus” said would never happen. As we noted: “The vaccine critics were dead wrong, and Trump’s push may well end up saving hundreds of thousands of lives in coming years.”
I was on the Reddit Comics sub a few days back. Someone posted a comic with Trump busting through a door like Jack Nicholson in The Shining. I commented that after the past three years sure why not? My Karma rating dropped like a rock. :lol:


PREMO Member

Is the Electoral Fix Already In?

The fix is in. To “protect democracy,” democracy is already being canceled. We just haven’t admitted the implications of this to ourselves yet.

On Sunday, January 14th, NBC News ran an eye-catching story: “Fears grow that Trump will use the military in ‘dictatorial ways’ if he returns to the White House.” It described “a loose-knit network of public interest groups and lawmakers” that is “quietly” making plans to “foil any efforts to expand presidential power” on the part of Donald Trump.

The piece quoted an array of former high-ranking officials, all insisting Trump will misuse the Department of Defense to execute civilian political aims. Since Joe Biden’s team “leaked” a strategy memo in late December listing “Trump is an existential threat to democracy” as Campaign 2024’s central talking point, surrogates have worked overtime to insert existential or democracy in quotes. This was no different:

“We’re about 30 seconds away from the Armageddon clock when it comes to democracy,” said Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Defense, William Cohen, adding that Trump is “a clear and present danger to our democracy.” Skye Perryman of Democracy Forward, one of the advocacy groups organizing the “loose” coalition, said, “We believe this is an existential moment for American democracy.” Declared former CIA and defense chief Leon Panetta: “Like any good dictator, he’s going to try to use the military to basically perform his will.”

Former Acting Assistant Attorney General for National Security at the U.S. Department of Justice and current visiting Georgetown law professor Mary McCord was one of the few coalition participants quoted by name. She said:

We’re already starting to put together a team to think through the most damaging types of things that he [Trump] might do so that we’re ready to bring lawsuits if we have to.

The group was formed by at least two organizations that have been hyperactive in filing lawsuits against Trump and Trump-related figures over the years: the aforementioned Democracy Forward, chaired by former Perkins Coie and Hillary Clinton campaign attorney Marc Elias, and Protect Democracy, a ubiquitous non-profit run by a phalanx of former Obama administration lawyers like Ian Bassin, and funded at least in part by LinkedIn magnate Reid Hoffman.

The article implied a future Trump presidency will necessitate new forms of external control over the military. It cited Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal’s bill to “clarify” the Insurrection Act, a 1792 law that empowers the president to deploy the military to quell domestic rebellion. Blumenthal’s act would add a requirement that Congress or courts ratify presidential decisions to deploy the military at home, seeking essentially to attach a congressional breathalyzer to the presidential steering wheel.

NBC’s quotes from former high-ranking defense and intelligence officials about possible preemptive mutiny were interesting on their own. However, the really striking twist was that we’d read the story before.

Summer, 2020. The TIP media blitz.

For over a year, the Biden administration and its surrogates have dropped hint after hint that the plan for winning in 2024 — against Donald Trump or anyone else — might involve something other than voting. Lawsuits in multiple states have been filed to remove Trump from the ballot; primaries have been canceled or invalidated; an ominous Washington Post editorial by Robert Kagan, husband to senior State official Victoria Nuland, read like an APB to assassins to head off an “inevitable” Trump dictatorship; and on January 11th of this year, leaders of a third party group called “No Labels” sent an amazing letter to the Department of Justice, complaining of a “conspiracy” to stop alternative votes.

Authored by former NAACP director Ben Chavis, former Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman, former Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair, former North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory, and former Assistant U.S. Attorney and Iran-Contra Special Counsel Dan Webb, the No Labels letter described a meeting of multiple advocacy groups aligned with the Democratic party. In the 80-minute confab, audio of which was obtained by Semafor, a dire warning was issued to anyone considering a third-party run:

Through every channel we have, to their donors, their friends, the press, everyone — everyone — should send the message: If you have one fingernail clipping of a skeleton in your closet, we will find it… If you think you were vetted when you ran for governor, you’re insane. That was nothing. We are going to come at you with every gun we can possibly find. We did not do that with Jill Stein or Gary Johnson, we should have, and we will not make that mistake again.

The Semafor piece offered a rare glimpse into the Zoom-politics culture that’s dominated Washington since the arrival of Covid-19. If this is how Beltway insiders talk about how to keep Joe Lieberman or Ben Chavis out of politics, imagine what they say about Trump?

We don’t have to imagine. Three and a half years ago, in June and July of 2020, an almost exactly similar series of features to the recent NBC story began appearing in media, describing another “loose network” of “bipartisan officials,” also meeting “quietly” to war-game scenarios in case “Trump loses and insists he won,” as the Washington Post put it.

That group, which called itself the Transition Integrity Project (TIP), involved roughly 100 former officials, think-tankers, and journalists who gathered to “wargame” contested election scenarios. The “loose” network included big names like former Michigan governor and current Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, and former Hillary Clinton campaign chief John Podesta, who in his current role as special advisor to President Joe Biden overseeing the handout of roughly $370 billion in “clean energy” investments is one of the most powerful people in Washington.

The TIP was hyped like the rollout of a blockbuster horror flick: In a second Trump Term, No One Will Hear You Scream… Stories in NPR, the Financial Times, The Atlantic, The Washington Post and over a dozen other major outlets outlined apocalyptic predictions about Trump’s unwillingness to leave office, and how this would likely result in mass unrest, even bloodshed. A typical quote was from TIP co-founder, Georgetown law professor, and former Pentagon official Rosa Brooks, who told the Boston Globe that every one of the group’s simulations ended in chaos and violence, because “the law is... almost helpless against a president who’s willing to ignore it.”

Podesta played Joe Biden in one TIP simulation, and in one round refused to accede to a “clear Trump win,” threatening instead to seize a bloc of West Coast states including California (absurdly dubbed “Cascadia”) and secede. Podesta’s “frankly ridiculous move,” as one TIP participant described it, was so over the top that a player leaked it to media writer Ben Smith of the New York Times.

The latter in Timesian fashion stuck the seeming front-page tale near the bottom of an otherwise breezy August 2nd story titled, called “How The Media Could Get the Election Story Wrong”:

A group of former top government officials called the Transition Integrity Project actually gamed four possible scenarios, including one that doesn’t look that different from 2016: a big popular win for Mr. Biden, and a narrow electoral defeat… They cast John Podesta, who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, in the role of Mr. Biden. They expected him, when the votes came in, to concede...
But Mr. Podesta… shocked the organizers… he persuaded the governors of Wisconsin and Michigan to send pro-Biden electors to the Electoral College. In that scenario, California, Oregon, and Washington then threatened to secede from the United States if Mr. Trump took office…


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Exclusive — ‘Defeat MAGA’: Meet the Radical Left Network that Hijacked Democrats in Effort to Stop Trump at All Costs

But it’s much broader than that: For years, this network of leftists grew from a powerful vast left-wing conspiracy unmasked a decade ago into now being the dominating force on the left determined to stop Trump at all costs. What’s more, these leftists clearly control what top Democrats are saying, forcing their leaders to adopt their narrative. They even regularly openly brag about controlling what the sitting President of the United States says, taking credit for Democrat President Joe Biden’s dark reelection campaign messaging, where Biden has warned of “MAGA extremists” on the rise.

Research compiled by Northeast Florida-based conservative grassroots activist Jessico Bowman shows the intricate links between these groups and just how sophisticated their operations happen to be. Bowman, the secretary of the libertarian-leaning Republican Liberty Caucus, was so alarmed by what she found, she provided this research to Breitbart News exclusively ahead of its public release. The first installment of this bigger investigation into these well-funded and highly organized leftist groups is here in this story. Bowman’s research found that these leftist organizations began their work to crush Trump back in the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election, when Trump shocked everyone by defeating Clinton, and the network of radicals has since spiraled into controlling the top levers of the Democrat Party in a desperate bid to stop Trump.

“Following the most profound upset in 2016 which shifted the political matrix to America First MAGA populism, a war was declared in the shadows by the radical left,” Bowman told Breitbart News. “A well-oiled democracy alliance of political activist networks comprised of a collective of left wing and anti-Trump organizations, even charitable non-profits, managed by Indivisible – formed mimicking the Tea Party’s grassroots coalition structure. Battle-ready to funnel money and resources to fight using the power of their combined influence to defeat MAGA.”

The level of influence and control that this leftist network has over elected officials is essentially unprecedented in world history. Everyone from the sitting president of the United States to top law enforcement officials at the federal, state, and local level to leading Democrats in Congress and in states around the country are using these leftists’ playbook and talking points, following them close to verbatim. Nothing remotely like it exists on the right in U.S. politics, and never before has there been such a sophisticated leftist structure in control of at least half of American discourse in a presidential election year. Even stories in recent years about leftist organizations like the Democracy Alliance—exposed a decade ago when various documents made public showed the vast intricate connections between left-wing groups—do not compare to the intricacy of the organization level in play now on the American left.

As Bowman mentioned, the titular head of this leftist network is the group Indivisible. Indivisible’s website explains its origins as resisting Trump during his first term in office, and organizing leftists nationally under a broader banner designed to push the left’s agenda everywhere.

“Indivisible started as the Indivisible Guide, a Google Doc guide to organizing locally to pressure your elected officials to resist Trump’s agenda,” the Who We Are section of Indivisible’s website explains. “It caught fire as millions of people picked up the guide and its name – Indivisible – and organized their own local Indivisible groups to put the guide into action. These new Indivisible activists formed a nationwide movement of people taking matters into their own hands to build their own power through collective action.”

Working against Trump in the White House from 2017 to 2021 may have been its original goal, but the network that Indivisible leads has now shifted to trying to stop Trump from winning in 2024—and in case they fail to stop him at the ballot box, undermining his second term in office from the get-go.

The homepage of Indivisible’s website now states that the group’s primary mission is to “DEFEAT MAGA” and “SAVE DEMOCRACY.” This terminology and verbiage—constant complaining about “MAGA extremists,” for instance—has found its way into every top Democrat’s talking points—from Biden himself to House Democrat leader Hakeem Jeffries to former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on down to rank-and-file elected Democrats.

Biden has even made these leftist groups’ talking points—an extensive focus on “extremists” in “MAGA”—the centerpiece of his 2024 reelection campaign and has regularly used them in pursuing his domestic and foreign policy agenda items as president. The irony, of course, is that while Biden is bashing “extremism” on the regular as a president of the United States seeking reelection against his predecessor, he is the one associating with extremists on the radical left behind this network of groups that Indivisible leads and others follow.

Some of the talking points or suggested actions from these leftist groups have shown up later – not just in the legal push to kick Trump off the ballot in several states,, but also seem to have formed at least part of the groundwork for the various indictments he faces, like one from Justice Department Special Counsel Jack Smith’s investigation. But beyond simply preceding and fueling the indictments against Trump, these leftist groups have cheered them and organized activists to further politically weaponize them in a manner designed to hurt Trump and any Republicans who associate with him.

The leftist network is even preparing for the possibility they fail to stop Trump from getting elected again, and aiming to ready their activists for fighting a second Trump administration should he win again this year.


PREMO Member

This Republican Went to Vote in New Hampshire; She Was Handed a Democrat Ballot

Because she hadn’t flipped to undeclared right after voting that year, by default, Ms. Cory became a registered Republican. That meant she should have received the GOP presidential primary ballot on Jan. 23.

But she was handed a Democratic primary ballot.

“I said, ‘I’m not a Democrat,’“ Ms. Cory said. ”When I talked to them and said it needs to be changed, they said, ‘You can’t.’”

Mr. Belcher, who had accompanied Ms. Cory, said Ms. Cory was sent over to the supervisor.

The supervisor, a local official charged with oversight of voter registration, “seemed to confirm” Ms. Cory’s status as a Democrat, Mr. Belcher told The Epoch Times.

The poll workers informed her she couldn’t obtain a Republican ballot.

In New Hampshire, registered Democrats wanting to vote in the Jan. 23 Republican primary needed to have changed their registration by October 2023.

Ms. Cory said she felt disenfranchised.

“I was in tears. I felt like my right to vote for who I wanted to was revoked.”


PREMO Member
🔥 I’m not leaving you there! The AP ran an wonderfully-encouraging story this week confusingly headlined, “Georgia secretary of state says it's unconstitutional for board to oversee him, but lawmakers differ.

image 11.png

This week, Georgia lawmakers advanced a controversial but terrific bill to yank Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger off the State Election Board and investigate his conduct during the last two elections for potential election law violations. The only corporate media coverage of this important story was this silly and virtually illegible AP headline. The article isn’t much better. You have to read the bill for yourself if you want to figure out what exactly is going on.

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Raffensperger, the Republican Secretary of State in Georgia, has been smack dab in the center of controversy since the 2020 elections. He infamously refused to support President Trump's claims of widespread voter fraud in Georgia. And he is expected to testify against Trump about asking Raffensperger to "find" votes to overturn the election results in a now-infamous phone call.

But the real story is, of course, much bigger than the AP’s loony focus on the Trump-Raffensberger dustup. The Georgia bill would not only authorize Georgia’s Elections Board to investigate Raffensberger, it would also give the board independent authority to investigate local officials, which is far more significant and pregnant with possibilities than even the prospect of investigating the disgraced Secretary of State. The bill would add the underlined text:

image 13.png

In other words this bill would give the mostly-toothless Georgia Elections Board some real teeth. It’s progress, and Georgia C&Cers — you know what to do.



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Fired-up Trump supporters SHOVE protestors out of Las Vegas rally as ex-president tells Nevada voters 'your primary vote doesn't mean anything' - only hours after he was slapped with staggering $83.8M damages bill

  • Former President Donald Trump held a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada on Saturday
  • Comes the day after ruling to payout in E Jean Carroll's defamation case
  • Nevada's dueling primary and caucus is leading to a lot of confusion, Trump told his supporters their 'primary voter doesn't mean anything' and to caucus instead

Donald Trump's supporters didn't even wait for security to get involved with protesters at his Las Vegas rally on Saturday as they took matters into their own hands and shoved the rowdy attendees from the venue.

The day after the former president was ordered to pay $83.8 million to E. Jean Carroll for defamation, he flew to Nevada for a rally just 8 miles from his golden hotel on the Las Vegas strip.

As a group of rally-goers became rowdy – and seemingly anti-Trump – a group of supporters pushed the American Flag-donning attendees out of the venue and shouted at them as the former president said: 'No, they're actually friends – enthusiastic friends.'

Trump's rally in Nevada came off back-to-back victories in Iowa's caucuses on January 15 and New Hampshire's primary election on January 23.


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NBC News LATINO reports:

As Covid ravaged the country, Los Angeles Times opinion writer Jean Guerrero saw firsthand how outrageous claims of cures on social media were being passed around Latino families by relatives. Her father had sent her one on YouTube.
Guerrero used the experience with her father to blast the spread of Covid disinformation among Latinos in a May 2021 column in the prominent national newspaper.
But on Tuesday, Guerrero, the newspaper's only Latina opinion columnist, got a layoff notice, one of the many Hispanic and other journalists of color among the 115 newsroom staffers that the outlet chopped.

NBC News LATINO reports that "a 2021 Nielsen study found Latinos are more likely to consume and share misinformation." Politico reported back in 2021 that Spanish-language radio stations in Florida were part of an astroturf campaign to make Vice President Kamala Harris look incompetent.



PREMO Member

Biden’s re-election year crisis can be described in 4 words: It’s the border, stupid

The massive influx is sparking the border showdown between the White House and Texas, with Gov. Greg Abbott using the National Guard to do what Biden refuses to do.

Namely, prevent illegal immigrants from entering the United States.

Biden’s policies “have caused an unprecedented invasion that we must defend against,” the Republican governor said last week.

His state installed more than 100 miles of razor wire to keep illegal crossers from entering Texas.

The Supreme Court said the feds could remove the wire, but Abbott continues to add more and so far the White House is avoiding a physical confrontation.

Reflecting the importance of the issue, GOP governors from 25 states are backing Abbott and many are offering to send their National Guard units to help Texas.

The election-year crisis marks the inevitable boiling point of a problem that has simmered for three years.

Democrat-run cities such as New York, Boston and Chicago are spending billions of dollars to care for the homeless hordes, with the federal government offering little or no financial help for a problem it caused and still refusing to turn off the spigot.

The result has been a political disaster for Biden, even among many members of his own party, and a key issue fueling Donald Trump’s rise.

Polls show that Biden’s handling of the border has the lowest voter support among all major issues.


PREMO Member

Terrorists? What Terrorists? New Poll Shows Majority of Dem Voters Would Support 'Open Border' Candidates

On Friday, Americans learned that illegal crossings along the U.S. southern border reached an all-time high in December 2023, with a whopping 249,785 arrests. That number is up 31 percent from the December 2022 total of 222,018, also an all-time high. Those arrests are crossings we know about. The actual number of people who have no business being in the United States is undoubtedly much higher. But in an election year, the fact that liberalism is all about emotions and how you feel versus what is best for the country is on full display. The results of a new poll are bearing that out.

The online poll conducted by CRC Research for The 85 Fund asked 1,600 registered voters from January 3-7 if they “would be more or less likely to support a candidate who…Says that immigration is healthy for the U.S. and we should keep our borders open to fill jobs many Americans do not want to do.” Of the respondents who said they were Democrats, 55 percent said they would support those candidates, just 36 percent said they would be less likely. It is an answer that should get the attention of every Republican voter. Of those who said they were Republicans, 78 percent said they would not support those candidates, and 18 percent said they would.

Friday's numbers are part of a larger and equally dubious set of numbers. The total number of illegal crossings for fiscal year 2023 was more than 2 million people, with seemingly no end in sight. James Massa is the CEO of Numbers USA, a non-profit that focuses on immigration. He voiced many of the fears that the Biden administration's wide-open border policy has sparked in Americans, saying:

This administration’s unwillingness to enforce the law has caused the impact of uncontrolled immigration to penetrate deep into the psyche of voters in ways that evoke fear and frustration. They fear 9/11-like terrorist attacks. They are frustrated over costs and unavailability of health care, housing, and education. Howard Beale said it in the iconic film Network, the American people are “mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.
