Election 2024 Issues


PREMO Member

JD Vance SCHOOLS CNN Reporter On Kamala Harris After CONFRONTED On Trump Questioning Her Blackness!​



PREMO Member
Instead, Rittenhouse says he will write in Ron Paul for president.

Rittenhouse, the Outreach Director for Texas Gun Rights, said, “Unfortunately, Donald Trump had bad advisors, making him bad on the Second Amendment, and that is my issue.”

He added, “If you cannot be completely uncompromisable on the Second Amendment, I will not vote for you, and I will write somebody else in. We need champions for the Second Amendment or our rights would be eaten away and eroded each day. I support my decision and I have no takebacks.”

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PREMO Member

CNN Host STUNNED After Black Voters DECLARE Kamala Harris Is NOT Black & Trump Isn't Racist!​



PREMO Member
The fact of what's happened in the last few weeks when it comes to presidential debates are fairly straightforward and simple:

1) Biden challenged Donald Trump to a debates and said "make my day, pal!"

2) A pair of debates were scheduled.

3) The president who the Dems insisted was "sharp as a tack" while the media dismissed videos showing a feeble Biden as "cheap fakes" showed up to the first debate and the Left could no longer hide it.

4) Biden's debate performance culminated in Joe dropping out of the race (or more likely being pretty much forced to).

5) Kamala Harris is now the Dems' presumptive nominee and will "save democracy" without ever receiving a single vote in the primary process.

6) With the possibility of any more Biden vs. Trump debates gone, Fox News offered to host a Trump vs. Harris debate early next month.

7) The Harris campaign's strategy is to now paint Trump as a coward because he's not going to do the ABC News debate he agreed to have against Biden. The memo was then sent:



PREMO Member

Simone Biles And Liberal Black Women TRIGGERED Over Trump Telling The TRUTH About Black Jobs!​
