Election 2024 Issues


PREMO Member

The Left’s Election Litigation Racket Abuses Democracy To Line Their Own Pockets

In April, the Democratic Party announced it would no longer use its longtime lawyer Marc Elias, and now we know why. The Democrats got tired of losing, or as Axios put it, Elias’ approach often “backfired.”

Elias himself does not tire of losing, and here’s why. His lawsuits — parading as a fight for “democracy” by tearing down voter ID, secure drop boxes, and signature matching — have nothing to do with our nation’s interests. Instead, as Elias’ allies admitted to Axios, his work is nothing more than “a political strategy that is actually a business strategy,” one that lined his pockets with roughly $20 million in revenue from just two clients during the 2020 election, all while generating crazed headlines about Republicans.

His cynical ploy to snatch headlines and dollars hasn’t slowed. Emboldened by an openly partisan Wisconsin Supreme Court, Elias’ firm is now suing to dismantle Wisconsin’s mail-in voting protections, like laws requiring that able-bodied voters mail or hand in their own ballot, arguing those laws violate the Wisconsin Constitution. It is a frivolous claim, but a well-funded one, by “one of the most secretive dark-money groups” of the recent past.

So the left’s leading “defender of democracy” is no superhero. He’s a businessman first and a politician second, nothing more.

Unfortunately, the left’s never-ending onslaught of activist litigation is far more harmful to our country than most get-rich-quick schemes. These lawsuits undermine the strength of our democratic institutions. They leave our elections exposed to manipulation and mistake. They cause people to believe a false tale about our states being run by racist politicians and election administrators. And they deprive citizens of the very popular electoral safeguards they themselves say provide the assurances needed to trust our elections.

This Is No Battle Against Jim Eagle

Let’s first address the notion that the left’s legal efforts combat voter suppression. If you listen to activists talk about the horrors of election safeguards, you might join President Biden in believing we are reliving the horrors of Jim Crow. That, however, is just a partisan narrative wholly divorced from reality. Study after study shows election integrity laws under assault from the left have little, if any, effect on voter turnout. As a result, the leftist legal arguments range from the inexplicable, like would-be voters’ alleged inability to obtain a free, readily available ID card, to the comical, like the alleged inability of urban and suburban voters to access a mailbox. In fact, record numbers of Americans are choosing to vote and expressing high levels of satisfaction with the process.

Still, the left claims, it must oppose election safeguards because those safeguards are unnecessary. Fraud, misconduct, and errors are too rare to justify preventative measures, the narrative goes. And that’s where the danger creeps in.


PREMO Member

Senate Republicans Release Ad Hitting Biden, Democrats Over Problems Facing U.S.

“Joe Biden and the Democrats seem hell-bent on destroying this country,” Barrasso said in a statement. “They created and ignored a crisis at the Southern Border and a crisis of high prices. They’re bowing to Communist China – not holding an adversary accountable. Joe Biden and Democrats are undermining America’s strength. Families want the nation to change direction. Senate Republicans have solutions to get America back on track.”

The ad calls out everything from the dire condition on the U.S. southern border to increasing aggression from communist China in response to weakness from the Biden administration.



PREMO Member

Biden Losing Ground With Working Class, Blacks and Latino Voters

Black and Latino voters turning away from Biden, on the other hand, has got to have alarm bells going off at the DNC.

Axios reports:

Biden loses ground with working-class Black, Latino voters
One of the main reasons President Biden is struggling in polls against former President Trump is his glaring underperformance with a constituency that has long been overwhelmingly Democratic: non-white voters without a college degree.
Why it matters: As Democrats have made major gains with suburban and upper-middle-class voters since Trump’s political ascendance, they’ve been losing support among blue-collar voters.
  • Pundits have focused heavily in recent years on white, working-class voters who changed their allegiances from former President Obama to Trump — and have made up a key part of the new GOP coalition.
  • But Democrats have lost significant ground among their non-white counterparts as well, turning a political weakness into a major headache heading into 2024.
  • The slippage is occurring even as Trump, the GOP’s standard bearer, is facing an unprecedented trifecta of indictments in the run-up to the 2024 election…

This has to be the thing that has Democrats worried the most:

  • Non-white working-class voters are not satisfied with the state of the economy, despite some clear signs of improvement. Opposition to Biden’s environmental agenda — the view that Democrats are pushing the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy too quickly — is a consistent theme with working-class voters of all backgrounds.


PREMO Member


Matt Taibbi offers a bracing assessment of the current political landscape at Racket News and YouTube. “Campaign 2024: Not Left Versus Right, But Affluent Versus Everyone Else.” It is the sort of thing that ten years ago, I wouldn’t have taken seriously. But now…

The realignment of major parties away from blue against red and toward a rich versus poor dynamic is America’s most undercovered political story.
There are now so many taboo subjects in American politics that even data journalists, whose job it is to give us the cold hard facts, are forced to communicate in allusions and metaphors, because what’s happening can’t be discussed.
American politics has long been a careful truce, in which natural economic tensions were obscured by an elegantly phony two-party structure that kept urban and rural poor separate, nurtured a politically unadventurous middle class, and tended to needs of the mega-rich no matter who won. That system is in collapse. Voters are abandoning traditional blue-red political identities and realigning according to more explosive divisions based on education and income. …
The only reason polls are 43-43 (or perhaps slightly in Biden’s disfavor) is because the other actor is Donald Trump. If Democrats should be panicking because they’re not trouncing an opponent whose biggest campaign events have been arraignments, it’s just as bad for Trump that he polls even with a man who’s a threat to walk into a propellor or carry a child into a forest every time he walks outside. Still, the abject horror Trump inspires in the Georgetown set may be his greatest political asset, and a reason the realignment seems to be proceeding even with him around.

As they say, read (or listen to) it all.


PREMO Member

Fox’s political action committee, FOXPAC, also allegedly donated $8,500 to Manchin in the spring, according to the Intercept.

Prior to this, Manchin had not received a donation from a Fox executive since 2018 when James Murdoch donated to the senator, per the Intercept.

“A lot of donations are part of the buddy network. The world of extremely rich and influential people in the United States is kind of small,” Stan Oklobdzija, a political science professor at Tulane University, told The Intercept. “Manchin has been around on the Hill for a long time, he’s a known commodity. These donors probably come across Manchin, they like him, they see him as reliable, and want to keep him in office.”

Fox News spokesperson Irena Briganti reportedly told the Intercept that FOXPAC supports elected officials and candidates one both sides of the aisle.



PREMO Member

Meet The Tax-Exempt ‘Charity’ Secretly Bankrolling Democrats’ Get-Out-The-Vote Operations

Published by the Capital Research Center (CRC) on Tuesday, the report details how the Voter Registration Project (VRP) — which for years was privately known as the Everybody Votes campaign — funneled millions of dollars from left-wing billionaires into leftist groups in highly contested battleground states to register likely-Democrat voters.

“[F]unded by the Democratic Party’s biggest donors, and coordinated with cutthroat Democratic consultants, the Everybody Votes campaign used the guise of civic-minded charity to selectively register millions of ‘non-white’ swing-state voters in the hopes of getting out the Democratic vote for a 2020 presidential win. It worked,” the report reads.

As documented by the report, VRP seemingly first came to fruition in November 2015, when John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign chairman, received an email from the president of EMILY’s List, a political action committee that backs pro-abortion, female Democrats for public office. The email “asked if [Podesta] approved of the Everybody Votes campaign, a $106 million project designed to last five years and generate 2.2 million new votes in eight states by 2020—a project Podesta had been ‘hoping for.'”

The proposal, according to CRC, was nearly identical to a plan sent to Podesta earlier that year by the president of the Wyss Foundation, a tax-exempt organization founded by left-wing Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss, who has “a history of illegal interference in U.S. elections.” That plan was purportedly crafted by Corridor Partners, a Democrat consulting firm.

According to CRC, the Corridor Partners plan had been edited to remove blatantly partisan language, suggesting an effort to obscure the initiative’s true purpose of registering likely-Democrat voters. It’s worth mentioning that federal law expressly prohibits partisan voter registration through nonprofits: “voter education or registration activities conducted in a biased manner that favors (or opposes) one or more candidates is prohibited.”

Both the Corridor Partners plan and the Everybody Votes campaign plan emphasized the importance of registering voters in eight focus states, and both included highly contested ones such as Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, and Nevada.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I saw the panel on Outnumbered today discussing a new poll out. That poll showed that 57% of Independents surveyed said that, as of today, they would not vote for Trump. It's still early but that has me worried. I've said many times here that Independents are the key for the Reps to win. (Just look at the 2022 election results.)

On the plus side, some polls suggest that Vivek Ramaswamy has broken into double digits and has jumped into 3rd place behind Trump and DeSantis.


PREMO Member

LA Times Columnist Floats Replacing Feinstein with Kamala Harris, Finding Better Running Mate for Biden

The idea, which Skelton endorsed in his article Thursday but admitted is farfetched, came from an L.A. Times reader, who sent the idea to the columnist. If the unlikely hypothetical scenario ever were to unfold, it would send shockwaves through California and national politics.

For starters, replacing Feinstein with Harris would be a positive for Democrats on multiple fronts, noted Skelter. The 90-year-old Feinstein, whose daughter reportedly has power of attorney over her legal affairs, has appeared confused at times following her return from a health-related absence in March, in which she missed more than 90 votes. This came after the New York Times reported last summer that Democrats were struggling to keep her declining mental health under wraps.


Well-Known Member
I saw the panel on Outnumbered today discussing a new poll out. That poll showed that 57% of Independents surveyed said that, as of today, they would not vote for Trump. It's still early but that has me worried. I've said many times here that Independents are the key for the Reps to win. (Just look at the 2022 election results.)

On the plus side, some polls suggest that Vivek Ramaswamy has broken into double digits and has jumped into 3rd place behind Trump and DeSantis.
I don’t dislike Ramaswamy. Just not enough compelling FOR him. I like what he SAYS but he’s just not the badass Trump always is.

And yeah, I do want vindication. But if independents aren’t for him, it really can’t happen. There’s what I want and what is possible.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
And yeah, I do want vindication. But if independents aren’t for him, it really can’t happen. There’s what I want and what is possible.
:yay: Agree. The end goal is not having Joe in the WH for 4 more years.

I don't see any of the current candidates having the spine to take it to the Dems like Trump did. As an outsider like Trump, Vivek may be the only one to understand Trump's playbook.


Well-Known Member
:yay: Agree. The end goal is not having Joe in the WH for 4 more years.

I don't see any of the current candidates having the spine to take it to the Dems like Trump did. As an outsider like Trump, Vivek may be the only one to understand Trump's playbook.
That IS a lot of his appeal. He's just kind of - little. I mean, he plays a mean game of tennis. He IS fit. Just seems kind of small.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
:yay: Agree. The end goal is not having Joe in the WH for 4 more years.

I don't see any of the current candidates having the spine to take it to the Dems like Trump did. As an outsider like Trump, Vivek may be the only one to understand Trump's playbook.
:yay: Might make a good #2.


Well-Known Member
Trump is the man we need. The rest just don't have the guts to do what is needed. But we also need some decent Republicans to replace those we have without the courage to speak up.
We hear from Cruz and we hear from a couple of other, where are the rest. If they don't speak up at least vote for America.


PREMO Member
Voter photo ID requirement proves to be a problem

A requirement that voters present a valid photo ID when they show up at the polls is unfortunately working exactly as the Republicans who passed it last year intended.

The Lorain County Board of Elections on Wednesday discarded the provisional ballots of 160 voters because 39 didn’t have a photo ID and 121 had expired IDs when they showed up to vote in the special election Aug. 8.

“That makes me very uncomfortable,” Democratic board member Anthony Giardini said. “These people weren’t cheating.”

Board President Marilyn Jacobcik, a Republican, agreed, saying, “I think we all share that concern.”

The board’s other Democratic member, Inez James, called it “voter suppression.”

Some might argue that James went too far with her comment, but the reality is that the ballots of voters who were otherwise “perfectly qualified,” as Giardini put it, weren’t counted.

Of the 302 provisional ballots the board rejected, just under 53 percent were rejected because of ID problems.


PREMO Member

Emperor Murdoch Going Bananas – President Trump Will Interview with Tucker Carlson During GOPe Debate​

August 18, 2023 | Sundance | 671 Comments

Saving the Republic was always going to be a trilogy. In 2016 we caught the club off guard, “Club Wars” began. In 2020 the collective “Empire Strikes Back.” Now we enter 2024, all of the enemies are defined, and the “Revenge of the MAGA” begins.

Within the epic battle that 2024 represents, the multinationals are deploying every available weapon in their arsenal and the rebellion is running an insurgency campaign while withstanding the constant bombardment. While much is yet to be determined, our flag is still raised, and we stand steadfast -living our best life- while the bombs burst all around us.

The professional Republican apparatus is assembling in Wisconsin for the trap debate, but the rebellion has successfully out maneuvered the plot and will stand unaffected while diminishing the first losers to the status they deserve.

With commandant Bill Sammon retired, comrade Brett Baier was positioned to use the pending political indictments to pepper Trump with questions that would assist the feds. By not subjecting himself to the constructed operation, President Trump has avoided the trap.