Election 2024 Issues


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Youtuber Nearly WINS Election & Woke Weirdos MELTDOWN! Brandon Herrera Shocks The World!​



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Elon Musk DECLARES WAR On Biden, Holds Meetings To TURN Elites AGAINST Biden, FOR TRUMP 2024​



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📈📈 Back to the Verdict. Bluntly, the Times’ seven likeminded, hope-filled liberals wish the Verdict will help re-select Joe Biden. But the evidence doesn’t support their prelapsarian predictions.

First of all, in the Verdict’s wake last night, the betting markets — the people silently staking real money, not Times-approved witless gasbag ramblings — have increased the odds of Trump’s re-election (currently standing at 54% likely):

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Next, as they say, money is the mother’s milk of politics. Trump’s conviction might just have accidentally created the greatest fundraising result for any presidential candidate anywhere, anytime, ever, in history. Immediately following the last night’s Verdict, a flood of giving started flowing and didn’t stop. British pundit Piers Morgan noticed:

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Influencer Benny Johnson (2.3 million followers) noticed:

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Cartoonist and recovering vaxaholic Scott Adams donated and noticed:

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Within the first hour after the Verdict was issued, news broke of the first six-figure donation from a large donor — a new large donor and a former Hillary funder:

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Here’s the donation’s fascinating backstory:

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Like Trump’s presidential coffers, the headlines began filling up reporting the same story. From the Daily Caller:

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Redstate.com reported the same:

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As did Trending Politics:

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Another noticeable trend — on Twitter, at least — was the chorus of people admitting they don’t like and never voted for Trump, but will now. For example, Catholic Institute of Technology trustee Jeremy Wayne Tate (80,000 followers, 900K views as of this morning):

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Influencer Daniel Kotzin (50,000 followers, 1 million views):

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2006 Time Person of the Year Ron Rule (20,000 followers, 1.5 million views), who correctly noted Trump’s best feature of being a human wrecking ball:

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Even anti-Trump intellectual John Ziegler is coming around:

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🔥 Within minutes of the Verdict, conservative politicians immediately sprang to Trump’s defense. Here are just a few examples (of many). Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) said no one should respect the Verdict:

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Exceptional Florida Representative Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) called the Verdict “a sham:”

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Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) called the Verdict “a farce:”

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Influential Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) (5 million followers) called the Verdict a “travesty of justice:”

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Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) (3.6 million followers) called the Verdict a “sham” and a “persecution:”

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (5 million followers) eloquently called the Verdict “the political debasement of our legal system:”

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Controversial Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) (700,000 followers) called the Verdict “a shameful day in American history”:

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Virginia Governor Glenn Younkin (225,000 followers) called the Verdict a “politically motivated prosecution:”

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There were many, many more. It starkly contrasted with democrat politicians, most of whom remained eerily quiet or merely re-posted news links. But it’s hard to find a major Republican politician who has not yet strongly weighed in.

🔥🔥 Influencers and conservative pundits also jumped into the pool. Again, just a few examples, for flavor. Law professor and frequent legal expert Jonathan Turley (700,000 followers) opined the Verdict was “used for political purposes:”

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South Carolina Congressional candidate Pastor Mike Burns (150,000 followers) predicted as did many others that the Verdict would guarantee Trump’s re-election and railed against the two-tiered justice system (CLIP, 1:17):

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Bestselling author Dr. Carol M. Swain (300,000 followers) called the Verdict “the politics of Banana Republics” and the result of a “two-tiered justice system that winks at Democrats and prosecutes Republicans:”

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Arizona Senatorial candidate and political firestarter Kari Lake called the Verdict a “non-crime” and a “shameful political stunt:”

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Populist influencer Joey Mannarino (470,000 followers) predicted the Verdict would only help Trump’s re-election prospects (CLIP, 3:06):

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The evening was not without its humor, albeit sometimes dark, like Ann Coulter’s (2 million followers) traditionally sarcastic take:

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Or the Amish Dude, who pointed out that at least New York’s courts have finally convicted someone:

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🔥 Independent Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy called the verdict bad for America, bad for democracy, and predicted it will backfire:

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CLIP: Robert Kennedy says it’s going to back fire (1:22).

🔥 Last, but not least, plain-spoken African American influencer Antoine Tucker was all in (strong but appropriately used adult language).

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CLIP: Antoine Tucker’s very coherent rant about Trump conviction and the whole rest of the list (0:53) (adult language).

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Trump SHATTERS Donation RECORDS As Elon Musk & Business Leaders REVOLT Against Democrats After Trial​



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Black Trump Voters Take Turns SCHOOLING The Breakfast Club On Why They Support Him After Conviction!​



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Celebrity Supporters Abandon Biden Quickly As True Colors Are Shown

Charlamagne tha God is a known liberal but has felt pressured this year to conform blindly to the left’s agenda. On May 22nd, he defended himself against co-hosts on The View when they pressed him to endorse Biden by name.

“Why do y’all need us to say this if we don’t feel comfortable saying it?"

Although he didn’t speak favorably of Trump, he did raise the concern of preserving our democracy.

"I'm going to vote my best interest, and I’m going to vote for who I think can preserve democracy," he said. "So if I think both candidates are trash and I don’t feel like endorsing one, would you rather me endorse an individual or endorse the fact that, hey, we need to go out and protect democracy."

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson also backtracked on his previous endorsement of Biden in 2020.

"The endorsement that I made years ago with Biden was what I thought was the best decision for me at that time," he said.
"Am I going to do that again this year? That answer's no. I'm not going to do that," he said. "Because what I realized that what that caused back then was something that tears me up in my guts back then and now, which is division. And that got me."

Michael Rapaport said in May that he would no longer support Biden over his handling of the Israel-Gaza war:

"I never thought I would say this. I'm not voting for you. You're not getting my vote."

Cardi B has joined the chorus voicing criticism for the president:

"It’s just like, damn, y’all not caring about nobody," she said. "Then, it really gets me upset that there is solutions to it. There is a solution. I know there’s a solution because you’re spending billions of dollars on any f----ing thing."

These voices are just a few of the rapid loss of support for the Biden administration.