Election 2024 Issues


PREMO Member

Trump Proposes Eliminating Taxes On Overtime Pay For Workers

“Today, I’m also announcing that, as part of our additional tax cuts, we will end all taxes on overtime. You know what that means? Think of that,” Trump said at a campaign rally in Tucson, Arizona. “That gives people more of an incentive to work, it gives the companies a lot, it’s a lot easier to get the people.”

Trump delivered his pitch in the battleground state of Arizona, where Vice President Kamala Harris’s rise on the ticket has rendered the state — won by President Joe Biden by a mere 10,000 votes in 2020 — competitive for Democrats once again this year, according to CNN.


PREMO Member

Trump Campaign Responds to Garland's Claims on the DOJ Being Used As 'Political Weapon'

The Trump-Vance campaign sent out a statement from spokesperson Steven Cheung that same day, which went after Garland for election interference and referred to the attorney general's comments as "disgraceful."

"Comrade Kamala Harris has weaponized the DOJ to target her political opponent, President Trump, in an unconstitutional and unprecedented Witch Hunt. The disgraceful conduct of Attorney General Merrick Garland has done tremendous damage to a once great institution. Using phony charges to interfere with the presidential election on behalf of the Democrat Party has to be stopped and those driving these Hoaxes have to be held accountable. Only President Trump can clean up the Harris-Biden disaster and Make America Great Again," Cheung said.

In covering Garland's remarks for our sister site of RedState, Susie Moore noted that CNN was quick to reference Trump, but lacked any mention of cases against First Son Hunter Biden:

(No reference to accusations by Hunter Biden or his legal team that the very same DOJ was pursuing a "show trial" by prosecuting the First Son for tax evasion and attempting to "dehumanize" him. Funny that.)

Congressional Republicans tried to hold Garland accountable earlier this year after he defied congressional subpoenas for the audio of President Joe Biden's interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur. Garland turned to writing an op-ed for The Washington Post to complain about being held accountable for such political targeting. While the House held Garland in contempt back in June, the DOJ announced they "determined" he was innocent just days later.


PREMO Member
📈 The Washington Times ran a reverse-fact-check story yesterday headlined, “Data backs up Trump on crime increase, violence up under Biden-Harris administration.” So much for ABC’s debating fact-checkers.

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On Tuesday night, after President Trump noted that violent crime is way up under Biden’s open-border “policy,” ABC moderator qua co-debater David Muir, fact-checked President Trump citing FBI data, and claimed that violent crime “is coming down in this country.”

ABC was wrong. It wasn’t just something the Washington Times came up with. The DOJ’s Bureau of Justice Statistics runs an annual National Crime Victimization Survey, which contacts about a quarter-million people in 150,000 households.

The BJS Survey’s conclusions, taken directly from citizen reports, flatly contradicted the FBI’s carefully collated crime data.

One disappointing trend disclosed by the study explained the deep disparity between the two agencies’ data: People seem to be giving up on reporting crimes at all. Only 44% of self-reported robbery victims said they filed a police report last year, down substantially from 64% in 2022. In 2020, 97% of police departments reported local crime data to the FBI. But by 2022, 31% weren’t reporting data at all, and another 24% were reporting incomplete data.

In other words, under Trump, nearly all local police departments reported their crime data to the FBI. Now, just three years later, over half of police departments don’t even bother.

A crime expert cited for the story concluded violent crime has increased overall by +37% under the Biden Administration, compared to a drop of -17% under the Trump Administration. Aggravated assaults fell by -24% under Trump, but accelerated +55% under Biden. Robbery reduced -6% under Trump, but rose +63% under Biden. Rape ran flat under Trump, but rose +42% under Biden.

In light of the news, Trump took a well-deserved victory lap yesterday on Truth Social:

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Don’t hold your breath waiting for corporate media to fact-check ABC’s debate fact-checking.



PREMO Member

The Harris campaign's Trump Hoax Overload Strategy has been hugely successful.

Apparently, they know Trump has no effective defense against it. Debunk one hoax and six more replace it, while the corrupt media does no fact-checking against it.

Trump's most capable supporters can't help because they are neutered by media silos, including on X. Only Trump can break all media silos and reach all voters.

And Trump needs a reframe.

Defending against individual hoaxes, and making hoax lists, only works for his base. No one outside Trump's base sees that content or believes it when we tell them.

But the media has a soft underbelly that can be targeted. I learned of this in my own media training years ago: They can't resist reporting on how a public figure is using a strategy that has never been tried.

Journalists are human. If you let them write about the "new way" of anything, they love it. But they don't love writing about how someone did slightly better than someone else doing normal stuff. Too boring.

I recommend the following reframe:

1. Build an official Hoax Debunk site that explains the hoaxes, but IMPORTANTLY also describes HOW the hoaxes were performed. That's the magic sauce.

Several hoaxes involve edited video. Show how they did it. Show the whole manuscript. Others are examples of Democrats doing "bad mindreading." Some hoaxes are completely made up, and we know who started them. Others are crimes of "association." Some hoaxes involve blaming Republicans of what Democrats are doing, to take the heat off themselves, such as the "stealing Democracy" hoax.

2. Trump and his supporters need to refer to the Hoax Debunk page whenever a zombie hoax pops up.
