Election 2024 Issues


PREMO Member

Biden's presidential motorcade drives through deep blue Atlanta neighborhood - but draws only sparse crowd

President Joe Biden's motorcade drove through deep blue Atlanta this weekend to little fanfare, leading many to wonder about the enthusiasm for his 2024 campaign.

In 2020, the president became the first Democrat to win a presidential election in Georgia in 30 years. The party also won both senate seats in the Southern state.

But the state's landscape has shifted significantly over the last four years, with recent polls suggesting former president Donald Trump is in the lead in the Peach State.

On Saturday, video showed his motorcade driving through the Atlanta neighborhood of Buckhead with only about a dozen people in the streets to greet him or catch a glimpse.

As conservative account RNC Research put it: 'If a presidential motorcade passes through town but absolutely nobody cares — did it really pass through town?'

The president was in town this weekend to deliver the commencement speech at Morehouse College, an historically-black institution.


PREMO Member

Morehouse Grads Turn Their Backs On Biden, Walk Out Of Ceremony

Some of the students who on Sunday attended the graduation ceremony at Morehouse College, one of the country’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), turned their back on President Joe Biden as he delivered a commencement address.

The Associated Press reported that at least seven graduates and a faculty member sat with their backs turned as Biden spoke. A group of students even walked out as Biden received an honorary degree, according to The New York Times.

At least some of the graduates at the Georgia school appeared to be demonstrating in response to the Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza Strip as some of them were seen wearing a Palestinian flag or keffiyeh scarves around their shoulders or necks.

Valedictorian DeAngelo Jeremiah Fletcher, who spoke before Biden, said that it was his “stance as a Morehouse man — nay, as a human being — to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.”



PREMO Member

Biden Campaign PULLS OUT From NON-RIGGED Debates As Trump DEMANDS Sleepy Joe Get DRUG TESTED!​



PREMO Member

Biden’s divisive, defeatist HBCU speech proves he has nothing to offer black voters

Look: Biden is hemorrhaging support among black, Hispanic and young voters — but mainly among the working class, which is furious at what he’s done to the economy (bitter inflation, soaring interest rates, few new jobs except in government or health care) and the border.

Yet all he (or his handlers) can think to do is pander to the Nikole Hannah-Jones type of race-obsessed, academic, coastal elitists.

Who he wasn’t talking to in his demented diatribe was average black Americans, who are worried about paying the mortgage and putting food on the table.

Biden isn’t losing their support because he hasn’t apologized often enough for America’s supposed racism; voters of all races are tired of seeing their wallets drained by the disaster of Bidenomics.

Biden asked: “What is democracy if a trail of broken promises still [leaves] Black communities behind?”

Well, they may not love the last guy, but working-class black voters enjoyed a strong economy and a record-low unemployment rate in the Trump years; they’re not going to accept Biden’s race-talk as an adequate substitute.


PREMO Member

Liberals MELTDOWN Over Feminist Model ENDORSING Trump For Protecting Women's Rights In Sports!​



PREMO Member

Biden NOT ON OHIO BALLOT, Democrats FAILED Sparking CONFUSION & Outrage, Trump WILL WIN​



PREMO Member

AOC And Democrats COPE AND PANIC Over THOUSANDS Trump Supporters Showing Up To Bronx Rally!​



PREMO Member

CNN Admits Trump Bronx Rally Was MASSIVE SUCCESS As Democrat Governor FUMES Over 20K+ Flooding Park!​



PREMO Member
📈📈 By all accounts, Trump held a revolutionary campaign rally in the South Bronx yesterday. Liberal, Trump-deranged Axios struggled to comprehend the story in an article headlined, “Trump's Bronx rally looked very different than the usual MAGA crowd.” Reporters who never attended a Trump rally before got their first exposure.

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CLIP: CNN says it was ‘a bigger crowd than I think Democrats would like to see, given this is one of the bluest counties in the entire country.’

It shocked the reporters to their core. They thought it would be like Biden holding a rally at The Villages in Central Florida. They simply couldn’t imagine a group of Americans of all colors and stripes enjoying being together and celebrating everything they have in common, instead of micro-focusing on all their differences.

It was a blowout. Here’s a picture of just the overflow crowd:

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I don’t usually cover Trump rallies in detail, but this rally is different. It is much more significant than being just another well-attended Trump rally. The reporters who went expected to file hilarious stories about paltry attendance. Instead, they were mentally assaulted and are now in recovery.

Let’s look at a few examples. This clip gave me goose bumps:

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CLIP: Rappers Chef G and Sleepy Hallow endorse President Trump in the Bronx (1:07).

Or how about this one, with black and Hispanic Trump supporters celebrating together? (The insane-looking lady wearing ‘white face’ was a counter-protestor who ironically called all the black and Hispanic people racists):

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CLIP: diverse group of pro-Trump Bronx supporters celebrate in the face of woke tribal resistance (0:50).

On the other hand, conservative news media had a field day. Here’s a segment from Fox:

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CLIP: Fox interviews democrat Trump supporters in the Bronx (0:50).

Trump’s message was a message of unity, of America, of optimism, and he delivered it without a hint of intersectional politics, race baiting, or grievance mongering. He also spoke for two hours straight without a teleprompter, mumbling, trailing off with “but never mind, I probably shouldn’t say that”, claiming he was Vice President during covid, or invoking cannibals.

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CLIP: Trump, in his own words, we are all Americans (0:48).

The difference between a Trump rally and a Biden non-event could not possibly have been more stark. In one illustrative example, a rising rapper set up his own stage and entertained a small corner of the rally with songs written for President Trump:

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CLIP: Rapper DVS 7.0 attends Trump Bronx rally and sets up shop (1:32).

And it all happened in the ‘safe’ blue heart of New York, where just a few blocks away in Manhattan, for weeks, the President has been on trial for his alleged crimes. In a few days, the reporters will convince themselves they didn’t see what they saw in the South Bronx. But in the meantime, the pro-Trump rappers rattled reporters’ worldviews yesterday.

Trump’s Bronx rally was this week’s biggest news.



PREMO Member
Trump has created and illusion and boxed his followers in and they cannot see that they are in a box

it is an illusion he created and the Evangelical White Nationalists that he surrounds himself with have helped him create, based on fear mongering

based on FEAR and people inside this box HAVE BECOME ADDICTED to the rage





PREMO Member

Biden is going to do something to prevent the election
Passing ' secret ' bill ....
We stop paying taxes, stop going to work, stop going to work

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PREMO Member

In Huge Blow to Hillary Attorney Marc Elias, Nevada Supreme Court Rules 7-0 in Favor of Voter ID Ballot Initiative

The Democrats can’t win unless they cheat which is why they are fiercely fighting to block voter ID laws.

Democrat gutter lawyer Marc Elias has filed at least two lawsuits to stop Repair The Vote’s attempt to introduce voter ID laws in Nevada.

Marc Elias is best known for his work promoting Hillary Clinton’s fake Russia dossier in 2016 and doing the dirty work for the Democrat machine to make sure there are no voter ID laws.

Marc Elias and the corrupt Democrat party took a huge loss on Friday.

In a unanimous decision, the Nevada Supreme Court on Friday ruled in favor of the voter ID ballot initiative spearheaded by Repair the Vote PAC.

“The initiative, filed in early November, would amend the State Constitution to require that all persons voting in person present an approved photo identification before being provided a ballot. It also requires that voters submitting a mail-in ballot provide additional verification of their identity when completing their mail-in ballot.” – The Nevada Globe reported.

“We are thrilled but not surprised with the Nevada State Supreme Court’s decision,” said David Gibbs, Chairman of Repair the Vote. “This ruling is a triumph for democracy and the rule of law, in the face of desperate efforts by radical opponents of this reform to strip Nevada voters of the opportunity to make their voices heard on this issue. By implementing voter ID requirements, we are taking a crucial step towards safeguarding our elections and restoring public confidence in Nevada’s electoral process.”


PREMO Member

CNN Admits Trump Bronx Rally Was MASSIVE SUCCESS As Democrat Governor FUMES Over 20K+ Flooding Park!​

DERANGED NPC Charles Barkley TRIGGERED Over Black People Supporting Trump Because He Supports Racism​
