Election 2024 Issues


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Democrats Want Their Private Security Looking Over GOP Poll Watchers’ Shoulders

On Tuesday, The New York Times revealed the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State (DASS) is gearing up to launch Value the Vote, a new nonprofit organization purportedly designed to pay “for private security for election officials of both parties, register[ing] new voters,” and fighting what the group claims to be “disinformation.” The $10 million initiative is reportedly aiming its “initial[]” focus at five key battleground states: Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, and Wisconsin.

The venture has already raised $2.5 million, according to DASS Executive Director Travis Brimm.

As indicated by The Times, the founding of Value the Vote is based on the debunked lie that there is a growing, widespread problem of Republicans threatening election workers across the country. Of course, the lack of evidence to support such an assertion hasn’t stopped legacy media from regurgitating their Democrat allies’ phony narratives in order to paint Republican voters as extremists and dissuade conservatives from partaking in legitimate forms of electoral oversight.

In their remarks to The Times, Brimm and DASS officials claimed Value the Vote “will provide equal funding opportunities to both Democratic and Republican election officials, but how the distribution will work in practice is unclear.” Brimm also indicated “election officials could request grants to pay for private security themselves and that Values the Vote would also proactively offer private security.”

According to Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation, the group’s issuance of private grants to election offices could very well be unlawful. “Most states make it illegal for anyone to be stationed in a polling place except for election officials and designated poll watchers, and that ban would include ‘private’ security guards,” von Spakovsky told The Federalist.

Von Spakovsky further contended the stationing of private security guards at election offices and polling sites could constitute a violation of section 11(b) of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which states that no one “shall intimidate, threaten, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce,” any individual who is “voting or attempting to vote” or “urging or aiding any person to vote or attempt to vote.”

“The presence of such private law enforcement could scare individuals attempting to vote and deter them from asking election officials questions. This would particularly be the case if those guards were armed,” von Spakovsky said.


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RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel says Republican candidates need to appeal to Independents in 2024

“I look at 2022 as the ‘Year of Independents,'” McDaniel told Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures. “In every single battleground state except Pennsylvania, a Republican won statewide – so we had more ticket splitting than we’ve ever seen.”

“So [in 2024], it really is going to be how do our candidates appeal to Independent voters?”

With Republicans overwhelmingly dug in behind former President Donald Trump and Democrats stubbornly – if unenthusiastically – supporting President Biden’s re-election, McDaniel’s advice may also be key to the 2024 primaries in states with open voting.

Her comments come after Trump, 77, declined to participate in the first televised 2024 Republican debate set for Wednesday in Milwaukee, instead opting to sit for an interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson set for the same night.


PREMO Member

Republican Chris Christie Advocates for More War, More Conflict, More Turmoil, More Weapons, More U.S Intervention​

August 19, 2023 | Sundance | 360 Comments

Big Picture: Democrats want power, Republicans want money – and when it comes to foreign policy, they are in complete UniParty alignment. This is the baseline to understand why only Donald J. Trump represents an alternative to the foreign policy worldview of the corrupt DC system. This is also why they hate him and us.

There is no genuine alternative, no distinction between the foreign policy of professional Democrats and the foreign policy of professional Republicans. The nature of each wing of the UniParty vulture flows in complete sync on the issues of U.S. global interests and the multinational beneficiaries who pay for the policies of intervention.

At the absolute core of the issue for Republicans is the money. The financial mechanisms which create a need for outcomes in various nations. The ultimate and biggest pay-to-play scheme, where the policy of the United States is sold to the highest bidder and becomes an outcome of the interests of the multinational corporations. It is maddening to watch this dynamic continue to play out and yet feel incapable of stopping it. This is part of the value in Donald Trump.


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Sununu: Trump Can Not Win Presidency — His ‘Ceiling at His Best Is 45%’

Sununu said, “So one of the key points of that poll showed that about a third of Trump supporters would consider somebody else. When you look at the favorable/unfavorable of all the different candidates DeSantis is better than former President Trump, Tim Scott has strong numbers. Other candidates are showing strong numbers.”

He continued, “I think we all agree the former president’s floor is high, 32, 33, 34%, but his ceiling is also very low. Realistically the ceiling at his best is 45%, but probably gets down to 40%, 42% as we get closer to the elections. Given that, again in Iowa and New Hampshire he polls about 10 points lower than he does nationally that’s where the conversations are happening.”

He added, “His ceiling is stuck at about 45%. So he really can’t go any higher because there’s no unknowns.”


PREMO Member

Fox News To No Longer Allow Trump Surrogates In Debate ‘Spin Room’ After Trump Refuses To Show Up

The network informed the Trump campaign on Monday that access to the debate “spin room” — where top supporters of candidates tout the person they are supporting and attack foes — was now going to be limited to “participating candidate/campaigns,” according to a Fox News memo obtained by Axios.

Other campaigns that did not qualify would also not be allowed to send their surrogates onto the network.

The 77-year-old former president declared over the weekend that the results of a CBS News GOP primary poll proved that the primary was over and that he did not need to debate, even as a notable poll in Iowa released this week showed that the race could be much closer in the key primary state.

“I WILL THEREFORE NOT BE DOING THE DEBATES!” Trump stated on social media on Sunday evening.


PREMO Member

Tucker Carlson Announces Tonight’s Interview with President Trump – Then Takes a Swipe at his Former Employer FOX News (VIDEO)

Tucker Carlson released a tweet moments ago announcing his interview tonight with President Donald Trump.

The former FOX News host took a shot at his former employer in his announcement.

Tucker Carlson: On Sunday, Donald Trump announced that he will not participate in tonight’s Republican candidates debate hosted by Fox News in Milwaukee. Whatever you think of Trump, he is, as of tonight, the indisputable, far-and-away frontrunner in the Republican race. We think voters have an interest in hearing what he thinks. So when Trump approached us about having a conversation for a far larger audience than he’d receive on cable news, we happily accepted. That interview will air tonight in this space at 855. We hope you’ll watch.

President announced on Wednesday morning that his interview with former FOX News host Tucker Carlson will air tonight on Twitter starting at 9:00 PM Eastern.

The interview will coincide with the first GOP presidential debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

President Trump opted out of the debate knowing FOX News hosts and the rest of the GOP challengers were waiting to hit him with a barrage of attacks.

This move was CLASSIC Trump.


PREMO Member

Why We Won’t Be Watching: Here Are 10 Questions That Won’t Be Asked Tonight at the GOP Debate on FOX News

Here are 10 questions that will not be asked of the GOP candidates tonight at the Republican presidential debate.

If one NATO country blows up the gas pipeline of a second NATO country is this an act of war? Or are you cool with that?

2.) Do you believe mysterious deliveries of thousands of ballots in the middle of the night following a presidential election when the GOP candidate is winning by over 100,000 votes is a quality of free and fair elections?

3.) Do you agree with Chris Wray and Brad Raffensperger that feeding stacks of ballots through voting machines three times a piece in the dead of night and then handing them to a fellow worker to run the same ballots through his machine should be allowed in free and fair elections?

4.) What is your plan to help the January 6 prisoners? Should Trump supporters be forced into prison closet cells in isolation for five months without trial?

5.) Who is Rosanne Boyland and how did she die?

6.) How many Trump supporters were killed on January 6? How many police officers were killed on January 6?

7.) Why have you said nothing about President Trump being indicted on speech crimes? Do you agree with the Democrats and elites that speech should now be criminalized?

8.) Do you agree with legal scholar Fani Willis that she should be allowed to hold a show trial with all 19 Trump associates in a courtroom at once and try them for their unwillingness to accept the results of the 2020 election?

9.) Does it concern you at all that Democrats are running the worst president in history, with severe dementia, who is tearing the country apart for reelection? A man who has no support and is not out campaigning — and they don’t appear to be worried about it at all?

10.) Will you finish building the Trump border wall?


PREMO Member

Chris Christie, Asa Hutchinson Booed at GOP Primary Debate

Both Christie and Hutchinson have positioned themselves as the most prominent anti-Trump candidates in the race and have routinely either downplayed the indictments against the former president or outright supported them. Last week, during Trump’s fourth indictment, the former Arkansas governor made no determination while saying that he had used such charges to prosecute “terrorist organizations” in the past.

He said:

This is another day of challenge for our democracy with the indictment handed down by the grand jury in Georgia. As a former federal prosecutor, I have personally pursued racketeering charges in federal court against terrorist organizations, and I understand the difficulty of a multi-defendant indictment and how slow the case will proceed in state court.

The former governor then said that he expects the voters to determine Donald Trump’s future, adding that he believes the former president’s past actions disqualify him from serving in the presidency.

Audience Greets Trump Critics With Boos At Start Of First GOP Presidential Debate

The audience at the first 2024 Republican presidential primary debate on Wednesday booed former Republican Govs. Chris Christie of New Jersey and Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas when they were introduced by Fox News host Bret Baier.

Christie and Hutchinson have both criticized former President Donald Trump over his legal issues. Christie previously denied that the Department of Justice (DOJ) was weaponized against Republicans during a June CNN Town Hall, and said that he would retain FBI Director Christopher Wray.

“If he wanted to stay, I would keep him and I would hold him to the same standard I just talked about,” Christie said about Wray during the event.

Christie previously was booed after he criticized Trump during a Faith and Freedom Coalition event in June. Christie, a critic of the former president, said Trump “let us down” and ripped him for being “unwilling to take responsibility.”

Hutchinson has called on Trump to drop out of the race following his indictments. He also blasted Trump after the civil verdict in a case brought by writer E. Jean Carroll.

“The jury verdict should be treated with seriousness and is another example of the indefensible behavior of Donald Trump,” Hutchinson said in a May 9 statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“I credit Asa Hutchinson for being one of the few Republicans with a backbone in this, because this is the GOP frontrunner running for president, found guilty of liable for sexual assault and defamation,” “The View” co-host Alyssah Farah Griffin, a former official in the Trump administration, said on May 10. “We have a moral obligation as a party to walk away from this.”


PREMO Member

Fox News Asks GOP Candidates About Climate Change, Abortion Before Crime, Immigration, China

“Do you believe that human behavior is causing climate change?” McCallum asked the candidates.

Then, as Fox News came back from a commercial break, McCallum asked candidates: “What do you say to your party and to your state, which today confirmed a six-week abortion law as well, especially the impact on women, suburban voters in this country?”

The two questions came even as likely Republican voters have most recently listed stopping illegal immigration, reducing crime, and lowering inflation as their top issues going into the 2024 presidential primary.

Specifically, the latest CBS News poll of likely Republican voters found that 86 percent said lowering inflation was their top issue. Meanwhile, 83 percent said cutting crime and 81 percent said stopping illegal immigration were their top issues.

Likewise, likely Republican voters have repeatedly said that China’s growing dominance over the United States, economically, is a serious threat to the nation.


PREMO Member

Oliver Anthony’s ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Makes First GOP Debate Question

“Why is this song striking such a nerve in this country right now? What do you think it means?” the Fox debate moderators asked.

The fact that Oliver Anthony’s viral song would form the basis for a question at the GOP presidential debate just illustrates how strongly it has resonated among the working class. As Breitbart News reported, Anthony has skyrocketed into an overnight success, earning upwards of $40,000 a day due to the viral song’s popularity.

“Rising country singer Oliver Anthony is reportedly reaping great rewards from his surprise hit song, ‘Rich Men North of Richmond,’ and pulling in tens of thousands a day since the song landed at the top of so many music charts,” said the report. “The thirty-year-old singer-songwriter from Farmville, Virginia, is reportedly bringing in some $40,000 a day while his song continues to top the charts.”


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Twitter Claims Donald Trump’s Counter-Debate Interview with Tucker Carlson Gets 33M Views in First 20 Minutes

Tucker Carlson released the interview five minutes before the GOP primary debate began in Milwaukee at 9:00 p.m. EDT.

Fifteen minutes after the debate began, the view counter underneath the video displayed 33 million views and surpassed 70 million views after 30 minutes.

Fox News averaged 1.1 million views per day during the second quarter of 2023, according to Nielsen Media Research data.



PREMO Member

Squabbling Republican rivals turn on EACH OTHER in Trump's absence: Chris Christie rips 'amateur' Vivek Ramaswamy as a guy who 'sounds like ChatGPT' - while Ron DeSantis sticks to attacking Biden

The first Republican primary debate descended into chaos on Wednesday night with candidates shouting over each other and clashing on issues from climate change to January 6th to Ukraine funding and Donald Trump.

The stakes were high as the eight candidates searched for a breakout, viral moment that would spark their campaigns and give them some momentum to catch up with Trump, who leads by more than 40 points in polls.

Vivek Ramaswamy was called an 'amateur' and a 'rookie' as he fended off attacks from all his opponents on stage during furious confrontations.

Ron DeSantis tried to stay out of the crossfire by focusing attacks on President Biden and touting how he would deal with the border crisis.

Mike Pence said he would back a federal abortion ban, while Chris Christie was booed for saying Trump's conduct was 'beneath the office' of the president.

The debate got so chaotic that moderator Bret Baier of Fox News reminded the contenders: 'We need to reestablish some ground rules. When we hear this bell, your time is done. We appreciate your aggressiveness here. 30 seconds is 30 seconds.'

Toward the end of the night, as the shouting continued when the candidates moved into a lightening round of questions, Nikki Haley pleaded to the moderators: 'You have to get control of this debate.'

'We’re going to get control of this debate,' Baier replied. 'This is a lightening round. Not Rolling Thunder.'



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Vivek Ramaswamy: Nikki Haley’s Ukraine Rhetoric Would Put Her on Board of Defense Contracting Companies

Haley delivered an articulate defense for the need to provide Ukraine with aid, saying the country is the “first line of defense” against Russian leader Vladimir Putin. She also said that NATO countries such as Poland could be at risk because of Russia’s incursion into Ukraine.

“I wish you well in your future career on the board of Lockheed & Raytheon,” Ramaswamy said.

Haley then exclaimed, “I’m not on the boards of Lockheed and Raytheon!”

Breitbart News’s John Binder reported that former United Nations Ambassador Haley raked in more than $256,000 as a member of Boeing’s Board of Directors during her tenure.

Boeing has long been a recipient of corporate welfare and is at the center of the military-industrial complex.

Binder noted:

Boeing is already the second-largest beneficiary of Defense Department contracts. In 2017, Boeing noted that about 79 percent of its profits came from government contracts with the U.S. federal government. Likewise, Boeing saved about $1.1 billion thanks to tax cuts while simultaneously laying off 6,000 American workers in Washington state alone.

A 2019 report detailed how Boeing outsourced American software jobs to mostly Indian foreign graduates for $9 an hour. In June 2019, reports stated that Boeing’s problems with its 737 Max fleet coincided with executives outsourcing U.S. software jobs to foreign workers through HCL Technologies Ltd. — an India-based outsourcing firm.
In 2018, Boeing executives announced their plans to outsource a manufacturing plant to Bengaluru, India, where 3,000 Indian workers would be employed.

As Haley has continued to voice her support for Ukraine, the Heritage Foundation has released an ad detailing how the current $113 billion in aid to Ukraine costs $900 per household:



PREMO Member

‘Why Are We in This Mess?’: DeSantis Unloads on Trump, Pence for Covid Lockdowns

“Why are we in this mess?” DeSantis said in response to sparring between Pence and Vivek Ramaswamy on the cause of the runaway federal spending of the last few years.

“Part of it, and a major reason, is how this federal government handled Covid-19 by locking down this economy,” he said. “It was a mistake. It should have never happened. And in Florida, we led the country out of lockdown, kept our state free and open. As your president, I will never let the deep state bureaucrats lock you down. You don’t take somebody like Fauci and coddle him. You bring Fauci, you sit him down, and you say, ‘Anthony, you are fired!'”

DeSantis’s comment was his first in-person confrontation with Pence over the Trump administration’s pandemic legacy since announcing his candidacy. The attack from DeSantis was also by default directed at former president Trump, who chose not to participate in Wednesday’s debate. Instead, Trump sat down with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson for an interview, which was aired Wednesday night.

Since he entered the 2024 race, Trump has fired shots at DeSantis’s governance in Florida, saying in November that his chief rival was an “average Republican governor with great public relations, who didn’t have to close up his state, but did, unlike other Republican governors.”

As president, Trump issued guidance that states should lock down to “slow the spread” of the virus. DeSantis, like many other governors, initially followed those recommendations, before switching course after realizing the serious harm of school closures and business restrictions.


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Google Revs Up Election Interference Gambit Before GOP Primary Debate, Buries Republicans


MRC Free Speech America researchers searched Google for “presidential campaign websites,” but the search engine did not display a single Republican candidate on its first page of results the day before the first Republican Party presidential primary debate on Wednesday. President Joe Biden’s campaign website, of course, showed up as the second search result along with a Democratic Party challenger Marianne Williamson’s campaign website, which came up as the fifth result.

Google even displayed results for past failed Democratic Party presidential candidates who aren’t even running this cycle, including: Sen. Bernie Sanders’s (I-VT) website, which showed up as the ninth result; Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) campaign website, which came in twelfth; and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s campaign website, which appeared twenty-ninth in the results.

Notably, 2024 Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., did not appear in Google’s search results even though he is, at present, the biggest threat to President Joe Biden's nomination.

“Google has erased every threat to Joe Biden,” said MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider. “We know that Google pulled out all the stops to put Hillary Clinton in the White House, and it has continued to interfere in our elections ever since. Compared to other social media platforms, it is harder to document what Google does in secret, but we at MRC Free Speech America have caught them red-handed again.”

Schneider continued, “Google has consistently stood apart from all other search engines, and not in a good way. We have repeatedly seen Google and Big Tech social media platforms treat Republican candidates harshly compared to their Democrat opponents.”

Google’s election interference, shilling for Democrat candidates at the onset of the 2024 presidential election season, is unsurprising.