Election 2024 Issues


PREMO Member
🔥 Benedict DeWine, I mean Arnold, I mean Ohio Governor Mike DeWino, was the subject of a UK Guardian story Thursday headlined, “Ohio governor calls special legislative session to include Biden on election ballot.” Try to imagine any democrat state governor helping Trump like this.

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Ohio’s Secretary of State is Republican Frank LaRose. (Is that weird? DEwine, LArose? Whatever.) This week, LaRose heroically doubled down on rejecting the democrats’ flawed application to include Joe Biden on Ohio’s general election ballot. The reason is simple: because Joe will miss the statutory filing deadline on August 7th. The reason Joe will miss the deadline is because the Democrat National Convention in Chicago starts weeks afterwards, on August 19th, so Joe won’t yet be the official party nominee when the August 7th deadline comes and goes.

Instead of DNC democrats acting like sane people and just scheduling their convention a couple weeks earlier, as they have done every other election year, democrats are predictably weeping about the crisis of democracy, which apparently means scrupulously holding Republicans to every microscopic rule while making the rules up as they go along for themselves.

Secretary LaRose hilariously but subtly invoked Colorado, where democrats fought all the way to the Supreme Court to keep Trump off the ballot:

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So the Dems have Bidened it up again, and now Republican Governor Mike DeWine is trying to help them out of a jam. On Thursday, DeWine called a special legislative session, hauling all Ohio’s lawmakers back to Columbus this Tuesday, so they can change Ohio’s laws to accommodate the democrats’ tardy convention schedule.

“Ohio is running out of time to get Joe Biden, sitting president of the United States, on the ballot this fall,” DeWine said during a surprise Thursday evening press conference. “Failing to do so is simply not acceptable. This is ridiculous; this is an absurd situation.”

Try to imagine the Democrat Governor of Colorado, Jared Polis, calling a special legislative session to ensure Trump could get on the ballot in that state. But I digress.

Republicans hold a veto-proof super-majority in both houses in Ohio (House: 67-32, Senate:25-8). (And we have part of a governor.) Republicans seem willing to help; this week Ohio’s Republican Senators submitted a ballot fix to the House. The problem was it included a provision banning foreign nationals from donating to Ohio ballot campaigns, and it increased requirements for ballot initiatives (recently abused in Ohio). Outraged democrats refused even to consider it, calling it a dirty trick offered by people of low character, or words to that effect, which prompted Governor DeWine to throw up his tiny mole-like hands and call for next week’s special session.

"The Senate Republicans decided, 'You know what? We want to extract a cost to get the president on the ballot,'" Rep. Dani Isaacsohn (D-Cincinnati) said. This is "anti-democratic," Isaacsohn and dozens of other Ohio democrats exclaimed.

To his credit, Governor DeWine supports the additional election-security language.

Ohio Republicans: Hold the line! Don’t be emotionally manipulated, and keep reminding Dems how they started it, by trying to purge Trump from the ballot in Vermont and Colorado. They even held a five-day ‘trial’ in Colorado to ‘find’ Trump was an insurrectionist. Squeeze some good election security concessions out of these poor-planning democrats.



PREMO Member
🔥 Like a half-witted Hamlet, this week Joe Biden obsessed over Revenge. It is one of his big new campaign themes. The Hill ran a story about the campaign’s new marketing twist last week headlined, “Biden urges Atlanta voters to stand up against Trump: ‘He’s running for revenge.’” Revenge! Somehow Trump is like a dish best served cold. Here’s Joe two days ago, warning America about Trump’s Revenge Plan:

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If I understand Biden’s ‘thinking’ — taking the literary license to assume that neuronal activity actually occurred — the campaign’s notion is that revenge is a bad thing, an ugly, sinful, backward-looking motivation. At the same time, he, Joe Biden, is a guardian of light, a fine, optimistic fellow, and definitely not the biggest race-baiter who ever zombie-stepped the wrong way across the White House lawn.

The first weird element was how all this new, high-minded talk came from the same team who gave us the ridiculous character “Dark Brandon:”

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At first, I just couldn’t understand it. The Republican base is burning for revenge — electorally, at least — and more generally, all Americans love good revenge plots. Biden is busily turning Trump into John Wick:

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Americans seem to relish revenge fantasies where, after the normal justice system fails or becomes corrupted, one man takes matters into his own hands and makes everything right again. There are countless archetypes, going back to Hollywood’s Glory Days. Maybe Biden thinks Trump is more like Clint Eastwood’s High Plains Drifter (1973).

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Characters motivated by revenge are often loosed from normal legal and ethical boundaries, so long as the targets of their wroth have it coming. Times and morals may change, but the thirst for revenge persists. For instance, there is no possible way High Plains Drifter could be made today; it’s a minor miracle you can still watch it on streaming services. In one of the movie’s first scenes, Eastwood — the protagonist, mind you — begins his revenge campaign by violently raping an evil townslady.

At minimum, it’s fair to say Eastwood’s character had some “me too” problems. But it illustrates the larger point. The revenge hero archetype is inherently transgressive; men who are pushed so far outside society that they operate completely outside the corrupted rules. High Plains Drifter’s deliberately ambiguous story strongly implies Eastwood’s character, “the Stranger,” is the avenging ghost of a resurrected US Marshal who’d been murdered by most of the town, and with whom, like the Biblical Rider on the Pale Horse, Hell followed closely behind.

Americans mainly love revenge stories because we crave justice; and implicit in the concept of just revenge is that it was earned, and so the avenging angel always arrives after something bad happens, so as to right the galactic scales. The Russian thugs learned their lesson after beating John up, stealing his Mustang, and murdering the puppy providing the only link to his dead wife. The lawless Lagos townspeople got what was coming to them after literally whipping the law to death.

We live and breath these archetypes. So if, according to Biden, Trump seeks revenge … then who beat Trump up, stole his Mustang, and killed his puppy? Who whipped the law to death? In other words, if Trump is the resurrected, avenging anti-hero, who does Biden fear will be the object of Trump’s revenge?

Obviously, Team Biden is projecting. They fear that Trump wants revenge against them, for whipping the law to death and murdering Trump’s puppy of reputation. Like the townspeople of Lagos, Team Biden destroyed law and order, creating a moral vacuum bound to be filled by something they worry is even more dark and destructive.

Biden is going big with the revenge theme, because his misery wants some company. He wants to convince ordinary, everyday democrats that they also are in Trump’s crosshairs. The ‘revenge’ campaign is aimed at the Democrat base.

In other words, the Biden folks are afraid they’re losing their base. So they are trying to terrorize their own base into voting for the crumbling derelict, out of self-preservation. But this ‘revenge campaign’ is likely to backfire, as the response to Trump in the South Bronx this week excellently evidenced. Normal democrats who haven’t done anything wrong aren’t buying that Trump plans revenge against them.

To make the point, enjoy this priceless clip from the Bronx this week, a quick man-on-the-street interview of a most colorful gentleman who does not resemble the, let’s say traditional MAGA stereotype. “Joe Biden, stop taking showers with children, stop smelling little kids’ hair; don’t do that, that’s wrong. You got to be a good man, like Daddy.”

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CLIP: “I’m voting for Daddy” (0:28).



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PREMO Member
Trump Gives Libertarians A BRUTAL Reality Check After Getting BOOED During Convention Speech!



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The evidence of the 2020 cheat was only able to frustrate/enrage about 20% of the nation. Even a wedge of Democrats might be considered "Uncomfortable" with the outcome. Watching 2000 mules was very convincing but the 'choir' already understood the steal.
The absence of investigation and trials of the thieves may set the stage for an even larger, move violent backlash WHEN (not if) it will happen again.
THAT will be a taste of the true revenge....because the laws are not being inforced>>>>and justice MUST be applied.
I hope that version of justice involves rope.


Well-Known Member
Trump Gives Libertarians A BRUTAL Reality Check After Getting BOOED During Convention Speech!

Trump is the least libertarian candidate ever.

The offering up of Ross Ulbricht was cute. He had four years, nothing — not even an uttering of his name. I wonder if he knows why Ulbricht is even imprisoned?

Of course he didn’t have time.

Instead, the portly clown oversaw the worst violations of personal liberties in history. He signed bills contributing to a swelling money supply, not to mention national debt. And his ignorant economic policies continue to result in a higher cost of living.

But add Ed Snowden to the list, and now we’re talking!


PREMO Member

WOKE Democrat RALLIES REVOLT Against Joe Biden In Swing State As Democrats FREAKOUT Over Election!​
