Election 2024 Issues


Well-Known Member
It wasn’t just the Washington Post, either. The New York Times ran a straight-news piece on the Cackle Plan ending with this remarkable expert quotation:

My goodness. The era of media running complete cover for Harris appears to be over. That was fast.
Don’t bet on it. For one, the WaPo is always going to favor if not outright endorse the Democrat. They will chalk it up to youthful exuberance but they will ultimately dismiss it. She could announce execution squads and they’d still align with her.

I cannot believe that more people aren’t simply LAUGHING at the ridiculous premise that WORLDWIDE inflation especially with FOOD is wholly blamed on gargantuan collusion and greed. Anyone with the tiniest shred of knowledge of how private industry works knows how absurd that is.


Well-Known Member

Damn she’s an idiot. Equality means equal treatment and equal opportunity. Not equal results.Is she really trying to make the case that the results should end up the same regardless of effort, ingenuity and skill? The world doesn’t and shouldn’t work that way.

For one - this is the basic premise of communism - but for another it has shown that what you end up with is not shared prosperity but shared misery. Because it’s basic human instinct not to bust your ass so someone else can just take it.


Well-Known Member
If people put out equal effort they might get equal results.
Bit if you do not put the effort into learning in todays schools, if you do not work, but accept Government funding, if you sit on your ass while other around you are working, do not expect equal benefits.


PREMO Member

Liberal ABC Reporter DUMBFOUNDED After Black Woman REFUSES TO Change Her Mind On Kamala Harris!​



PREMO Member

Raffensperger blasts proposed rule requiring hand count of ballots at Georgia polling places

At a meeting in July, the board advanced a proposal that would require three separate poll workers to count ballots at voting precincts on election night to make sure they match the number of ballots recorded by voting machines. That proposal has been posted for public comment and the board is set to vote Monday whether to adopt it.

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, the state’s top elections official, called that effort “misguided,” saying it would delay the reporting of election results and introduce risks to chain of custody procedures.

“Activists seeking to impose last-minute changes in election procedures outside of the legislative process undermine voter confidence and burden election workers,” Raffensperger said in a news release.

The State Election Board has received a slew of rule proposals in recent months, many of them coming from activists aligned with former President Donald Trump, who continues to complain without evidence that widespread voter fraud cost him victory in Georgia’s 2020 presidential election. Trump and his supporters have consistently blasted Raffensperger for his steadfast defense of the integrity of that election.


PREMO Member
Howell Michigan is over run with KKK, Trump is going to Howell

Trump Supports White Supremacists




PREMO Member




PREMO Member

Trump INSTANTLY DROPS MIC On Reporter CONFRONTING Him On Campaigning In 'White Supremacist' Town!​

Harris campaign knocks Trump over event in ‘KKK capital of Michigan’

“This [Tuesday] event on ‘crime and safety’ isn’t a dog whistle from Trump — it’s a bullhorn,” Bradley said in a statement Monday.

“His visit underscores the core choice in this election — between a prosecutor and a criminal, someone who has spent her life making communities safer and someone who encourages violence, and someone who will build a future where all Michiganders can get ahead and someone who wants to take us back to the days of the KKK,” Bradley later added.

The town has long been associated with the klan, in large part as a result of meetings that Robert Miles, a former Michigan Grand Dragon of the klan, held at his nearby farm many decades ago. The city has worked to distance itself from that reputation, but it occasionally faces obstacles.

In Howell last month, about a dozen protesters marched through the city’s downtown, waving flags with white supremacist slogans while chanting in support of the former president.

Just a few miles away on the same day, demonstrators displayed flags with antisemitic messaging and “KKK” written on them over the side of a highway overpass. In videos, protesters were captured chanting, “We love Hitler. We love Trump.”

Bradley, in her statement, criticized Trump for “still not condemn[ing] this hateful event that happened in his name.”

The Trump campaign, however, fiercely rejected the Harris campaign’s attacks and suggested news organizations were not applying the same level of scrutiny to the Harris administration. The campaign provided a list of events or rallies that Harris has held in the last month that took place in areas with past incidents of racism or antisemitism.


PREMO Member

Republican Gives CRYING Never Trumpers Supporting Kamala Harris A SOBER Reality Check On Their GRIFT​



PREMO Member

Trump Says RFK Will Likely Join Administration Following Endorsement, RFK Slams Democrats Suing Him​



PREMO Member
Putting RFK Jr in any position inside the IC network is akin to giving Mary McCord and Andrew Weissman control of President Donald Trump’s teleprompter. The Intelligence Community would relish, absolutely relish the opportunity to work with RFK Jr as the CIA director.

Amaryllis Fox is a former CIA undercover officer who transitioned into the political realm as the campaign manager for Robert F. Kennedy Jr after she met his son, Robert F Kennedy III at the ‘Burning Man’ event. Do you remember the guy who leaked the recording of Donald Trump and RFK Jr speaking just before the RNC Convention? Yeah, that was RFK III who leaked it (Amaryllis’s husband).

As the story is being told, Donald “Fredo” Trump Jr, is now negotiating the terms and conditions for the RFK JR endorsement of his father, possibly later this week. If Fredo’s commentary about putting RFK Jr in charge of the CIA is accurate, and given the fact Fredo is part of the official transition team, and given the fact that Fredo was a big impetus for the JD Vance selection, and given the fact that everyone in the close orbit of Donald Trump keeps saying that Fredo wants to make federal politics his life and career after Dad; well, you can see where this is going.

I support Donald Trump because there is no alternative – no other viable option. It’s the same reason I supported him in 2015 and every moment from then through now. I have never regretted my support of Donald Trump, ever, not for a moment.

However, that said, I do not support anything that undermines the likelihood of success.

I do not care if Alex Jones or anyone else is the advocate in support of this stupid idea.

There is no way that Robert F Kennedy Jr should have any significant role in the Trump administration outside of Health and Human Services Director or Food and Drug Commissioner…. and even that is a stretch considering that RFK JR might proclaim firearms as a national health crisis and institute regulations.
