Election 2024 Issues


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

I would've also added disallowing mail in ballets.



Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

I would've also added disallowing mail in ballets.

View attachment 177441
Dear God - this is hysterical - after DECADES of the right demanding voter ID - and the left insisting ridiculously that voter ID is inherently and inescapably RACIST -

They are worried that TRUMP is going to cheat? Because I guess - it's not racist, anymore?

I suppose there's some good in this - because I have insisted the ONLY WAY to get the left to want more secure elections - voter ID, verification of mail in ballots and so forth - is if there arose a threat that the RIGHT would cheat ALSO. I've suggested repeatedly that right-wing groups like Project Veritas make huge threats to massively cheat on a huge scale - such that the only responses the left could counter would be to cheat MORE, or insist on more honest voting.

I've also insisted the ONLY REASON any party would have such repeated objections to secure elections is, they wouldn't be able to cheat.


Well-Known Member
Got a couple questions -

If the verdict in the Trump trial is overturned - as I am convinced it will be -
Is he still "a convicted felon"? If not, what does the left say? That he dodged justice on a technicality?

What happens - if Trump goes to jail - but Hunter skates, completely?

What happens if - Trump loses narrowly - and his "convicted felon" status is overturned - afterward? And he loses because he lost the support of swing voters who voted against him, because of a conviction that was total crap? Is it another case of, in the words of the smirking Harry Reid when asked about Romney and Reid's assertion he hadn't paid his taxes in ten years - "he didn't WIN, did he?".


Well-Known Member
Got a couple questions -

If the verdict in the Trump trial is overturned - as I am convinced it will be -
Is he still "a convicted felon"? If not, what does the left say? That he dodged justice on a technicality?

What happens - if Trump goes to jail - but Hunter skates, completely?

What happens if - Trump loses narrowly - and his "convicted felon" status is overturned - afterward? And he loses because he lost the support of swing voters who voted against him, because of a conviction that was total crap? Is it another case of, in the words of the smirking Harry Reid when asked about Romney and Reid's assertion he hadn't paid his taxes in ten years - "he didn't WIN, did he?".

What about when Comey said we have a bombshell coming before the election about Hillary and then it was a nothing burger?

How many didn't vote for her due to that?

You can what about this and what about that all day but Trump is inherently unfit for office with our without a conviction.

He can't even own a gun or leave the state without telling people.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
What about when Comey said we have a bombshell coming before the election about Hillary and then it was a nothing burger?

How many didn't vote for her due to that?

You can what about this and what about that all day but Trump is inherently unfit for office with our without a conviction.

He can't even own a gun or leave the state without telling people.
Make Fishing Great Again!



If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Got a couple questions -

If the verdict in the Trump trial is overturned - as I am convinced it will be -
Is he still "a convicted felon"? If not, what does the left say? That he dodged justice on a technicality?

What happens - if Trump goes to jail - but Hunter skates, completely?

What happens if - Trump loses narrowly - and his "convicted felon" status is overturned - afterward? And he loses because he lost the support of swing voters who voted against him, because of a conviction that was total crap? Is it another case of, in the words of the smirking Harry Reid when asked about Romney and Reid's assertion he hadn't paid his taxes in ten years - "he didn't WIN, did he?".

Thought I'm not a lawyer. If overturned, the case is vacated as if it never happened .... I think.

As what will lefty liberals say?


The last questions involve too much speculation. :whistle:


PREMO Member
🔥 In another unintentional headline, the Washington Post ran an op-ed yesterday headlined, “The Texas Republican Party has gone off the deep end.” Which is saying a lot, since corporate media loves to wring its hands about Texas Republicans.

image 23.png

The new Texas GOP platform, which terrifies the WaPo’s editorial staff, sounded pretty good to me:

image 21.png

Not only that, but Texas Republicans are working diligently to reverse the state’s inglorious slide into blue-state status:

image 22.png

Progress! The conservative counter-revolution continues gaining ground.



Well-Known Member
I still see it this way -

If you found out tomorrow that one of your friends was a “convicted felon” - and shocked you asked “OMG - rape? murder? kidnapping? drugs? robbery? “

Uhh - no. Something to do with a misdemeanor they made a felony over someone categorizing a legal payment with regard to some crime they didn’t say.

I’d say WTF? Yeah, he’s still my friend.

Contrast with Joe Biden. Would you let him drive your kids to school? No? But you’ll put him in charge of the whole country.

Trump has ALREADY proved beyond all doubt - he ran the country GREAT. NO ONE can honestly say that about Biden.


PREMO Member


Well-Known Member

OOPS! Gretchen Whitmer ACCIDENTALLY Reminds Everyone Dems Actually Killed Roe With Fear-Mongering BC Post

Governor Gretchen Whitmer wants you to think birth control is on the ballot.

Anyone with the ability to think knows this is not true, but then again, she is trying to appeal to Democrats and we all know if they had the ability to think they wouldn't be Democrats in the first place but we digress.

GRETCH wants to fight like Hell to protect birth control.

Stop laughing.

Didn't they pull this stuff during ROMNEY'S campaign - claiming he would put an end to birth control?