Election 2024 Issues


PREMO Member

‘There’s No Candidate’: Fmr Trump Advisor Mocks Kamala Harris, Calls Campaign A ‘Nonentity’ Controlled By Corporate Media

Miller characterized Harris’ campaign approach as overly protective and isolated, with no substantial presence or policy direction. “Is she really running a campaign or is she a princess that’s gonna get coronated that’s not allowed near anybody. You’re not allowed to talk to her. She’s just going to be coddled and wrapped up in her little blanky he and let around for nap time,” Jesse Watters told Miller.

“Don’t let her walk because she might fall and hurt yourself so we’re going to keep her here. You’ll see her in November.” Miller then answered and compared Harris’ campaign to the movie, where a non-existent person is created and manipulated by the media.

“It is the first AI campaign. It actually doesn’t exist. It is the first post-candidate campaign. There’s no candidate. There’s no actual campaign, there’s no policy, there’s no substance. There’s literally just corporate left-wing press creating a narrative around a nonentity. A nonexistent person. This is like that Al Pacino movie from like 20 years ago nobody saw called ‘Simone,'” Miller explained. “Very ahead of its time.”


PREMO Member

Florida Law Enforcement Investigating Possible Criminal Election Fraud Scheme Surrounding Fake Mailers Protecting Establishment

The fake voter guide features candidates that are not endorsed by the St. John’s County Republican Party and is described by St. John’s County GOP Chairman Denver Cook as being “a very close knockoff,” according to WOKV News.

In response to the fake voter guide, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement will reportedly press charges against the person responsible, Cook said, noting that the agency was “aware” of the fraudulent voter guide, according to the outlet.

On the fake voter guide featured politicians such as State Rep. Tom Leek (R) who is running for Florida’s Senate District 7; former Deputy General Counsel for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R); Nick Primrose, who is running for Florida’s State House District 18; and Jim Prister, who is running for St. John’s County Sheriff, according to News4Jax.

“It’s a very close knockoff, but it’s fraudulent,” St. John’s County GOP Chairman Denver Cook said in a statement. “When you talk about election interference and election fraud, I don’t know how it could be worse than this.”



PREMO Member

Former House Speaker McCarthy: Barack Obama Secretly Running Kamala's Campaign

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) appeared on 770 WABC’s “The Cats Roundtable” Sunday with host John Catsimatidis and dropped a bombshell: the Obamas are actually running Kamala Harris’ campaign behind the scenes.

And they were running the White House before that, he alleges:

If you’re watching the campaign now, some of Obama’s [key people such as] David Plouffe and others are now working on the campaign.
You’re getting the Obamas shifting from running the White House to now running this campaign.

The 44th president's former staff has their fingerprints all over the place, McCarthy says:

Obama’s attorney general, Eric Holder, helped handle the vetting process for Harris’ selection of a running mate for vice president.
Harris also hired Plouffe — Obama’s campaign manager in 2008 and later one of his top White House advisers — as a senior campaign aide. The political operative Plouffe has advised TikTok and Uber, too.
In addition, Harris has tapped Stephanie Cutter, who worked as deputy campaign manager for Obama’s 2012 re-election, as her campaign’s senior adviser for strategy messaging.



PREMO Member

CNN And European Union PANIC Over Trump RETURNING To X For UNCENSORED Interview With Elon Musk!​

The Washington Post’s Cleve Wootson: “One more, @ElonMusk is slated to interview [@realDonaldTrump] tomorrow — tonight on — on
@X. I don't know if the president is going to — feel free to say if he is or not — but I — I think that misinformation on Twitter is not just a campaign issue. It's a — you know, it's an America issue. What role does the White House or the President have any sort of stopping that or stopping the spread of that or sort of inter — intervening in that. Some of that was about campaign misinformation, but you know it's a wider thing, right?”


FFS ANY Speech progressives DISAGREE WITH is misinformation
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PREMO Member

Trump, Musk Slam Dems' Economic Failures in X Conversation

With basic food items like bacon costing twice, four times, or five times more than under Trump, as Trump himself said during his interview with Musk on Twitter/X, the economy is paramount in 2024. Musk, himself a businessman, proposed slashing government spending and major deregulation. Trump agreed, saying he wants tax cuts both for citizens and businesses, reduction of debt, and especially energy independence by drilling the “liquid gold,” oil. Voters “want the American dream back,” Trump said, and he vowed that under him the U.S. will have a successful economy for Americans of all racial and social backgrounds.

Trump agreed that government overspends taxpayer money. He gave an example from his own presidential term, when he was asked to sign off on a deal Barack Obama had negotiated with Boeing for two Air Force One planes at as much as $5.7 billion. Trump refused and negotiated a deal with a much lower price tag. He stated that “trillions and trillions” of dollars have been “wasted” by the Biden-Harris administration.

With “the elections coming up,” Trump said, “the people want to hear about the economy and the fact that they can't buy groceries because they don't have enough money to buy groceries, the inflation has killed them.” Despite the single-digit inflation numbers issued by the Biden-Harris administration, “Food prices are up 50 to 60[%], even 100% in some cases, and this, this stupid administration, allowed this to happen, and it's a shame, and that's the thing that people most care about.”

Donald Trump, Elon Musk: ‘We Don’t Have a President Right Now’

Trump went on to say that Vice President Kamala Harris is “going to be worse than him” if she is elected president “because she is a San Francisco liberal who destroyed San Francisco, and, then, as attorney general, she destroyed California.”

Trump continued:

What she has done to California is — well, you know better than I do. You just left California for a lot of those reasons — what she’s done with crime, with cashless bail, where you kill somebody. We have states where you kill somebody and they let you out right away. And then they never find the people unless they kill again, and then they let them out again.

“Our country is becoming a very dangerous place, and she is a radical left San Francisco liberal — and now she’s looking like she wants to be more Trump than Trump if that’s possible. I don’t think it’s possible, but she wants to be more Trump than Trump,” the 45th president added.

Trump was likely referring to Harris copying his campaign promise to eliminate taxes on tips during her campaign rally on Saturday.

Ironically, Harris voted in 2022 to pass legislation to allow the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to track down workers’ tips so that they could be taxed.


PREMO Member

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz’s Campaign in Complete Meltdown Over Elon Musk’s Space with President Donald Trump

In the wake of this monumental event, emails from Harris and Walz’s campaign teams reveal a state of utter panic.

They sent an email with the subject, “The two worst people you know are live this evening.”

They accused Elon Musk of controlling the democracy in America.

“Right now, Elon Musk is interviewing Donald Trump live on Twitter (we’re not calling it ‘X’). It’s not enough that Musk has pledged to donate millions of dollars to help reelect Trump. He’s using his purchased platform—one of the largest social media sites in the world—to spread Trump’s unhinged and hateful agenda to millions of users.”

The email continued with an urgent plea for donations: “If that’s all you need to hear, chip in $25 now to help Kamala and Tim have the resources to respond to their lies. Otherwise, let us remind you why this is a big deal. The richest person in the world is a lackey for Team MAGA. Musk already ruined Twitter by allowing hate speech and disinformation to flood the platform. Now, Musk is using his vast fortune and broad reach to try to control our democracy.”



PREMO Member

You can tell it’s a working-class election by Harris and Walz’s dishonesty and lies

The stealing class has figured out that it’s a working-class election.

You can tell by what they pilfer.

By “stealing class,” I mean the Harris-Walz campaign in particular, and the party of big government in general.

They exist, and flourish, not by creating new wealth and ideas, but by stealing the produce of others.

In Harris’ case, that means shamelessly stealing Donald Trump’s “no taxes on tips” proposal and floating it as if it were her idea, something made less plausible by Kamala’s lifelong history of not having original ideas.

But it’s meant to show that she cares about the working class.

In Walz’s case, what he stole was valor, posing as a combat soldier when he never was, and claiming he retired as a Command Sergeant Major when he didn’t actually do so.

Instead he abandoned his unit, taking early retirement rather than deploy, an act that caused even his old unit’s chaplain to call him “cowardly.”
That’s a working-class issue because most of our combat soldiers share a working-class background, and Walz was pretending a solidarity with them that he never actually earned.


PREMO Member

Yet, from a media standpoint, you’d think this was an address made at a Klan rally. The liberal media is terrified of people voicing their opinions on a platform designed to encourage free speech. My only gripe with the platform is that they banned me, but let’s get back to the issue here: the media is worried about misinformation, which you already know is liberal-speak for views we don’t like. The reaction to this interview is like what we’re seeing across the Atlantic, where the government is now regulating speech on the Internet, even throwing people in jail. In America, you can believe in things that are incorrect, even nutty. Democrats should support this—all of their ideas and their supporters are certifiably insane:



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 You will recall that Trump was suspended from Twitter on January 6th. Elon Musk un-suspended Trump earlier this year, provoking hysterical yips of fear from corporate media. But Trump did not use his Twitter account. Yesterday, he came back. It was a flex, an early sign of a shift in the Trump Campaign. He’s going on offense. Variety ran the first story yesterday, headlined “Donald Trump Returns to Posting on X/Twitter After Year-Long Break Ahead of Elon Musk Interview.” Here is Trump’s first X post since January 6th, 2021:


I’ll get to the historic Twitter Space interview in a moment. But after his first tweet yesterday, Trump kept tweeting (mostly campaign videos) till bedtime. One was this terrific ad (2:31), which inspired me, and it might inspire you, too.

I called Trump’s return to Twitter/X a ‘flex’ because, until yesterday, the Democrats have been running against a candidate who was not on Twitter. Think about that for a minute. If Twitter is, as many report, the most viewed media platform in the world, Trump’s self-imposed Twitter exile was a major handicap.

What else has Trump been holding in reserve?

Setting that aside, Trump set history last night in what was probably the biggest Twitter Space in history. The last record was set when Elon Musk interviewed Ron DeSantis (300K concurrent listeners). Some sources showed over 17 million concurrent listeners tuned in for Elon’s Trump interview:

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Corporate media was panicking long before the interview began. At yesterday’s White House press briefing, in a hilarious self-own, a Washington Post reporter actually asked whether the Biden Administration planned to “stop” the Musk-Trump interview (because of misinformation):

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CLIP: Media asks White House to censor media (1:19.)

But, despite WaPo’s heroic efforts to prevent it, the interview aired anyway. They were right to fear. The interview crushed all previous records. So the media was, reluctantly, forced to cover that which they’d most feared.

Foreign media had a fairly neutral take. For example, the BBC reported, “Elon Musk hosts friendly chat with Donald Trump on X after tech delays..”

India Today even recognized the interview’s historic nature:

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The Wall Street Journal was perhaps the only U.S. platform to report it straight: “Trump and Musk, on X, Discuss Immigration and Shared Vision for U.S..” Having done that much, the Journal maniacially focused on the interview’s initial 35-minute delay (Musk said it was a DDOS attack), and never mentioned how many folks tuned in.

Journalists are well aware Twitter replacing them, and worse, Trump is the Bad Orange Man. So apart from the WSJ, corporate media hated the interview, reaching for their critical thesauruses to find synonyms for failure to describe the historically-successful interview. Here are a few example headlines. First, Politico called it a ‘catastrophe’:

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USA Today (op ed) described it as an ‘unmitigated disaster’ (op-ed):

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Rolling Stone also deemed the interview was ‘disastrous,’ and said it failed before it even began:

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CNN also focused on the technical problems over the interview’s substance or its ratings success, but ran a related article I found intensely interesting. CNN headline, “Analysis: Musk tries to help Trump halt the Harris surge..” Remember that for later.

🔥 In case you missed it, here is a helpful ‘condensed’ version of the interview, boiling it down from just over three hours to only 69 minutes.

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CLIP: Elon-Trump interview on Twitter August 12, 2024 (1:09:00).

That condensed ‘super cut’ version removes all the rambling, chit-chat, and throat-clearing, and makes for a quicker, more engaging listen. Also, YouTube thumbnail designer David Altizer created a handy ‘table of contents’ guide to the clip, which I include here for your convenience:

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PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Good news everyone! The FBI is on the case. The Washington Post ran the story yesterday headlined, “FBI probing alleged Iran hack attempts targeting Trump, Biden camps.” Whew! I know I feel better now. How about you?

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And guess what! The FBI is talking about it. This time, it’s not claiming an “ongoing investigation” as an excuse. This time, the FBI is practically gushing about the insidious Iranians infiltrating and interfering with the elections. (And you know what we do to election interferers, I mean insurrectionists.)

This time, the FBI is leaking like a pink, crocheted hat.

All the usual white-coated, bowtied experts agree. They are 100% certain this could only be an electronic elections attack by Iran, which also just happens to be the Biden Administration’s biggest political headache right now. Purely coincidentally.

Anyway, WaPo’s article revealed the target of the mysterious hacker’s scheme: Roger Stone.

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Iran denied it tried to hack President Trump’s campaign, as you would expect if they were phishing for political ammunition. So who knows? It could be anybody. Iran, Deep State, your guess is as good as mine.

In a wild understatement, Stone suggested, “It’s all very strange.” Touché, Roger, touché.
