Election 2024 Issues


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Because Biden can't run on his disastrous record, the Democrats will have to lean more heavily than ever before on their habit of demonizing Republicans. They'll insist that it's only BECAUSE TRUMP that they're being so harsh, but demonization has been a part of their political arsenal for as long as I've been old enough to vote. George W. Bush was Hitler before Trump was Hitler. Mitt Romney gave a woman cancer. This year it's the "dictator" stuff.

It isn't just politicians who they smear, it's anyone who might vote Republican. I don't know if the Democrats keep records of such things, but I would like to know how many election year grannies I've pushed off of cliffs at this point.
I can only recall it being really vicious starting with Clinton. Prior to that - I don't have any recollection of Dukakis getting nasty with Bush, Mondale getting nasty with Reagain, Carter getting nasty with Reagan - and so forth.

The pattern of the low blows, vulgar comments - Gore referring to the right as the "extra chromosome right" - that kind of stuff - I only remember that kind of crap beginning with Clinton and Gore. It may be that they were only saying publicly what they said in private, but that's when I remember it getting really crass. It hasn't stopped since then.


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Because Biden can't run on his disastrous record, the Democrats will have to lean more heavily than ever before on their habit of demonizing Republicans. They'll insist that it's only BECAUSE TRUMP that they're being so harsh, but demonization has been a part of their political arsenal for as long as I've been old enough to vote. George W. Bush was Hitler before Trump was Hitler. Mitt Romney gave a woman cancer. This year it's the "dictator" stuff.

It isn't just politicians who they smear, it's anyone who might vote Republican. I don't know if the Democrats keep records of such things, but I would like to know how many election year grannies I've pushed off of cliffs at this point.

This year's shiny object to distract voters from the Biden disaster will be WHITE SUPREMACY.

While there no doubt is a scattering of white supremacists throughout the land, Sir Sniffsalot will spend the year saying that anyone who is even thinking of voting Republican has a collection of Klan hoods at home. This will be the case even if someone other than Trump is the nominee. Again, they can't let any undecided or independent voters' eyes wander anywhere near Biden's record.

Remember kids: the real internal threat to the country is white supremacy-fueled domestic terrorism. The various criminal elements who have access to our southern border? NOTHING TO SEE HERE... MOVE ALONG.

I hope they keep Biden squinting at teleprompters and barking "MAGA Republicans" like a trained seal with a saliva problem. He's going to scare people all right, just not the ones they're hoping he will.

The Pander Tour is starting. Up first is a anti-MAGA speech on Jan 6th from Valley Forge. (I hope he uses the ominous red lights again.) Next stop is a trip to Charleston for a dangers of white supremacy speech at Emmanuel AME Church.


Well-Known Member
The Pander Tour is starting. Up first is a anti-MAGA speech on Jan 6th from Valley Forge. (I hope he uses the ominous red lights again.) Next stop is a trip to Charleston for a dangers of white supremacy speech at Emmanuel AME Church.
You know, I keep seeing more and more J6 videos - old woman pushed backwards on the steps outside - person dangling from a window for dear life and pushed off to fall 30 feet - woman knocked down and kicked repeatedly while on the ground -

I am always against violence - possibly to my great detriment - but I can't say that kicking helpless women on the ground or pushing an old woman BACKWARDS down concrete steps MIGHT not provoke me to hit someone.


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The 2024 Pander Tour starts at 3:00pm today. (The first campaign ad is already out.)

Do we get Dark Brandon in aviators? Will he lecture us in the creepy whisper voice? Is there a solar eclipse today to make his speech appear even more ominous?


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Trans-Identifying Man Running For Ohio House Disqualified For Not Disclosing ‘Dead Name’

Vanessa Joy was told by election officials that he was not eligible to run as a Democrat for Ohio House District 50, even though he had collected enough signatures to do so, because he had violated a little-known 1995 Ohio law requiring candidates for public office to disclose any name changes over the last five years on their signature petitions. The law does not apply to marriage name changes, according to The Hill.

Joy has legally changed his name, including on his birth certificate in 2022, and said he had been unaware of the law.

“I would have had to have my dead name on my petitions,” Joy told News 5 Cleveland. “But in the trans community, our dead names are dead; there’s a reason it’s dead — that is a dead person who is gone and buried.”

Joy had planned to run in a heavily Republican district just south of Akron against GOP candidate Matthew Kishman.

Joy said the law would “undoubtedly” prevent trans-identifying people from running for office in the future.


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Pelosi says states, not voters, should be able to decide who is on a ballot

Pelosi’s answer was unsurprising and in total lockstep with the Democratic Party, as usual.

“That’s up to the states,” Pelosi replied, parsing her words carefully, emphasizing “states” rather than “voters.”

“What I think is a good idea, for us to make sure people know what is at risk in the election. I won’t go into the courts and the law and all of that. Different states have different laws. We have a different law in California relating to that. But what’s important is what matters to the American people and their families at that kitchen table. And you have to keep bringing it back to that because that’s what is important to our country. But what happened on January 6th is related to that,” she said, attempting to use the Capitol riot as a justification for using third-world political tactics.

Bash brushed aside the Constitution.

“Do you believe, though — I know you don’t want to talk about the constitutional questions — but just on the raw politics of this, do you agree with some who worry that trying to take him off the ballot is making him a martyr and emboldening Donald Trump even more?” Bash asked Pelosi.

“Again, in each of those states, that’s a matter that they will have to deal with,” Pelosi reemphasized and then sneered, “Martyrdom is his thing.”

Pelosi’s response shows how much the Left despises Trump, his supporters, and conservatives in general. It also indicates to what lengths they will go to keep him off the ballot and out of the White House.

“He cannot be absolved from his accountability on all of this,” she asserted. “No one is above the law; neither is he. So, these are manifestations of people saying that. That’s up to them to say. It’s up to the American people to honor our oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution, to address the kitchen table issues. And, the economy is a big kitchen table issue.”

Legal analyst Jonathan Turley slammed the move by Democrats on X, “Dozens of Democratic members have already called for the disqualification of up to 126 Republican colleagues under the same sweeping theory used against Trump. These efforts could easily place this country on a slippery slope to political chaos.”

Even former Obama advisor David Axelrod sees what keeping Trump off state ballots would do to the country.


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What voters REALLY think about January 6: More Americans think the election was stolen and a growing number of voters think the FBI was behind the violence ahead of the third anniversary

  • The polls come on the third anniversary of the Capitol attack
  • Biden delivering first 2024 speech calling Trump a threat to democracy
  • A third of GOP voters think the FBI 'organized' or 'encouraged' the attack

Three years after a mob stormed the Capitol, a third of Republican voters now believe FBI operatives stoked the January 6 attack, according to remarkable new polling.

A quarter of U.S. adults believe that statement is 'definitely' or 'probably' true, according to a new Washington Post / University of Maryland poll.

The data come as President Joe Biden prepares to hold his first campaign event of the year stressing the democracy issue near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, in a potential rematch where former President Donald Trump has repeatedly called attention to jailed rioters and said he will pardon a 'large portion' of them.

Survey takers asked respondents: 'Do you think it is true or false that FBI operatives organized and encouraged the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021?'

It was a reference to conspiracy theories about a 'false flag' operation, that the FBI has denounced.

Survey takers asked respondents: ' Do you think it is true or false that FBI operatives organized and encouraged the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021?'


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'Joe Biden and Democrats are a threat to democracy': Elise Stefanik REFUSES to commit to accepting 2024 election results as she doubles down on claim that 2020 race was 'unconstitutional'

  • Stefanik was one of 147 Republicans who did not vote to certify the 2020 results
  • She said today: 'Joe Biden and Democrats are a threat to democracy'

Elise Stefanik has refused to commit to accepting the 2024 election results unless they are 'constitutional,' alluding to her ongoing fight over Joe Biden's 2020 win.

The Republican representative for New York's 21st congressional district doubled down on her claims the previous race - which Trump lost - was unconstitutional.

She said the Democrats are still a 'threat to democracy' as they're attempting to boot Trump - who is currently the GOP frontrunner - from ballots in different states.

Elise Stefanik redirects ‘biased’ NBC: ‘I have concerns about the treatment of January 6 hostages’

January 7, 2024 | Kevin Haggerty | Print Article

Corporate media’s coverage of the Jan. 6 anniversary was confronted head-on by the GOP chairwoman as she echoed the former president’s sentiments on Justice Department “hostages.”

Capitalizing on any opportunity to avoid discussion of the flailing economy, international turmoil and the disaster at the southern border, NBC News host Kristen Welker found a familiar groove challenging the language of former President Donald Trump.

Raising remarks where incarcerated Americans held without due process for actions on Jan. 6, 2021 were referred to as “hostages” by the president, Welker similarly questioned House Republican Conference Chairwoman, New York Rep. Elise Stefanik over her own past statements about the U.S. Capitol breach Sunday on “Meet the Press,” after the congresswoman had lambasted the host.

“Well, first of all, Kristen, as typical for NBC and the biased media, you played one excerpt of my speech,” she criticized. “I stand by my comments that I made on the House floor. I stood up for election integrity, and I challenged and objected to the certification of the state of Pennsylvania because of the unconstitutional overreach.”

“Do you still think it was a tragic day? Do you think that the people who stormed the Capitol should be held responsible to the full extent of the law?” Welker went on to ask after playing the three-year-old video clip of the lawmaker speaking in the hours after the 2020 presidential election certification had been interrupted.

“I have concerns about the treatment of January 6 hostages,” the legislator replied, shifting away from Welker’s main premise.



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One of the questions Trump has presented to the court in his petition for certiorari is whether, as the president, he was an “officer of the United States” as the term is used in the amendment, which elsewhere does not specify the president or vice president as such an officer, a question that has divided legal experts considerably.

“The answer is yes,” said Laurence Tribe, the Carl M. Loeb University Professor Emeritus of Law at Harvard University, to the Daily Caller News Foundation, answering whether the president is an officer of the United States. Tribe referred the DCNF to other commentaries he has published, where he has opined that the amendment’s prohibition covers “all officials who ever swore to support the Constitution.”

The president’s oath of office requires them to “preserve, protect and defend” the U.S. Constitution. “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” reads Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution.

Other scholars and experts, however, disagree. “You look at the Colorado opinion, and they say anybody who holds an officer as an officer [of the United States]. That’s not correct,” said Richard Epstein, the Laurence A. Tisch Professor of Law at New York University, to the DCNF, adding that “what you have to do is to take a look at the appointments clause under Article II, and you’ll see a very different interpretation cropping forward.”

The “appointments clause” refers to Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution, which specifies the power of the president to “nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate…appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States.” Epstein argues that the language of the appointments clause precludes the president from being considered an officer of the United States, since they must be appointed by the president and the president does not appoint himself.

“What clearly happens is the president is the person who holds an office but he’s not an officer. The officers are the people who are appointed under the appointments clause,” Epstein said. “It makes no sense to say that he is governed by it.”



PREMO Member

Trump only won eight percent of the black vote in 2020, according to data analyzed by the Pew Research Center. This small number was still more than any other Republican candidate before him.

Newsweek reports:

The NAACP estimated that 5 million African Americans voted in the 1960 presidential election when Richard Nixon won 32 percent of the Black vote, according to Politico. Since then, the Black population has increased from around 10.83 percent or 19,418,190 people, according to an analysis of census data, to 13.6 percent of the overall population or 46,936,733 people.
The Black voting turnout has slightly increased in presidential elections from 58.5 percent of the eligible voting population in 1964, the earliest election for which such figures are available, to 58.7 percent in 2020, according to Statista. This means if Trump wins more than 13 percent of the vote share, he will gain the highest proportion of the Black vote since Nixon in 1960 and more individual Black votes.

In 2020, 92 percent of black voters went with Joe Biden.

“The Black vote helped him win in swing states like Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, with Biden securing 88 percent of the Black vote in Georgia in 2020, for instance, but overall only winning the state by 11,779 votes, or 0.24 percent,” Newsweek reports.

Supporting for Biden has been steadily dwindling for the Democrat incumbent.


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Whoopi Goldberg BEGS Liz Cheney To Run Because Trump Will Make Gays Disappear In UNHINGED RANT!​



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Naive Leftist MELTS DOWN Over Democrats RIGGING MULTIPLE Primary Elections For Joe Biden!​



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Trump Deranged Pollster ADMITS TRUMP Will Win 2024 Election As Liberal Media Fearmongering BACKFIRES​



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JFC ... how fuking racist can you be ... this is a State Over Represented by WHITE CHRISTIAN



Evangelical White Christian

Trump Supporters THINK Everyone who is not a White Conservative Christian is a Fraudulent American

HYPER Evangelical State


Damn do these people hear themselves


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CNN Iowa Entrance Poll: 68% Believe Joe Biden Didn’t Legitimately Win Election

Sixty-eight percent of Iowan caucusgoers do not believe President Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election, while 30 percent think he did, a CNN entrance poll found Monday evening.

The poll also asked respondents if former President Donald Trump is fit for the presidency, even if convicted of a crime. Sixty-four percent said he was, while 34 percent said “no.”

The top issue for Republican caucusgoers was immigration (40 percent), followed by the economy (35 percent), foreign policy (11 percent), and abortion (11 percent).

Among Republicans who caucused, Trump was also the early winner, per the CNN entrance poll, with 53 percent. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) placed second with 21 percent. Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley had 18 percent, followed by anti-woke businessman Vivek Ramaswamy with seven percent.


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Howard Dean says leading GOP candidates don't look presidential

"One thing that Republicans have a problem with is none of their candidates look presidential at this point," Dean told Scripps News. "Certainly not any of the leading candidates."

"Biden is the president and he's acting like a president," Dean added about not campaigning in Iowa. "I think Biden has gotten a bit of a raw deal from the mainstream media. People want to focus on his age. You know, I've been around a long time; this is the most extraordinary president on domestic policy in terms of job creation, bringing high tech to rural areas, which is badly needed, climate change."

One reason Biden wasn't in Iowa is that the Democrats' Iowa caucuses are scaled down this year. Instead of choosing their presidential preference, Iowa Democrats are caucusing to discuss policy and to choose delegates.

Democrats have opted to go with a mail-in primary later in the election cycle. President Biden was among a group of Democrats who pushed to move Iowa's first-of-its-kind event later into the nominating cycle. Many Democrats, like President Biden, have proposed letting states with more racially diverse populations go first.

This was a move Dean agreed with.


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HOO BOY! MSNBC Panel VERY Alarmed by Iowa Caucus Result (Does THIS Meltdown Sound Familiar?)

This rhetoric sounds so familiar:

“I don't mean to be again, too dark as you said on this, but if we are worried about the rise of authoritarianism in this country, we are worried about potential rise of fascism in this country.”
“If we're worried about our democracy falling to an authoritarian and potentially fascist form of government. The leader who is trying to do that is part of that equation... Is a much bigger part of that equation.”

It's amazing that MSNBC hosts and panelists have been able to keep themselves triggered for so long.
