Election 2024 Issues


PREMO Member

Trump & RFK Rally SELLS OUT Arena Kamala FAILED TO FILL As Liberal Media SEETHES Over Endorsement!​



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


PREMO Member

Liberal ABC Anchor STUNNED After Republican REFUSES To Allow Him To Push Kamala Harris' Propaganda!​



Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
You should read up on him. He's an extremely talented musician. Kind and funny, too.
Anyone who's political enough to say that they'll donate their proceeds from Trump using their song to the commies can **** off and die, IMHO. My life is fine without them.


PREMO Member

Look, to me the distinction in the modern American political sphere has always been:

-Democrats want to have intrusive government that tells citizens how to live their lives down to an excruciating level of command detail.

-Republicans want to have limited government where citizens get to decide for themselves how they will live.

To me this has always been the bright-line distinction between the two parties, and was the basis for every political decision I ever made and every vote I ever cast.

But it’s obvious now that these traitorous pieces of pretend “conservative” garbage never actually cared about limited government. Rather, they were ALWAYS in favor of intrusive government, just so long as they got to be the ones to decide the scope and nature of the intrusion. Loathsome bastards. These bloviating pieces of amoral crap never cared about limited government. They only cared about the power they could wield.


PREMO Member

It’s amazing how many high-ranking staffers to the former Republican president and nominees are on this list. Reveals how hostile they always were toward actually implementing conservative policy instead of just using it for campaign talking points.

More than 200 George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney aides endorse Kamala Harris

McSame - same as democrats laudid as a Maverick ' for crossing the aisle to work with Democrat among other things voting AGAINST the repeal of Obamacare - McSame routinly betrayed the GOP -
Romney - Taxachusetts DOES NOT Elect Conservatives

So I am NOT AT ALL Surprised 200 former campaign staff members come out against Trump



PREMO Member

Concern Trolling

"Christians for Kamala" is a psyop. Christians coming out to say they won't be rewarding betrayal on abortion is real.