Election 2024 Issues


PREMO Member
“If you look at his record, with no walls, no security, let everybody in, he is worse than they are,” Trump said. “You know, nobody knew how radical left she was but he is a smarter version of her, if you want to know the truth. He is probably about the same as Bernie Sanders, he is probably more so than Bernie Sanders, she is more so than Bernie Sanders. That’s got to be your guide, Bernie Sanders. That’s not a great guide, but there has never been a ticket like this.”
“This is a ticket that would want this country to go communist immediately, if not sooner,” Trump continued. “We want no security. We want no anything. Is he very heavy into transgender, anything transgender he thinks is great and he is not where the country is on anything. This is a shocking—let me tell you, this is a shocking pick.”

Call this pouncing all you want, but it's smart politics, especially given the initial fumbles to define Harris after The Anointment. Trump and his team unwisely went after her identitarian claims, which backfired to some extent at an event that could have provided Trump with some narrative cred for political courage otherwise. Also, Harris' visibility has already largely left her defined in the public sphere, a situation where a smarter strategy would have instead focused on policy failures in the Biden-Harris administration entirely.

But that isn't true of Walz, who barely has had any national exposure outside of the Minneapolis riots. A Morning Consult survey shows just how undefined Walz is, even to fellow Democrats, before being picked to run on the presidential ticket. He's literally the least known of the rumored Veepstakes short-listers (via Andrew Malcolm):


Nearly 3 in 5 voters nationwide (57%) said they’d never heard of Walz, far more than the 38% and 35% of voters who respectively said the same of Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly and Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, the other reported finalists for the job.
That gives Walz, and campaign operatives on both sides of the aisle, plenty of room to try to move his numbers in the right or wrong direction. Walz and his party are trying to frame him as a so-called normie who has passed common-sense legislation with Democratic partners in the legislature, while Republicans have leaned into attacks branding him as a radical leftist that makes the top of the Democratic ticket the most extreme in history.

This is yet more evidence of poor choice in the Veepstakes decision. Josh Shapiro would have been harder for Republicans to define in the election cycle when two-thirds of voters already know who he is. That's even more true of Gretchen Whitmer, although her negatives are slightly higher than Shapiro's. Furthermore, both Shapiro and Whitmer come from must-win states (PA and MI, respectively) where they are already much more well-known than they are overall on a national basis. Choosing either one of them would have largely left Republicans without a target other than Harris.



PREMO Member

Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Raises Red Flag About Tim Walz and Teacher Union Head Randi Weingarten – ‘5-Alarm Fire’

Former Trump education secretary Betsy DeVos is sounding the alarm about Tim Walz and Randi Weingarten, the far left head of the country’s largest teachers union.

Tim Walz was a public school teacher before getting into politics, so Weingarten already sees Walz as a potential ally. In fact, she is downright excited about the prospect of a former teacher in the White House.

DeVos thinks this is cause for concern, and she has a point.



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Trump FORCES Liberal Media To ADMIT Kamala LOOKS SCARED After CALLING HER OUT At Press Conference!​



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USAF Sends Walz HILARIOUS message 😂 Kamala STORMS off after Journalist DRILLS her over Trump debate​



PREMO Member

It's an election year, so it's time for the Left to play the 'women only vote Republican because their husbands/boyfriends/dads make them' card. Again.

It's exhausting and, frankly, sexist.

It's also demonstrably untrue.

Such as this:

Every time I’ve phone-banked for a Democratic candidate I’ve been cursed at by men refusing to put their wives on the phone. Every person I know who knocked doors for Hillary Clinton had stories of flustered women who lowered their voices to say they “couldn’t talk right now.” https://t.co/a0vhFjjTBt
— andi zeisler (@andizeisler) August 8, 2024

I'm someone's daughter, I've been married and I've dated men. The one thing that never, ever happened in any of those situations? Neither my late father, nor my ex, nor my boyfriend told me who to vote for and they never stopped me from speaking to pollsters. But this is how the Left thinks.

The above is -- at best -- a fever dream of Leftists who have some pretty twisted political fantasies, frankly.

But what it really is is an exposé into how the Left views women. When they can define what 'woman' means, that is.

They believe women should have one driving political interests: abortion.

And because the Democratic Party is on record as endorsing abortion at any time, for any reason, at any stage of pregnancy, they believe women owe them their allegiance and their votes.

When they're not reducing us to our most basic anatomy or biological functions -- remember when Rachel Levin, the assistant secretary for the Department of Health and Human Services and a mancalled women 'egg producers'? -- they are demanding we ignore the other concerns we may have in our lives and kowtow before the altar of abortion.

And thank them for it.

You know what women, myself included, are actually worried about?

I'll give you a hint: it's not abortion.

It's the economy. It's wondering if we'll be able to afford groceries next week. Or if our rent will go up. It's looking at the price of gas continue to remain well above where it was when Joe Biden took office. It's seeing everything become more expensive while incomes remain stagnant. Women make up a significant portion of the 39% of American adults who worry about making ends meet in this economy. Credit card debt is at all-time highs.



PREMO Member

NEW: Left-wing influencer @williamlegate accidentally roasts Kamala Harris' crowd size after he thought it was Trump's rally.


In a now-deleted post,

LeGate trashed Trump for "ordering" his team to cover up thousands of empty seats. One problem: The rally was Kamala Harris' rally in Arizona.


PREMO Member

We received internal Trump documents from ‘Robert.’ Then the campaign confirmed it was hacked.

The campaign blamed “foreign sources hostile to the United States,” citing a Microsoft report on Friday that Iranian hackers “sent a spear phishing email in June to a high-ranking official on a presidential campaign.” Microsoft did not identify the campaign targeted by the email and declined to comment Saturday. POLITICO has not independently verified the identity of the hacker or their motivation, and a Trump campaign spokesperson, Steven Cheung, declined to say if they had further information substantiating the campaigns’ suggestion that it was targeted by Iran.

“These documents were obtained illegally from foreign sources hostile to the United States, intended to interfere with the 2024 election and sow chaos throughout our Democratic process,” Cheung said. “On Friday, a new report from Microsoft found that Iranian hackers broke into the account of a ‘high ranking official’ on the U.S. presidential campaign in June 2024, which coincides with the close timing of President Trump’s selection of a vice presidential nominee.”

Cheung declined to say whether the campaign had been in contact with Microsoft or law enforcement about the breach, saying it would not discuss such conversations.

Oh For Fox Sake ...... you cannot patch stupid humans

Iran Hacks Trump Campaign, Obtains File On JD Vance: Trump Official

When the publication asked the anonymous account how they received the documents, they responded: “I suggest you don’t be curious about where I got them from. Any answer to this question, will compromise me and also legally restricts you from publishing them.”

Microsoft published a report this week that confirmed that Iran was interfering in U.S. elections, particularly in swing states, through highly targeted activity online designed to sway voters in those states.

Microsoft said that Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), a designated terrorist organization, “sent a spear phishing email in June to a high-ranking official on a presidential campaign from the compromised email account of a former senior advisor.”

The company did not identify which campaign had been targeted, but a top Trump Campaign official said Saturday that the campaign was hacked and said that Iran was to blame.