Election 2024 Issues


PREMO Member

Black Liberals TRIGGERED Over Republican Mispronouncing Kamala Harris Name As He DESTROYS Her On CNN​


Call her Vice President but calling President Trump Hitler is ok
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PREMO Member


Molly Jong Fast
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PREMO Member

Colorado County Clerk: Shocking “Feature” on Dominion ImageCast Central Tabulators Allows Mail-in Ballots Results to Display BEFORE Election Day

According to the Why We Vote interview and a letter to CO Senators Stephen Fenberg and Rod Pelton, and Rep. Rod Bockenfeld in 2023, Schroeder and the county’s current clerk, Rhonda Braun, were running test ballots through their tabulation equipment with a Dominion representative. Upon completion of the test ballots, Braun, the elections manager at that time, had begun to go to the EMS server in order to verify the results were accurately counted.

The Dominion rep told her that they could do it right there on the ICC. Schroeder said he and Braun looked at each other, confused, thinking “Ok…that’s news to us.”

“Show us how that works,” Schroeder said. He was then shown that with administrative access, you can press a button to stop tabulation.

“When that happens (stop tabulation), there’s another little button that shows up that says ‘show results.’ And so you can hit the ‘show results’ button and sure enough, it shows the results of what you just have run through there. Not the number of ballots but the actual number counts…From there, Rhonda asked if you can print that out. He said ‘sure!’ He hit the button and it prints it out.
We were kind of blown away to have that report….So Rhonda then asked ‘how does it show in the log, the slog files?’ He said, ‘I don’t know…I’ve never looked.’
Well, lets look, just for fun. He goes in there and hits the button and sure enough it shows up there ‘Ballot 1 scanned…Ballot 2 scanned…Ballot 3 scanned…’ it goes through everything that had taken place on that work order. And then it comes to where it logs ‘Stop Tabulation’ and then it just goes right back to ‘Start Tabulation’ because we had run more ballots after that. So where is the part of the file where it says that we did ‘Show Results’? And where’s the part of the file where it says that we printed a report? It wasn’t there.

This ‘feature’ could present a dangerous opportunity for a bad actor to obtain results from mail-in balloting prior to the Election Day voters taking to the polls. Furthermore, there is potential for someone to access the system remotely and run this report without any evidence of the totals being disclosed in the log files.

Colorado is one of 47 States, as mentioned earlier, that not only allows, but mandates early tabulation of mail-in ballots under the guise that these results are not published until Election Day. But this is a façade since this report can be run without anyone being able to ensure that the results weren’t prematurely published since there is no evidence in the system log files. For this reason, after the 2020 election, Schroeder did not begin tabulating mail-in ballots until Election Day. He did not want to put any of his employees in a position where they could be accused of checking the results early without any way to defend the accusation.


PREMO Member

Do People Vote on What They Know or How They Feel?

It’s certainly hard to square the conventional view with the way many sophisticated people vote. Among high-income voters, almost as many identify as Democrat as Republican. In general, the higher the level of education, the more liberal people say they are; and education and income tend to go hand in hand.

Those places where people have both high incomes and high levels of education tend to be the very most liberal. Topping the list of the most liberal counties in the country are San Francisco, Montgomery County (a suburb of D.C.), Marin County (a suburb north of San Francisco), Boulder, and Manhattan (actually, a borough).

These are places where voters routinely vote for candidates who say things like, “The rich don’t pay their fair share of taxes” and “We need to do more to help those whom the economy has left behind.” In doing so, they would appear to be voting against their own economic self-interest.

Through the years, I have asked many people, many times, to explain this anomaly. The answer I get most often is: “They feel guilty.”

That answer is troubling on many levels. It implies that thousands of some of the most sophisticated voters in the country are voting not on what they know, but how they feel. But voting based on feelings could not only be harmful to the self-interest of wealthy liberals, it could also be harmful to everyone else.

Rhetoric vs. Reality: State and Local Government

I have a different theory. Sophisticated voters really do seem to feel good when they vote for candidates that appear to be against their interest. But what they get in return for their votes are policies that are very much in their own interest.

As I wrote in “How Liberals Live,” wherever you find a wealthy liberal enclave the situation is always the same. Their own kids attend segregated (mainly all-white) schools. Their own neighborhoods are thoroughly policed and perfectly safe. Zoning regulations ensure that no tenement housing crops up in their neighborhood. And there is no air or water pollution to speak of.


PREMO Member

Hurricane Kamala: The Perfect Storm to Collapse The Democrats' Burning House

Democrats have one trick left to boost her. The 47th presidency. Biden is political dead weight, doing his party more harm than good, a constant reminder of his disastrous administration. One way or the other, organically or politically, the possibility Kamala will be installed as president must be considered.

If this occurs, it probably comes sooner than later. As Hillary declared (plagiarizing Obama), “We’ve come too far to turn back now.” Biden possesses closets full of blackmail available for use against him. If he can be forced to withdraw his candidacy, forcing his resignation is the next logical step. Polling is underway to lay the groundwork. A President Harris is a twofer: the first female president and the first to declare her pronouns.

But wait, there’s more, much more. Democrats must first make it through their Chicago convention, beginning August 19. Why do crazed leftists focus their greatest ire on Democrats? Democrats departed Chicago in 1968 after 48 hours of rioting with 11 dead, and another 48 wounded by police bullets -- half the 100 civilian shootings during this year’s July 4 weekend. 2,150 were arrested.

2024 Chicago is not 1968 Chicago. The nation’s most radical big city mayor, Brandon Johnson is no Richard Daley. A former Chicago Teachers Union organizer, Johnson caricatures everything wrong with his party. He has been forced to backtrack from his police defunding position. A sanctuary city, Chicago is the national murder capital, complete with progressive prosecution, migrant chaos, fiscal mismanagement, etc. Johnson hasn't noticed, but the sanctuary city ship has sailed.

Consider the roster of radical leftists applying for Chicago DNC protest permits:

Bodies Outside of Unjust Laws

U.S. Palestinian Community Network

Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign

Students for a Democratic Society at UIC

March for People's Agenda

Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression

Reparations for Descendants of Enslaved Africa

Violent radicals (Antifa, BLM, Hamas-niks) won’t bother with permits, they’ll just appear, knowing the FBI has their backs. Professional rioters don’t need no stinkin’ permits. It is unclear if Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker will tolerate chaos. Worth $3.4 billion, he is America’s wealthiest elected official.

The warm welcome protesters just gave Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in Washington previews Chicago's coming attractions. Besides the radicals, a pro-Israel group applied to march. That should prove interesting. Pritzker is firmly pro-Israel, versus a, Marxist, pro-Hamas mayor. Stay tuned.

Democrats’ civil war is shaping up as their populist/progressive/Marxist wing aligned with Biden, Harris, and Hamas; opposed by an elite donor class enthralled with a Marxist former president. With a sideshow of rioting crazies. AOC is now an out-of-touch senior party functionary, penalized for insufficient antisemitism. Brandon Johnson’s sympathies lie with protesters. What could go wrong once the festivities begin?

Let’s go Brandon.

Kamala is an opposition researcher's dream. An embarrassment of riches; the most overtly communist national candidate Democrats have ever run. “They're not sending their best. . . . They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime.” -- June 14, 2015. Kamala is Trump’s escalator pitch personified.

If you still think Kamala could win, visit her website. It’s as vapid and empty as she is, studiously devoid of policy positions. Her website from her last presidential quest was a progressive word salad, an appeal to the far left. Chicago’s 1968 riots led to a Republican victory. 2024 looks to repeat. Hurricane season began earlier this year than ever before.


PREMO Member

President Trump Announces New Policy Proposal – No Taxes on Social Security for Seniors​

July 31, 2024 | Sundance | 454 Comments

This is a very significant policy proposal. President Trump is supporting a position that Seniors should not pay taxes on Social Security income.


This comes on the heels of President Trump supported policy that income received from service tips should not be taxed.

Combined, both of these policies would result in massive numbers of middle-class Americans having more money in their bank accounts. The national economic benefits of these two combined policies are extremely significant and could actually offset the financial damage done by Joe Biden.

The timing of this announcement coincides with President Trump visiting Chicago.



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
So, is anyone planning to do mail-in voting this time around? I'm thinking about it since there's the push to vote early.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Or jsut admit that mail in voting is a perfectly legitimate way to vote and that you guys just can't accept losing
Be fun to watch you crying in to your pillow when Trump wins. And since you guys have made it so hard to buy My Pillow products, I found you this ....should be a fine substitute, and will satisfy some of your other needs as well..



Well-Known Member
Or jsut admit that mail in voting is a perfectly legitimate way to vote and that you guys just can't accept losing