Election 2024 Issues


PREMO Member

Elon Musk REVEALS THE REAL REASON He ENDORSED President Trump After FAILED Assassination Attempt!​



PREMO Member

Black Women Trump Supporters TAKE TURNS DRAGGING Kamala Harris' Record At Atlanta Rally!​



PREMO Member

Kamala Camp's Response About a Fox Debate With Trump Shows Just How Unfit She Is

Um, Harris team?

Biden is the one who isn't showing up; it was Biden with whom the debate agreement was made. But Democrats were so scared after Trump defeated him so badly in the first one--where Biden got all the terms he wanted and a debate on CNN. It couldn't have been more weighted to Biden, yet he still flamed out so badly that the Democrat elite had to shove him to the side and swap him out. They have some nerve even talking about who's scared, when they can't even stand behind the candidate that the Democratic voters selected in the primaries.

If they want Trump to honor the terms that were agreed to, then they need to produce Biden for the debate. Kamala doesn't even have one primary vote, she is now the "nominee" through manipulation. It's Kamala who wants and needs the protection of the media.

Kamala doesn't want to debate because she, like Biden, has a problem with just normal communication; it would be very evident. That's why she flamed out early in the debates in 2020. That's why she isn't taking questions or having any pressers. That's why she doesn't even have one primary vote. She is just trying to rely on the media to manufacture "excitement" about her, and the media is going all in on the effort. She didn't even show up at the NABJ event, where she likely had a very friendly audience. Trump, meanwhile, did go, despite knowing that he'd face "journalists" trying to bag him:



PREMO Member

Far-Left Group in Ohio Is Being Investigated for Turning in an Inch-Wide Stack of Likely Fraudulent Voter Registrations – ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION?


On Saturday morning, The Gateway Pundit’s Patty McMurray reported on a different Democrat-funded voter registration group that is accused of turning in hundreds of suspected fraudulent voter registrations – this time in Ohio!

The have discovered that a group called Black Fork Strategies, which operates across the state of Ohio, is being investigated by the Ohio Secretary of State over another alleged fraudulent voter registration campaign. The Hamilton County Board of Elections has turned over several suspicious voter registration applications Ohio Secretary of State’s Public Integrity Division.

Hamilton County Director of Elections Sherry Poland recently held up an inch-wide stack of suspected fraudulent registrations turned in by Black Fork Strategies that appear to have all of the same handwriting.


PREMO Member

WOKE Progressive Mob Prepares To ABANDON Kamala Harris As LEAKED VIDEO EXPOSES Vice President Pick!​


Judge Joe Brown .. When I was in California



a lazy piece of shite, she lacked professional competence, and she worked on it by hiking up her hemline when she needed influence rather than researching, When I was out in Cali doing my show for 15 yrs at a peak and she had a reputation amongst the Trial Lawyers of being lazy, she would just hike her skirt up and try to flirt and she wasn't that good in the Court Room if not pretty bad in the court room so I'm not surprised at what she does and I think at 60 yrs old listening to her word salad and the way she talks I think she has early onset dementia and some menopausal complications ....
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PREMO Member

The 5th Circuit Stops Democrats’ Misuse of the Voting Rights Act—and That May Shift Control of Congress

In an Aug. 1 decision over redistricting of county commission seats in Galveston, Texas, the 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals has issued a decision that stops the political misuse of the Voting Rights Act by Democrats and their allies to create voting districts loyal to the Democratic Party instead of protecting the voting rights of minorities. This decision may also affect the political makeup of Congress and state legislatures in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas—the states within the jurisdiction of the 5th Circuit—moving dozens of seats from Democrat to Republican.

In Petteway v. Galveston County, the full appeals court concluded that Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act does not protect or “authorize coalition claims, either expressly or by implication.” Coalition districts are districts in which no single minority group constitutes a majority of the voters. Instead, in those districts, there is a combination of different minority racial, ethnic, or language groups that make up a majority of voters.

The citizen population of Galveston County is 58% white, 22.5% Hispanic, and 12.5% black. Although the black population is concentrated in the center of the county, the Hispanic population is evenly dispersed throughout. The county commission consists of five seats: four elected from specific districts and one elected at-large. Neither the black nor the Hispanic population of Galveston County is large enough and concentrated enough to draw a single commission district in which either group constitutes a majority of the voters in that particular district.

As a result, in 1991, the county drew one coalition district that combined the black and Hispanic population in one district, which was represented by a black Democrat as of 2021. The other seats were all held by Republicans, including a black Republican. However, in the 2021 redistricting, the county eliminated the coalition district, which had a black citizen population of 31% and a Hispanic citizen population of 24%.

The NAACP and the Justice Department led by Attorney General Merrick Garland, along with a number of individual plaintiffs, sued Galveston claiming that this was a violation of federal law because coalition districts are required by Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act.

But the appeals court disagreed, concluding that minority coalition claims are inconsistent with the clear text of Section 2 and “Supreme Court cases rejecting similar ‘sub-majority’ vote dilution claims.”

To understand this holding, one has to look at the actual text of Section 2. It forbids the use of any voting practice or procedure that “results in a denial or abridgment of the right of any citizen … to vote on account of race or color, or in contravention of [the provisions protecting language minorities].” A violation is shown if the election process is “not equally open to participation by members of a class of citizens” defined by race, color, or inclusion in a language minority, “in that its members have less opportunity to participate in the political process and to elect representatives of their choice.”


PREMO Member
🔥 Consider how this crash might affect the election. Who would you rather have in charge as markets crash and world wars break out? Formerly Indian-American Kamala? Or President Trump? He might overuse certain punctuation from time to time, but at least Trump is paying attention:

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President Trump had a point. Neither Biden nor Veep Cackle have yet said anything about the markets. It isn’t clear they even know. Kamala’s last tweet —posted after the markets started crashing— was about canceling student debt:

image 6.png

The word “clueless” comes to mind. This is another bipartisan issue. I wonder what Nancy Pelosi’s portfolio manager thinks about the markets?



PREMO Member

Secretary Of State Asks Michiganders To Report Their Neighbors For Election ‘Misinformation’

The Federalist asked Benson’s office who this email reaches and how the state responds to alleged “misinformation,” but her office did not comment in time for publication.

Benson’s office published another document discussing this so-called election “misinformation,” calling it “the most potentially damaging threat to our democracy.” It blamed “partisans, grifters, and other opportunists here at home” for “hacking the minds of American citizens,” and called on residents to enforce the official narrative.

“Citizens can and should join this effort,” the document reads, “calling out misinformation when they see it and insisting that we hold people accountable for spreading lies about elections.”

For “trusted” information, Benson’s office refers residents to its own “fact check” page, FactCheck.org, PolitiFact, and Snopes. The latter three have shown their colors as leftist information gatekeepers.


Benson, a Democrat, launched a “Democracy Ambassador” program for residents last week, according to a press release. The state sends supposedly “nonpartisan facts and resources” to residents who join, and it encourages them to share these approved messages “within their communities” where they will “combat any election-related misinformation.”

Participants will “squash misinformation before it spreads,” Benson said in the press release.




PREMO Member

Trump UNLEASHES Attack on Kamala Harris For Saying He's Scared to Debate Her & BLINDSIDES Campaign​



PREMO Member

Media Claims Adin Ross BROKE THE LAW Gifting Trump CyberTruck, Gen Z Dudes Are Going FULL MAGA​



PREMO Member

Is Harris/Walz a Throwaway Ticket?

This has already been a weird election cycle, and no, I'm not talking about anything JD Vance said about cat ladies. It's the Democrats that are behaving strangely, even for them - and given that they have been maintaining a Weekend at Bernie's presidency for almost four years, keeping befuddled old Joe Biden in place, insisting he was "sharp as a tack" and "on his game" until they couldn't hide the fact any longer that His Dessicatedness has lost it. So now they have anointed Joe's life insurance policy, Kamala Harris, Queen of the Word Salad. And as RedState informed you, she has picked Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her VP.

Monday, I wrote an article evaluating Kamala Harris's possible Veep picks. Regarding Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, in particular, I wrote:

Governor Tim Walz: It won't be Walz. He's from a reliably blue state and has all the charisma of a lemon peel; he brings literally nothing to the campaign.

I stand by that statement - especially the lemon peel part. So why did Kamala Harris pick the pale, pasty-white, far-left Governor of Minnesota, a state that was sure to go to the Democrats in the Electoral College in any case? And why did Eric "Fast and Furious" Holder, who was in charge of vetting candidates for her, recommend this guy?

He brings nothing to the table. He has no moderate chops to balance Kamala's commie-progressive stances. Minnesota, as noted, was an Electoral College win for the Dems in any case, barring Trump somehow turning in a 1972 Nixon-style 49-state landslide - that is the last time Minnesota's Electoral College votes went to a Republican. And then there's the lemon peel bit.


PREMO Member

WOW: Josh Shapiro Backed Out of the Kamala Veepstakes at the Last Minute

In 2011, 27-year-old Ellen Greenberg, a first-grade teacher, was found dead in the apartment she shared with her fiancé, Sam Goldberg. Her body was discovered on the kitchen floor with a knife in her chest and 20 stabs and slash wounds, half of which were in the back of her neck and head. Initially, Philadelphia Assistant Medical Examiner Marlon Osbourne ruled her death a homicide. However, after police publicly challenged this finding, Osbourne changed the ruling to suicide without explanation.

In 2019, then-Pennsylvania Attorney General Shapiro supported the suicide determination when the case reached his desk—and many speculate his connection to the fiancé's family was the reason. Shapiro, for his part, seemed to be actively campaigning for the job, going so far as to abandon his faith and principles to help make himself palatable to the progressive, antisemitic wing of the Democratic Party.

Take a look at this report from Politico (emphasis in the original):

Why not Shapiro? By contrast, Pennsylvania Gov. JOSH SHAPIRO’s team felt that his own interview with Harris did not go as well as it could have. There was “not a great feeling” coming out of it, according to a person in touch with Shapiro’s advisers. A person familiar with the selection process told our colleagues that, after their meeting on Sunday, Shapiro called Harris’ team and made clear that he was “struggling with the decision to leave his current job as governor, in order to seek the vice presidency.”

Does anyone believe that Shapiro was "struggling with the decision to leave his current job as governor"? Of course, he wasn't. This sounds like Shapiro realized that the risk of joining the Harris ticket was too high after the terrible jobs report on Friday and the subsequent stock market crash on Monday.

In other words, he dropped out.


PREMO Member

After Walz Pick, Kamala Can No Longer Deny She’s A Radical Leftist

Enter Tim Walz. There’s a lot to be said about why he was chosen. Even CNN pundits are openly saying that the selection of Walz over Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro is evidence of the fact antisemitism dictates who can be on a Democratic ticket. He also has a modicum of charisma, ensuring he’d outshine the lightweight Harris.

Shapiro would have been an asset to the ticket in ways Walz is not. He is a popular governor in a state that Harris needs to win. A case can be made Shapiro, who appears to have studied Obama so closely he’s even copied his unique speaking style, also adopted an Obama-style pragmatism to get elected. (And like Obama, Shapiro was also insincere in his pragmatism — he was famously in favor of school choice programs until he got elected.)

Walz, on the other hand, is very liberal and has the governing record to match. There’s no honest way to massage what he’s about. Here’s what the Minnesota Legislature passed, with Walz’s enthusiastic support, just last year:

— All limits on abortion at any stage of pregnancy were repealed, as were laws requiring doctors to treat infants born alive after an abortion. References to “women” in the new laws were replaced with “pregnant people”.
— Minnesota declared itself a “refuge” for transgender surgeries and therapies for minors. Gender surgery will now to be publicly funded.
— Public and charter schools are mandated to teach “ethnic studies,” and school boards are instructed to adopt “antiracist” curricula and teach “the history of the genocide of Indigenous Peoples.”
— Drivers’ licenses and state-funded health care are now available for illegal immigrants.
— Private religious colleges are forbidden to “require a faith statement” from enrolling students.
— Convicted felons now have the right to vote before completing parole or probation.

And that’s just a straightforward description of what happened. The details and politics of what’s happened in Minnesota are even more radical than they sound. And let’s not forget that Walz was governor of Minnesota during 2020, when he openly sympathized with the rioters that destroyed Minneapolis, who he enabled by refusing to call out the National Guard for days. When asked about what was going on, he actually tried to blame the riots on “white supremacists.”

Despite this, the media are falsely portraying Walz as some affable Midwestern guy with broad appeal. The groupthink has settled on the word “folksy” to describe him. As a former high school teacher and National Guardsman (albeit with one with a dubious and cowardly record) who got elected to Congress in a district that voted for Trump by a decent margin, there will be those arguing that Walz has some appeal to the blue collar voters that a San Francisco liberal such as Harris might alienate.


PREMO Member
🔥 Yesterday saw a curious intersection between Harris’ Walz pick and the media’s studious avoidance of connecting the stock market troubles to Biden’s Middle-Eastern warmongering. Behold this too-honest Politico headline:

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And there it was: “we cannot win if people think we’re headed into a recession.” Where during this financial crisis are Joe and the … Kamala? “The White House,” Politico informed readers, “declined to comment on Monday’s sell-off.”

I’m not saying a panicked Biden Administration deployed every financial tool developed after the 2008 market crash this week, to prop up the collapsing markets or anything, but I did note this interesting paragraph from the story:

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They aren’t talking about it, but they are doing stuff. So.

Cleese-like, Politico’s stock market story did not, of course, mention the war.
