Election 2024 Issues


PREMO Member

CNN Analyst DESTROYS Kamala Harris For GOING FULL COMMUNIST In LUDICROUS Economic Policy Proposal!​

Trump Hires Kamala Harris' WORST NIGHTMARE As She RUNS AWAY From Presidential Debates​



PREMO Member

Liberal Media TURNS On Kamala As Republicans HUMILIATE WOKE Democrats DEFENDING Her INSANE POLICIES!​



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Plot twist! The honeymoon is over. Yesterday, the Washington Post’s Editorial Board ran its official op-ed about Vice President ‘Plan B’ and her new economic proposal, and it was a stinker:

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That was fast! The scathing op-ed was prompted by VP Cackle’s economic plan, if you can call it that, which she ‘unveiled’ yesterday by triumphantly plopping it onto the podium where it immediately sank like a lead super-yacht overfilled with migrants.

The gist of Kamala’s “plan” included:

(1) free money to ‘first-time’ home buyers, which will inflate the costs of homes,

(2) price controls on groceries to stop grocery-store ‘price gouging,’ which will cause shortages, and

(3) increased taxes on ‘corporations’ to pay for it all, which since corporations do not actually pay taxes but only collect taxes from consumers, means higher prices for everything.

It was a dumb plan, even for Kamala, which is saying something.

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The WaPo’s Op-Ed started coolly and got icier from there:

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“Thankfully,” WaPo’s Editors sneered, “this gambit by Ms. Harris has been met with almost instant skepticism, with many critics citing President Richard M. Nixon’s failed price controls from the 1970s.”

They just compared her to Nixon.

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WaPo’s article ended with an expression of official disapproval: “Even adjusted for the pandering standards of campaign economics, however, Ms. Harris’s speech Friday ranks as a disappointment.”

It wasn’t just the Washington Post, either. The New York Times ran a straight-news piece on the Cackle Plan ending with this remarkable expert quotation:

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My goodness. The era of media running complete cover for Harris appears to be over. That was fast.



PREMO Member

Black Conservative CALMLY SCHOOLS White Liberals With FACTS After Racist Attack For Supporting Trump​
